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partying in portland...


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BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... ae you fucking kidding me? listen toy, what the fuck ever happened to quality. nowadays a kid can pick up a can jock this wack ass hipster ``style`` and do what this omg idiot does and somehow they dont get dissed, they get praised. gimmie a fuckin break. and that vear garbage is shit.


i aint down with fraudulant graff and thats what that is. if theres anyone older than 25 reading this listen up. could you imagine what would happen if some idiot tried putting that on a wall in 95? ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. could you?


good graff would be recognized in any era. take the mid 90`s kings and put there shit onna wall today. still sickning.


stop doing that garbage your making a mockery of graffiti. and yourselves.


95 is over get over it get over us.

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Originally Posted by RockyBalboa (View Original Post)


safe fun....stick to takin flix, you sound like a fag jockin on fools like that


I Second that:


i said that there are not that many people in portland who are better.

they are good, i wasn't jockin though.

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yeah it's like he speaks for all the clowns that dont paint dont get the graffiti that is being painted and just whine about it...


and you speak for the talantless, no skill, graff writer over night, quit tomorrow hoes that suck harder than hoovers.


can you please explain to me how someone can walk away from a wall that looks like that carrot topped cheese eater omg and be satisfied?


are you fuckin serious? do what you gotta do ``outlaws`` but yer grunt rolling around in the mud omg needs to either quite or start painting on wooden boards in his grandparents garage for another three years and come out when he can do something.


hes a fuckin TOY and its that simple. and if you think otherwise your grooming a schitzoid second head.


id much rather see someone suck to his degree trying to do letters and honoring graffiti styles rather than making a complete joke of it like he seems to be doing so well.


eye eye and good byeee skanks.

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You really are crying about it blacktooth.


If you care so much go cap it. You talk about the way things were back in the day, and back in the day there wasn't the internet, yet here you are doing the most new school hipster graffiti thing there is to do, spouting off on the internet like some ones pissed off grandpa at the library.

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i can dig what the Butthroat_Farta has to say. lets all hold hands and stab pete in the face. then snip his earloabs off with nailclippers.


now on with the show hoe.


oh ya, and fuck vear too. in the ass. with a cresent wrench. and once its in widen them. until they cant be widened anymore. then watch him to see if he actually ever takes it out or if he likes the sensation enough to leave it in.


that is all.


praise allah and of course thy self ``blacktooth the truth``


eat shit dick lickers and suckers alike.

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from what i see, people say that outlaws get up alot so they get respect, now i have really no friendship with the other party but why didnt anyone give uwc respect? when their just about everywhere?


outlaws and uwc, in the same weight pool.


the only difference is the outlaws bomb, peice, do freights... but in all counting the marks they've both made, not much difference.

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from what i see, people say that outlaws get up alot so they get respect, now i have really no friendship with the other party but why didnt anyone give uwc respect? when their just about everywhere?


outlaws and uwc, in the same weight pool.


the only difference is the outlaws bomb, peice, do freights... but in all counting the marks they've both made, not much difference.


where do you get your pcp from? cuz its got to be some good shit it to come up with that bullshit..

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