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partying in portland...


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that gosh and regal, are you serious?

now i know some one is just goin to reply with a "shut up toy, bump outlaws, put this kid in his place" but damn.that style is a disease that makes everyone infected.


but yes i do have respect for outlaws, most of them can paint better than i can but can someone explain to me what this whole "fad" is all about?

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if you wanna call it a fad so be it.97% of any style becomes a fad.a lotta fools jocked the westcoast awr-msk style.kids in the midwest doin cholo tags.fuck it ,if you like a style your take parts and mix it in yours(or straight bite it.)everyone talks shit on gosh.all he is doin is showin his love for the earrrly (1970's)eastcoast pioneers, like blade ,who still rocks that style.its history.it all started east and moved west.chicago,d.c.,philly.l.a. all have thier own version,but it all started east.so like what you like,do what you do.if you wanna see something different paint it or flik it.its that simple.

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also,what the fuck does the fit of your pants have to do with anything.mine aint too tight or too loose.at least theirs wont fall to their ankles if they gotta run.i remember early hip hop style was tight ass jeans,hitop shoes,and nylon windbreakers.sound hipster to you?i know cause i rocked that shit in 82.

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whatever the percentages may be, the graff stays the same. we all love to jock the heads who bomb and strictly bomb, like JA; we also love the cats who have an original style... so why the fuck do people hate on folks that bomb hard with some original ass shit?? if you hate on outlaws, then you must just hate graffiti, because at its essence, graffiti is about fucking shit, no matter the style, and when some people do some shit that doesnt look like everything else and has some original style, then more props to them. fuuck thehaters, your all just gay.

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The outlaws, and what they do. I have my own preferences on style, and can totally feel the old school flavors there, especially in those cars at the top and all the throws. They hold shit down and I don't even know the fools, just like to look at the shit. I honestly don't know why people are hating, like safe fun was drunken rambling about, its kind of like oldschool hip hop music that mad new heads hate on, but its because they don't understand its era, and the pioneering behind it. Its like the outlaws are on a pioneering tip and killing it. Anyway word em up, bump em, I like it because they are some of the only cats holding down real bombing in Oregon right now, from what I can see.. and its fun to see up.

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