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TGIF - March ohh six


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- just try to survive the most hellish week of work in a long time

- get paid... I hope

- play it by ear




- buy food and socks

- party with some old friends




- study for motorcycle test

- dread the return to the work week.

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damn key....you got on this early





- half day at work

- finish half sleeve

- hang out with a friend i havent seen in 4 years

- drunk




- drive home

- mogwai

- hopefully see this pretty girl ive been talking to




- sleep in

- possibly paint if its nice

- stay away from alcohol

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good luck on that test Rumster, I remember you saying it was harder than the joke of a test we have in the states.


<-------= has had the "M" motorcycle endorsement for over a decade.


I'm kinda sick right now....so my weekend is gonna be pretty casual. Probably do First Friday tonight and then show up to the alleycat tomorrow. Doubt I'll race...but I plan on heckling the ever living shit out of everyone. Sunday...I'll probably just frame and stretch more canvases.

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Today is the last day before my spring break starts sooo
















-write some rhymes


Monday through Friday will consist of me lifting weights, working in illustrator, recording tracks and getting high


Then next weekend I have no idea what I am doing.

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Drink a Lo-Cal Monster

Strech my burning calves


Get Paid

45min intense tredmil training

Illegally down music

German painting session




Wake up early

Bench for the first time in a month

Make playlist for a 3hour adult party

(some Joss Stone & Gaye Adegbalola ish)

Go to adult party and fuck





Hot Ham Sandwich

Sleep all day!!!

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friday -

first friday - art show - slang my shit - get crunk on wine and crackers


saturday -

clean and laundry and wifey shit

graphic design work



sunday -

big mama dee's brunch

kick it rent some flicks

maybe bbq in the pm

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-Finish work

-Go to Foxburrow mass or some shit to pick up race car parts or someshit who knows

-Get completly sloppy wasted

-try to hook up with this jewish trick



-hopefully wake up in the jewish girls bed and not in foxburrow

-drink alot of water

-go to drive out to the sticks to play beer pong with rednecks shoot an ar15 go off roading drive a quad you know do redneck stuff that i dont ever get to do cause i am city folk


-wake up...hopefully

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today i have to get used to it being Friday

i just got back from vacation after all.



i have some money burning a hole in my pocket....


tomorrow i might go spend it

sunday i'm thinking of renting a car and going to paint then visit mom and dad

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

Standard driver's license is good for motorcycle riding here in PR. Woohoo.


Tonight: Absolutely nothing. Play Xbox and pass out early.


Tomorrow: Young Creatives competition. We get a campaign brief at 8:00 AM, and have until 5:00 PM to come up with something dope. If we win, we get flown out to the Cannes Lions Festival to compete internationally. At night, Cotto/Branco fight. Get smashed at my place, maybe go party somewhere afterwards.


Day After Tomorrow: Either beachstyles, or down south to catch some circuit races. Every single time we go down there we get so ridiculously drunk it's not even funny. Total redneck styles.

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-Class until 5.

-Finish homework before class.

-Get out, and commence to get high den a mothafucka.

-Get drunk.

-Hopefully find a nice jewish girl to marry.


Saturdum da dum dum:

-Crew meeting.

-Eat shrimp.

-Smoke blunts

-Do schoolwork.



-Smoke blunts.

-Do homework.

-Try to bone said jewish girl from friday.


Its gotta happen!

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get rid of this hangover with more booze

wash more clothes

kick it with the girl for a minute

go to the exes house and whatch horror films




fangoria house of horror film festival

also a late night drunken rampage around chitown



get rid of my hangover with more booze

more horror film festival

possibly track down that damn lego store

hit up my aunt for money


journey home in a drunken haze

hit the bars






sleep all day monday

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-drink too much coffee again

-try to weasel outta work nice and early

-begin alcohol consumption




-attempt to actually sleep past 9am

-potatoes, eggs, biscuits & gravy

-finish project/s

-out to the sco for my cuzo's 21st

-continue alcohol consumption




-wake up and figure out where i am

-get stewie

-followed by a dash of going dumb

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Finish this day of work.....

Get off of work....

Hopefully It doesnt RAIN so that I can go play..




Head To Sacto.....possibly... Imma fucking lagger..

Get Wasted with pals...



Get wasted with pals...



Back to the bay...

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Today - probably stay in. been feeling a bit wrong after a hurculean drinkathon last weekend. finish this jug of sunny d. computer it up.


Tomorrow - hopefully hang out with this girl who i find absolutely intriguing. just kick it, you know.


Sunday - who knows. same thing i've been doing for the last little bit. just kick it and hope it doesn't rain anymore

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-slept through my morning classes

-head over to my parents house to spend the night and get some dinner

-probably hang out with a couple of friends who still live in the area

-hopefully crash reletively early



-meeting a woman who i might be doing some work for this summer

-shop for some groceries and other random shit that i need

-head back to my place

-either go out drinking or have a relaxing night...maybe with some drinking



-sleep in


-attempt to start work on a paper

-procrastinate and play computer games instead

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