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Where does most of our oil come from?


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Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 27 2006, 07:30 PM

just so you guys get the gist of this:


i was sent an email showing me pics of a saudi princes custom

audi that was plated in silver. the caption said something to the effect of: now you see why they don't mind charging us $2.75 a gallon.


In europe they pay 6 dollars per a gallon, stop your bitching you live in the country with the highest income per capita and people who make 7000 a year have to pay double what you pay for gas.

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Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 27 2006, 07:30 PM

just so you guys get the gist of this:


i was sent an email showing me pics of a saudi princes custom

audi that was plated in silver. the caption said something to the effect of: now you see why they don't mind charging us $2.75 a gallon.


:love2: Sounds like you're bitching here. :love2:

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Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 28 2006, 12:30 AM

just so you guys get the gist of this:


i was sent an email showing me pics of a saudi princes custom

audi that was plated in silver. the caption said something to the effect of: now you see why they don't mind charging us $2.75 a gallon.





was this the picture?

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That audi is FIRE!!!!!


2.75 a gallon for gas isnt shit.





Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ...........$9.52 per gallon




Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 .......... $10.00 per gallon




Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 ..... $10.17 per gallon




Evian water9 oz $1.49..........$21.19 per gallon?




Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ........ . $25.42 per gallon




Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ........... $33.60 per gallon




Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 ........$84.48 per gallon




Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 ........ $123.20 per gallon




Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 .... $178.13 per gallon

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What's way sicker than that house though...


My fucking god.


From ebaumsworld.


"You no longer need to wonder why gasoline prices are so expensive.

The following isn't a hotel.


It's a house! It's owned by the family of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,

the former president of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Abu-Dhabi."






Pimpin aint easy!



























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More research shows this might be a hoax.


From http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/...ltan_al_nahyan/


The Palace of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan

Status: Email hoax (real pictures, fake caption)

Bad: Falling for an email hoax. Worse: Using the hoax as the basis for your presentation to the local city planning commission, thereby displaying your gullibility to the entire public.


As reported by the Muncie Star Press (no link), Don Love gets the award for doing the latter. He received an email containing a series of pictures of an opulent estate (shown below), with the caption:


In case you're wondering where this hotel is, it isn't a hotel at all. IT IS A HOUSE! It's owned by the family of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the former president of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Abu-Dhabi.


Enraged, he made a slide presentation out of the pictures and showed them to the planning commission, as part of his effort to get them to approve construction of an ethanol plant. His point was that they should promote local energy projects, to prevent all the city's money going to greedy, oil-rich sheiks. He told them: "This is the type of thing being done with your petro dollars that I want to re-patriate. Keep in mind the gentleman has more than 20 wives. This is one of 70 baths. Some are bigger than my house. This is his little swimming pool. These are his cars."


Of course, the pictures don't show a sheik's palace. In reality they show a fancy hotel in Abu Dhabi called the Emirates Palace. All the stuff about 20 wives is bogus too. If Love had bothered to do any research, he would have found this out. He probably could also have found some real pictures of a sheik's palace, which would have been a more effective way of making his point. Incidentally, my other house (the one in my daydreams) looks just like the one in the pictures.


I found other sites saying its true, who knows.

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Originally posted by lord_casek+Feb 28 2006, 12:30 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (lord_casek - Feb 28 2006, 12:30 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>just so you guys get the gist of this:


i was sent an email showing me pics of a saudi princes custom

audi that was plated in silver. the caption said something to the effect of: now you see why they don't mind charging us $2.75 a gallon.


<!--QuoteBegin-lord_casek@Feb 28 2006, 06:44 AM





How is a silver plated A8 the gist of their money? How many saudi princes do you think there are? Take a guess.

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soup: hundreds.


what i was saying about getting the gist of the thread is this: take a look at the link i posted. america's oil, the number one source of it is domestic. number 2 canadian oil, number 3, saudi oil. the gist of it is that we aren't making them rich, the u.k. is. hell, the rest of the world is.

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The wealth held by the Arab elite is the equivalent of the wealth held by the American elite. George Bush could own 10 platinum Audis but he doesn't because he's playing pretend cowbot - note this is not a typo. We support the dictators posing as governments throughout the Arab world, Egypt being one of the worst yet most heavily US supported. I think the logic is valid, we truly do need oil and if its stable its preferable to some of the current question marks we are dealing with. But its sad to watch the people who make choices (again our president) having family friends that work within the system as is on that side...

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Originally posted by Smart@Feb 28 2006, 05:06 AM

so... we as Americans care about this because...



well, you don't need to care about it. let the people who are

actually intelligent worry about that.



kingbling: i don't know about george jr. being able to own such things, but his father could. george jr. pretty much fucks up every business he tries to run. including our country. with cronies that are all businessmen (and successful at that) he need not worry about it, though. well, perhaps our country, but the rest is none of his concern.

always another friend of the family to invest in whatever venture george had going on.

these days he's not allowed to make money off of anything. in fact, dick cheney isn't supposed to be able to make money off of side ventures while he's vice president, but somehow he is. i think maybe he turned over stock options, etc to his wife, lynn. who also makes a good salary doing whatever it is that she does.


edit: i said anything...cheney and bush are payed salaries, of course. i'm saying they aren't allowed ot make outside money.


anyhow, our country was founded on the principle that it is a business. we are the living franchises.


fuck it.

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Seeking! Seeking! Golly I hope you read this! Turns out, not only does Casek know where you live, AND that you work... He also knows the vice-president's wifes name!


I think this goes way deep into covert govt. ops! We'd better lay off, or get a book deal...

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you and seeking should continue to take part in drunken faggot gangbangs where you convince yourselves you aren’t faggots because there is one pussy in the room, even though you spend your faggot time looking at your buddy’s faggot dick as it gets sucked. Until one day, you decide that only real men fuck each other up the ass, and you’ll still convince yourself you’re straight, all while going on fishing trips and camping with your faggot friends who are a little more comfortable in their faggot skin.



thanks. goodnight.

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Originally posted by KING BLING@Feb 28 2006, 05:15 AM

We support the dictators posing as governments throughout the Arab world, Egypt being one of the worst yet most heavily US supported.


Yes, very much so, considering Egypt is one of the smallest OPEC countries with low oil exportation and production.


And to change the subject a bit, if I may, how do you feel about Hamas? Are they ok even though they specifically target civilians through suicide bombings as their major tactic, or do you dislike their new government as well and maybe even support cutting off their aide? Is it only cool to oppose murderous, human rights violating regimes if the US is supports them? I haven’t taken poli-sci yet, so I am pretty ignorant on which murderous regimes I’m supposed to like and which I shouldn’t. I know the basics…like Che Guerra was way kewl even though he personally killed a few hundred political dissidents, but the Israelis are totally evil with their assassinations of terrorist leaders.


Ok, back to pumping some serious iron!



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Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 28 2006, 06:44 AM






not that it really matters or that it's relevant

to the discussion, but these guys arent

saudi princes (to the best of my knowledge)

Because the website says they are clients in Dubai,

d that silver is just a fancy concoction of paint.

Here's the website to the company that customized it.


http://www.jalopnik.com/cars/ custom-carshot-rods/tun...

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Originally posted by Soup@Feb 28 2006, 09:01 PM

Last time I checked Alaska's apart of the U.S... ie: DOMESTIC OIL.


And stereotype.. what's with the kid?



great answer captain obvious!! but all oil producing areas of the world are shaded a different color. Alaska is not shaded nor is it listed under oil reserves. it is not part of the continental us and therefor should not be represented as so

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Originally posted by lord_casek@Mar 1 2006, 03:01 AM



link fixed. thanks dawood.

just some more racist lies

trying to get americans to hate




i didn't believe it, anyhow.



yeah, well, Americans hated russians in the eighties

and gooks in the seventies (no offense to asians)

uh, who did they hate in the sixties?? I can't remember,

Oh, niggers, yeah that's right.

and before that it was who?

remember John Wayne? He was a rootin tootin'

Red Faced Indian slayer, i'll tell ya.


there's always gotta be somebody for American to hate, huh

I wonder who's next.

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Originally posted by MAGS156@Feb 28 2006, 10:09 PM

it is not part of the continental us and therefor should not be represented as so



uh... actually, Alaska IS part of the continental United States. See, the continent is called North America and it includes the lower 48, Alaska AND Canada which is an entirely different country.


Alaska is NOT part of the CONTIGUOUS United States but, like Hawaii it is included on every map of the US (whole) in an inset. *Unlike Peurto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands (so THAT'S WHERE THEY'RE KEEPING THEM!)

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