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Ever Been Chased?!?

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Originally posted by -MOE LESTER-@Mar 2 2006, 02:58 AM

the fattest rush in the world is when you see them blue and red lights


Fuck yeah.


Then after some time passes, you end up back at the spot to finish your shit, while trying to keep a steady head/hand when a bunch of pigs are driving through every so often... and still getting away depsite it all. Damn, those memories always put a smile on my face. ;)

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this isnt a chase but its just as good. ya i live in the suburbs, So this one time me and my friend take the train down into the city and we were jsut tagging with my markers and stuff. so i see this door and its covered in tags but this one little spot. So i go over and i put my tag down and right as im finishing it this guy walking by on the street sees me. he comes over and says " what the fuck are you doing ". so i said " im just tagging this door cause its already got a crap load of stuff on it already its not a big deal". then he goes on and says " you could be the same muther fucker who tagged my door last week. If i see you around here again im gonna fuck you up." ( he pushes open his jacket to show a glock 9 in a holster ) and then he keeps on walking. ya for a kid from the suburbs thats some pretty scarry shit. :yuck:

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Originally posted by Using_Public_Funds_Effectively@Mar 10 2006, 02:32 AM

many close calls...probably the most fucked up one was with my homie when i was about 14...


we were psyched as hell for this rooftop bomb right, and i finish despite the mad heat, and we get down and start walkin through this abandoned lot, and this dude in a white shitsmobile rolls through the parking lot after us at like 10 miles per hour...hes less than 4 feet from us, and acts like he dosnt see us...we cut through 2 buildings that he can drive through, and my friend got mad pissed and threw a can at his car....then floored it, and the door floors it around the building but we were all ready far away watching, i check the dude out though, he was like a creepy perved out dude, he was smiling n shit, it was scary....




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Originally posted by GotPaint?@Mar 12 2006, 02:50 PM

this isnt a chase but its just as good. ya i live in the suburbs, So this one time me and my friend take the train down into the city and we were jsut tagging with my markers and stuff. so i see this door and its covered in tags but this one little spot. So i go over and i put my tag down and right as im finishing it this guy walking by on the street sees me. he comes over and says " what the fuck are you doing ". so i said " im just tagging this door cause its already got a crap load of stuff on it already its not a big deal". then he goes on and says " you could be the same muther fucker who tagged my door last week. If i see you around here again im gonna fuck you up." ( he pushes open his jacket to show a glock 9 in a holster ) and then he keeps on walking. ya for a kid from the suburbs thats some pretty scarry shit. :yuck:

like this really happend i think u seen 8 mile and whiteboys a lil 2 many times

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haha are you fucking serious that shit deffinately happened. and what are you talking about 8 mile for? has nothing to do with anything at all. your a idiot haha. why would i make up some story? if i wanted to make some stuff up it wouldnt have been a pistol it would have been like a uzi and i wouldnt have said i was scared. dumb ass :haha:

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I've been chased, shot at, yelled at. All that shit. One thug kid pulled a knife on me while doing subway insides.


Encountered the best and worst from crackfiends,

no dogs yet.


I've layed face down in dirt for hours at a time, hid in peoples apartments, got quite a few decent razorwire scars, but nothing too bad.


The best was getting chased down subway tracks for what had to of been two miles and then getting up on to the street with a patrol car barreling down towards me.

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me and some buddys of mine were tagging up this old building and some loser called the cops on us so we ran(we are in the middle of nowhere) and we found this old barn that looked like it had been broken down for years. so we went and hid inside of that untill we saw a cop walking up to the barn, we split and started running and found are selfs in some guys property so he started yelling at us as we ran by, we hopped a fence and there were 3 cop cars on the other side waiting for us. we ended up talking are way out of it by tell him we were up there taking pictures for a school paper and like a dumbass he bought it and let us go.

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Originally posted by "Cin"@Mar 16 2006, 11:37 PM

me and some buddys of mine were tagging up this old building and some loser called the cops on us so we ran(we are in the middle of nowhere) and we found this old barn that looked like it had been broken down for years. so we went and hid inside of that untill we saw a cop walking up to the barn, we split and started running and found are selfs in some guys property so he started yelling at us as we ran by, we hopped a fence and there were 3 cop cars on the other side waiting for us. we ended up talking are way out of it by tell him we were up there taking pictures for a school paper and like a dumbass he bought it and let us go.


niceee your mad lucky though

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Guest spectr

i seem to remember some thread kinda like this before

but yeah i have been chased to many times to count the scariest was this dude with a katana chasing me down boylston screaming for the police right after all the clubs got out on a friday cause i caught a tag on the dumpster next to his window t this day i think that dude would have cut me up if he caught me

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little bogans and speedfreaks suck speedfreaks are worst though chase if your not doing anything threatened to stab my mate in the neck with a pair o scissors once. then we told his dad and his dad is like the biggest criminal in the state the dude shat himself when he heard hah.

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nothing to do with graff but amusing yes? sppedfreak threatend mate with stabbing in neck we tell mates dad who knows the guy and mates dad is criminal overlord thingy in prison for theft multiple assaults and putting a man in a coma tells the speedfreak to lay off my mate or he'll kill him speedfreak shit's himself and does whatever my mate asks him to do.

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Originally posted by onesecondple@Mar 5 2006, 11:18 AM

Just cause you never been chased dont mean you dont go out enough,,,,,thats stupid.


"its like asking if you have ever gotten paint on your hands.....I dont, I wear gloves, I dont get chased, I do my research...lens, you are stupid



not getting chased means you dont go out enough or you have some pussy layup in the backwoods and dont hit streets.

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doing a decent sized roller, about 20 feet up and whatever

long, we just get done filling in the 3d and are about to pull out

the shell paint when we hear a loud ass scrape.. like metal

against asphault. we turn around and see this cop creepin

behind acouple buildings as soon as we turn around he switches

off his headlights and we start to run, grab all of our shit and

stash it in some bushes next to the street. we run a good

distance until we get to this chill layup in a small business

district and we decide to chill for a second to catch our breath. i

realize my vehicle is still where we were doing the roller at.

dude decides to chill and have me go pick him up after i get

the vehicle. so i hop onto the road and pretend im a jogger. as

im jogging 3 cop cars roll by all with their flood lights shining

into bushes and shit. they pass me and im amazed because

paint splatters are covering the better part of my body. i finally

get back to where i parked hop in and go to pick dude up. i pull

up and he doesnt have his shirt on. so i ask, where the fuck is

your shirt. and he responds, i had to take a shit, and i needed

to wipe my ass.



i laugh as we roll to whatever fast food spot and chill for an

hour or so before going and picking up our paint and rollers.










im doing a roller by myself at the bottom of a "river." it isnt

really a river because there is absolutely no water.i should not

be seen at all. im far enough from the freeway that they cant

see me at night and the way i got down there was so far out of

the way im positive no one saw me. so im rolling this wall

listening to my tape player thinking about how i hate doing

rollers when i see dim flashing lights against the wall and i turn

to see where its coming from. 2 cars are rushing towards me in

the river bed but they are far enough away that i can stash my

shit in a bush. i throw everything into different bushes and run

up the wall almost losing it right before i hit the top but catching

myself. i hop this metal fence and run through some

apartments run across the street into a walmart and walk

around the walmart for a bit. i call a friend to come pick me up

and im out for that night. i returned the next night and finished

with no further problems.






i was going to tell one of the helicopter stories but im lazy now. live with it.

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Originally posted by trackstand@Mar 16 2006, 12:24 AM

I've been chased, shot at, yelled at. All that shit. One thug kid pulled a knife on me while doing subway insides.


Encountered the best and worst from crackfiends,

no dogs yet.


I've layed face down in dirt for hours at a time, hid in peoples apartments, got quite a few decent razorwire scars, but nothing too bad.


The best was getting chased down subway tracks for what had to of been two miles and then getting up on to the street with a patrol car barreling down towards me.


damn trackstand, where you from?

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this is hawaii the freeway has been closed down due to contruction on bridge i call up my friend to go dit all the over passes. we reech the spot and got out of the car i was only 14 taking out my moms car and i let my friend drive and hold the keys till after we bomb and so we get unter the overpass and we start hitting up. we were finnished and walking back to the car and i was about to bom one sign but then my friend said get the fuck outa there cars so i get back on the side walk and wait for the cars to go so i can finnish but suddenly the last car to full up was a 5-0 and started slowing down in fron of my friend so i ran 1 block where there was a lil cannal and i ran to the end wich wasent to much but i dint wanna totaly split on my friend to i desided to say close and hit at the end of the canal th cops brang in my friend. then i over here the cop say he ran down this way and here is the spray paint so the cops walk to the end and shine his flashlight to see where i am and he dint know that he was 1 foot above me. i was hiding under a dirt hilll were cats sleep and i could feel a stick going throught my skin into my meat and i dint wanna make a sopund so i let the stick get into my leg and see the cops pull up on the side of the freeway and started walking around looking for me and i recived a call from my friend that he got tooken in just for only curfue and he said i wont get out untill tommorow. after that call i just relized i ding have the keys to my moms car.(i live a strickt family so i couldent risk calling them so the only person i could refer to was my other friend but the only catch his mom was cop too so i call them up anyway and went to my house got the car keys drove back 40 miles where my moms car was and got in and drove home got home just in time after that day my frined quit graffing and sold me everything he had and luckily my other frineds mom was cool about my situation

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