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photofucket tutorial for j. ballbags



this is what i see when i open photofucket.


so, i go here

and pick a proxy i want to use.


click y to hide IP, then type in proxy address




i picked the first one


because i don't have a target person, i went to photobucket.com and picked a random person.


enter: fartingmonkey


it's an open photobucket account, you will want to go after closed accounts...

that is what the program is for.




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Nav.Net 103: Photobucket


Please read the Nav.Net 101 chapter if you are not familiar with basics of Nav.Net usage.



Topic 1: Searching over open PB galleries


This is based on the basic Photobucket Search. Go to "Search" page, click "P.Bucket Search" category. Type a keyword. Click [>] button to start the search. Click [>] button once more to get more results. Here is an example. I'll search for the keyword "girls".




The search results are the galleries that contains the keyword. Thumbnail labels shows the count of images in the gallery. I'll click the first image at the last row.




We've searched for "girls". Hmm not too bad. Nav.Net found many girls :)


Topic 2: Searching for PB users open galleries.


Maybe you want to search for a user name. Just select the "P.Bucket user search" category and type the username to the search box. Navnet will display result if the user exists and has an open gallery. If you don't know the username but you have an image URL, you can find the username. The Photobucket URL's contains the usernames. If we have an image URL like http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u249/volcomg1rl9/nextdoor.jpg the username is volcomg1rl9. The /u249/ part comes after the /albums/ is the album number. The word next to album number is the username. The part of the URL up to username is the album URL. If there are additional parts between the username and the filename it means user has sub albums. From our example the album URL is http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u249/volcomg1rl9/. Without the need of search, you can type this to the adress box and go directly to the album. Nav.Net presents the images better, so you might prefer to do a user search.




Topic 3: Fuskering PB Images


In this topic I'll describe Fuskering with Nav.Net. For example you found an image URL like http://w38.photobucket.com/albums/e145/candie1989/IMG_0438.jpg. Many photobucketers uses digital cameras and most cameras labels image files with numbers like IMG_0438 or DSCN1234 or Picture100. So there might be more images with higher numbers for that account. Fuskering means testing the filenumbers from a source image URL. Doing this with Nav.Net is easy. Just go to the "Browser" page, paste the URL to the Adress box and press enter. Nav.Net will download and show the image file. Browser window contains a toolbar located at the bottom of the page like this.





The last three buttons at the toolbar can be used to do a quick Fusker. The first green arrow will create a Fusker for previous 100 images, The next arrow will create a Fusker for Next 100 images. The folder button can be used to check for the album if it is open or not.




Now click the Next 100 images button (Second green arrow). The GDU Box in the middle will display an autogenerated GDU for the image file and Nav.Net will start to download the available image files. From our example the GDU should be


<URL http://w38.photobucket.com/albums/e145/candie1989/IMG_{0}.jpg><CO [0438.0538]>.


The <CO [0438.0538]> part is the start and the end number of the gallery. You may directly edit these numbers or click to the arrows more to go further or back. Now change CO part with <CO [0300.0500]> (do not change the number digit format) and press enter. Nav.Net will try to download 200 images numbered 300 to 500. Nav.Net stores the number range if you click Next or Previous buttons. Now click the second green arrow again. The CO part automatically changed to <CO [0500.0700]> and the gallery generated for GDU displayed in a new tab page.


You can try this feature for any image URL with numbered filenames.



Topic 4: Searching for Fuskerable Images


Some Nav.Net feaures can be used together to do a funny thing. You may search for Fuskerable images. I'll show you how to do this. Now click the "Search" button on the top bar and switch to the "Search View". Select "Image Search" from Search Categories. Type "site:photobucket.com boobs DSCF" keywords to Search For box and click [>] button (or press enter). Nav.Net will bring results from image search engines. You may change the "boobs" part with another keyword or "DSCF" part with another filename format. My example brought these results. Remember your results may be different from the example because everyday users add tons of new photos to photobucket. And don't forget by clicking the [>] button more you'll get more results if available.






Nav.Net will check for more images but it will only use a simple search to bring the results faster. So most of the time you'll see "1 image" label under the thumbnail. Not important we'll fusker for more. If you doubleclick an image Nav.Net will automatically download it in the browser window. I've clicked the 3rd. image at the last row. Now time to start a fusker. I've clicked the Previous 100 images button as I described in the previous topic. Here are my results.




Hmm. I'll have to scroll down to see if I'm luck or not...... Arrgh this is just a tease. Nothing happens :)



You may discover more interesting images with different keywords or keyword combinations. You may try everythnig you imagine.



Topic 5: Search over Fusker sites for PB images


You may find good photobucket images from fusker sites. Switch to the Search view and select "Fusker Search" from categories group. You have two options. Just type "Photobucket" to Search For box and click [>] button. Nav.Net will search for fuskers for PB images. Click [>] button more to get more results. Your second option is directly typing the Photobucket user name to the search box. If you have chance somebody fuskered this users account before. If the username is too generic Nav.Net may bring unreleated results.


Topic 6: Guessing


You know a PB username but the album is private. You searched for images everywhere but found nothing. Even vulcano from photobucketshare.com is on vacation ;) Your last chance is to do a guess for image filenames. Nav.Net can do a quick guess for you. Switch to the Search view and select P.Bucket Guess category. Type the username to the search box and press enter. Nav.Net will look for the username and display a thumbnail with PB logo. Doubleclick on it. Nav.Net will prepare a special gallery with most used filenames.You'll see red X's one by one. Wait until finished. If Nav.Net can find a valid one it will display the thumbnail of the image. If you click the image Nav.Net will start a fusker for another images. In fact Nav.Net does really a quick guess. Some images might


Topic 7: Gallery Generation from Filename Lists.


You've found the filename list of a private photobucket account. Displaying them one by one is not easy. Nav.Net's Page Creator feature is very useful to create galleries from file lists.



Type the album URL to the adress box and paste the filename list to the Files box. The filenames should be listed line by line. If you want to generate a thumbnailed gallery type th_ to Thumbs box. When you are ready click the Generate! button. Nav.Net will display all images at once. You can use all thumbnailed gallery navigation features mentioned at Nav.Net 101 chapter.





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All of the webpages i visit seem to open fine EXCEPT for Yahoo.com or anything associated with yahoo, ie:Yahoo Mail. ive tried damn near everything to fix it including that dll list thing. also when i do the svc scan it requires "disk2" of windows xp, which is never supplied by the store you buy the comuter from either way. if tried firefax,opera and IE none of them can open anything yahoo related, i just get a page not found. this is REALLY startin to bug me any help would be appreciated.


Things ive tried:

-System restore

-run .dll list

-network settings opeong up suggested ports etc

-turning off firewall

-system scan for viruses, nothing came up

-clearing cache and all that obvious bullshit that never does anything.


im out of ideas. that strange thing is that its JUST yahoo.com and mail.:scrambled:

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if you are having problems resolving yer website, you can ping it to see if it is a problem with your server, or if there is a problem somewhere in the internet as the connection travels from your computer's internet access through to the domain in question.


Here is how to Ping


From the desktop, click start


Select Run


In the Run box, type command


Click OK


The DOS window will pop up. At the C:\WINDOWS> prompt type

ping [url="http://www.yahoo.com/"]www.yahoo.com[/url] 

and press enter.


You will see some results pass through the screen.


It will tell you if there were any packets lost in the transfer (0% loss is what you want to see).


It will also tell you the average speed, in milliseconds.


To close the DOS window, type exit at the C:\WINDOWS> prompt and press enter.

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