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autoupdate isn't turned off... it works.


heck, it even asked me if i wanted sp2 once as well, it then disappeared. I've since gotten some other updates, but no sp2. can't 'splain it.


and a reformat is kinda outta the question at the moment, as i'm on dialup and not willing to redownload all my pirated goodies that i was dumb and didn't save the install on.

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Originally posted by Vanity@Mar 20 2006, 12:19 AM

to top it off... i prolly did registry hacks to clean out ie as much as possible too



ok end of topic just format the computer its toast if you are messing with the registry and not knowing what you are doing

you are not ready for linux


keep with windows and dont mess with registey IE is very important with windows it does not just do internet browsing

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Originally posted by WeakSauce@Mar 19 2006, 11:52 PM

hey i know that my question has been answered here on 12oz before, but what is a good program for recovering files off of a digital camera that have been deleted? I REALLY need it by tonight and if you could hook it up with a torrent id be very greatful. thanks to whoever helps.




here i uploaded a photo restoring program http://www.sendover.com/GM85-E2-KEZN

download it and use it

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Judge Tells RIAA They Don't Get To Randomly Hunt Through Everyone's Computers

from the sorry,-no-dice dept


One thing that's become clear in all of the recording industry's lawsuits against file sharers, is they feel they pretty much have free reign in what they should be allowed to do. That's why they originally wanted ISPs to just hand over names without having to file a lawsuit, and why they tend to take a "guilty until proven innocent" point of view. However, it appears some courts are finally pointing out to the RIAA that they don't have the right to do some of these things. The latest example involves one of the lawsuits, where the accused claims she never was involved in file sharing. The RIAA demanded full access to her computer -- which she rightly felt was a violation of her privacy, as there was a lot more on her computer that obviously had nothing to do with the case. A judge has agreed and told the woman she can hire her own forensics expert, and bill the RIAA for any expenses.

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I reinstalled Firefox, but still experiencing the same problem, it's kinda like when Peer Guardian recognizes a site as blocked sometimes, sometimes it takes three clicks, sometimes I have to open another tab, sometimes that doesn't work, I'm thinking I should check out the ISP I recently switched to? Thanks in advance tech team.

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Originally posted by Mainter@Mar 21 2006, 01:22 PM

so do you have peer gaurdian on with http blocking enabled?

yes. i saw something in this thread where it says to turn that feature off. i'm pretty much maxing out my computer running spybot and pg right now, so i don't have a firewall, unless the router has one set up which i haven't really messed with. and no i don't have sp2, as i said before i don't like paying for software, and the learning curve on linux is too steep (i.e. I can't read east asian/indian translated english very well and have no friends that have this), i did manage to get freeBSD set up once on another machine, but couldn't do much beyond conqueror. this is me, should i cut my losses and give up now or is there something that can be done?

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SP2 ^



your router probably has a nat.


you don't have to run peerguardian all of the time.

only run it when you download warez, movies, etc.


download and update this



and run it. will keep spyware off your computer provided you download updates regularly. enable all protection, btw.



both mainter and i can get your computer up to top running


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yeah, good tip, i forgot about that second one. ok, i'll come out with it, my comp is running 98 right now. microSOFT won't let me upgrade unless i buy something, and like vanity, i don't want to be running on a cracked os. i do keep it (all) updated for the most, i'm still f*cked, right?

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Alright, so I'm done with ZoneAlarm. I don't know if you remember the problem I was having a little while ago with my computer taking forever to do simple tasks, but I found out ZoneAlarm was the cause, and not Microsoft Anti Spyware as I had originally thought. Apparently I'm not the only one (http://www.ntcompatible.com/Best_Firewall_...bit_t34061.html)... So I need a new firewall... what do you guys recommend? Sunbelt Kerio? Sygate? Outpost?


* I might add that I DO have a router... so I'm not even sure if I need a software firewall... but I like to be safe.

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Originally posted by 23578+Mar 21 2006, 03:37 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (23578 - Mar 21 2006, 03:37 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>yeah, good tip, i forgot about that second one. ok, i'll come out with it, my comp is running 98 right now. microSOFT won't let me upgrade unless i buy something, and like vanity, i don't want to be running on a cracked os. i do keep it (all) updated for the most, i'm still f*cked, right?




<!--QuoteBegin-Herbivore@Mar 21 2006, 03:37 PM

Alright, so I'm done with ZoneAlarm. I don't know if you remember the problem I was having a little while ago with my computer taking forever to do simple tasks, but I found out ZoneAlarm was the cause, and not Microsoft Anti Spyware as I had originally thought. Apparently I'm not the only one (http://www.ntcompatible.com/Best_Firewall_...bit_t34061.html)... So I need a new firewall... what do you guys recommend? Sunbelt Kerio? Sygate? Outpost?


* I might add that I DO have a router... so I'm not even sure if I need a software firewall... but I like to be safe.



numbers guy: didn't know you were running windows 98. that would explain alot of your problems with tasks and slow computer, etc.

win 98 is overall a good OS, but you really should upgrade.


herbivore: i use sygate and am still happy with it. it's good, clean, and it works. your router is a linksys? wireless? give us some details. you may not need one if you have a NAT. and just being safe by adding a software firewall on your computer with the router could hinder some downloading performance,

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