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Issac Brock

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yo sham pgk.this message is for just you and you only. alow me to give you a history lesson.no disrespect intended homey but im old enuf to be your dady. i heard you made a coment that you have been writeing sham for 7 yrs and i should show you some respect. that puts you at a start date of about of about 2003.well let me fill you in on some stats home boy.ive ben writen sham since nunyafuckin buisnes. im 40 how old are you puppy? no disrespect to what you do your shit is clean i like it. but you show no respect whatsoever. can you say you say you hung with iago esau beta dibs death loaf dems teck9 kneecapman1 sect pac amo voms and the list goes on. im not tryin to tell you what to do by any means but when you think i should show you some respect, you better think agian. you have never even met me and you wanna be the conductor.nah! no deal . as far as im concerned , you should go out of your way to talk to me one on one.no offense son but i never even heard of you when i first started.but thats eather hear nor there ya now what i mean. that doesnt mean i dont respect youre shit. but you better respect my muthafuckn ass. i never dised you . you started this shit and i dont have time for it but ill make an exception for you if you if you truly want to waste time on violence.sham ang willing to accomidate all youre needs now!


Spell check.


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super bump that fucking vomit times infinity. that shit right there makes me smile. not only is dude one of the nicest cats and realest cats I met, but gont one of the most solid handstyles in this city, and trains for days. ill ass flick. unbump accidentally being such a fat worthless fucking pile of dogshit that you "accidentally" sleep till 11 pm at night, and wake up and drink red bull at the bar all night, and be wide the fuck awake at 4 am with no whip ready to run a fucking marathon.

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its too easy to type some shit. Before you

go off calling a whole group of people "scum"

even if thats how you really feel perhaps you

should think about it. In the interest of self

preservation that is. And i have nothing to do

with any of them guys. Just suggesting you

think ahead is all.

but what what do i kno.

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^hahahaha. why they gotta be scum? I'm usually one not to talk shit or want to hurt anyones fucking feelings, but why are we even talking about this? if we really want to turn this into a discussion thread, lets talk about better things, like how I got your girl pregnant that one time and you still think you're the dad. or how 90 percent of you suck, as people, and as writers. there is no fucking conversation to be had here. jasp/little sham is a fucking kid, from way the fuck out in the sticks that adopted hamtown as his city, because that is "his" yard last time we had that conversation. sham ang might be an old man, but he is an old man that has been writing the same fucking name before jasp was trying to figure out which hole to finger bitches. also, not only has dude been writing the same name forever, puts in work, hits way more cutty ass spots than most of you, but is just an all around good guy. he don't talk shit, he don't beef out over dumb shit. he is good friends with mad writers. you don't become friends with that many egotistical retards by being a fucking douchebag. so weather you think jasp is better at writing sham, or sham ang is wack, it's all just fucking opinion. fact is though, sham, the real motherfucking sham, has been around for a long time, has had way more motherfucking spots than jasp will EVER fucking have, period. so whatever the fuck you're dumb ass opinions are, whoever the fuck you are, show some fucking respect, yeah you dude. I am calling you out personally. shit gets fucking old.

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(dsd your post popped up while i was typing this, but it definitely has the same "c'mon guys" message, just from the other end of the argument)


jasp bites ja? shm pgk is garbage? i smell hate sauce in the air.




more proof that the new names on this thread that have popped up in this past year are full blown new jack ass no nothing mother fuckers. I suggest a good 75% of y'all should shut the fuck up, you're outing yourselves as morons every fucking day here. (and if you aren't a new jack you're acting pretty young if you ask me, besides i'd think the older cats would be smarter than to go here and do dumb shit)


moral of the story? Shut up, you are unknown, you wanna learn? Try PM'ing someone that seems to have a good grip on things and maybe they'll give you some sound advice. Rather than blundering through like you're something worth a damn.



If you are inclined to reply with some sort of snotty "fuck you mr. knowitall" shit, try reading this over again, i'm probably talking to you.

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I'll just put it out there. I'm in a real fucked up spot right now, and if someone wants problems with my homie sham (who is one of the best friends I have), I will personally blow your entire grill out the back of your neck with my fist (or a blunt instrument of your choosing). I've trained hard for 11 years in the art of causing severe bodily harm to someone and there aint any exceptions at this point. I have very little to lose at the moment and dont give a fuck anymore.


Seksbomb the bipolar blackbelt.


Fuck all you faggots.


I think I just channeled DSD for a second there.

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jasp/little sham is a fucking kid, from way the fuck out in the sticks that adopted hamtown as his city, because that is "his" yard last time we had that conversation.


Just a correction

Jasp was born and raised in hamtown

It isn't really his yard but he was the first

person to find that spot back when the

walls were completely blank.


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I stand corrected. it don't matter if it's been squashed, cause aint nobody postin any flicks anyway, so why not beef out. with everyone. as I believe Mr. Otis said once, fuck the both of you! ha. thanks for clearing that up the nobeefoner. and totally off topic, I would like to thank apeseks pasty honkey brothers over at duke for at least giving me one got damn team left in my bracket to make the final four. pouldlb, you're ugly, you got no teeth, and you suck at graffiti. shut your fucking mouth!

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