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Issac Brock

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And yes gasms hand is mad awesome glen. of course i expect you to think the same, i mean obviously hes the shit. not leave'n a name one time when he's gone over shm before with his name? who cares.



i like this version better^^^


hang on now... you're actually saying that gasm's handstyle is bad? like in general? or that one tag, over your homeboy, who gasm HAS been putting his name over is wack? yeah, i'll give it to you, that "FAG" hand is a bit sub-par, but you can't be spreading salt over shit i know you've already seen on the streets... i'm pretty sure people have already found out that gasm is NOT bitch made... ask yeah's grill...

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Ask 'yeahs' grill? Not to bring up old shit but dude wouldnt fight yeah until he had like 10 dudes with him. Yes he got the first shot in but yeah pretty much handled him. Again this is just what i heard.....i wasnt there. all parties involved could care less now...its all water under the bridge.

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damn glen, bump the new flicks!

bump tead lying about fights and not showing up to fights

bump the wings 1-0 right now


bump the stanley cup

bump gordie howe

bump larinov, koslov, konstaninov, federov, and i forgot the last dude

bump steve yzerman

bump lidstrom

bump mike vernon, MVP hahaah


fuck it bump everything

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