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Issac Brock

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Originally posted by seeking

i like numerical lists, they make reading easy.


1. don't know what to tell you about that. maybe it wasn't his english skills at fault, but your comprehension?


2. i'm not making any 'excuses', i'm pointing out the obvious. as soon as they come up with their own style, i'll be the first to give them props. until then, shit is straight bitten, sorry. :(


3. if after 10 years of painting graffiti in detroit, i dont know enough about it to have a valid opinion, chances are pretty good i'll be of no use in whatever question you have for me.



next time you should put the requests before the insults. it will probably get better results.


ps, the email that is linked is dead.


Alright.. i can not change my email in my profile so can you give me a holler and i will respond to it please.. Sorry for the inconvenience..


And i didnt mean the hall monitor as an insult.. Just more as a "character builder"..

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This is my farewell to Detroit,


Everyone has shown me as much love as possible, and the people who havent havent shown it because they usually talking on the sidelines. So to everyone who i have and havent run into, don't let the dream die.
















And everyone else I saw but didnt see. Keep doing your thing. Forgive me if I left you out. You may catch me when the snow melts, trying to cop a dime on your corner.


Peace be the journey friends

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Oh, well i would like to note that i dont give a shit what you have or havent seen, and that i havent done shit because i just moved here this summer with a broken leg, nor do i really know anyone here yet or am old enough to drive a motor vehicle, so you can worry about me all you want but i think that youll be the only one caring about what I am doing with my life.

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i care, i care because you arent posting any flix. and since you cant even drive, im gonna refer to you as "little boy"



so post some damn flix little boy:lol:



PS. farewell to silver&black. it was good getting to know you, getting high with you, getting shot at with you, hittin deers on the freeway with you, and oh yea painting with you too. enjoy the wether and continue to rock the $1 golds like i know ya will.

and try to stay away from them damn x-acto knives

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Originally posted by Silver+Black

i wasnt talking about you scrub, on my way out i would like to note i have never seen you (issac brock) up once in my entire stay(1 and 1/2+ yrs) excluding your posts on 12oz.




not that i'm particularly trying to stick up for isaac, but until just a couple months ago (when i was strolling through an abandoned building with far), i'd never seen you up either. infact, i'd never even heard of you (or your crew), so i mean, 'up' is obviously relative. im sure there are plenty of people who think i do nothing but talk on the internet. ;)

regardless, good luck wherever you're going.

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