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Issac Brock

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And if someone wants to run their fucking mouth you better believe I will verbally destroy them.


It's what I do.[/color]




uhhh i dont know who you think your verbally destroying.... sounds like feeble attempts at trying to hurt someones feelings to me. but your pretty terrible at it. it is fairly entertaining watching you get all butthurt about ppl talking down to your non-painting ass tho. so keep it up. and other will continue to not respect you.

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Sloer, sweetie, I don't want your respect. Like I said, I don't fucking care what a toy says.


revok by ExcuseMySarcasm, on Flickr


This guy, on the other hand, can paint. So sure, I'll take his respect. And since he hosted photos of mine on his blog, I kinda feel I got a small bit. Guys, a lot of cats I meet in the street say two things about this site, it's a den of mouthy toys, and they love to watch me rip cats faces off with my tongue.



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"This guy, on the other hand, can paint. So sure, I'll take his respect. And since he hosted photos of mine on his blog, I kinda feel I got a small bit. Guys, a lot of cats I meet in the street say two things about this site, it's a den of mouthy toys, and they love to watch me rip cats faces off with my tongue."







Alright seriously take this shit to PMs, Sarcasm the flicks are dope, keep em coming but we're going on like 2 months of this faggotry. Give it a rest or handle it privately, I'm begging both of you. This is beyond fucking childish, and this is coming from a cat that still thinks poop jokes and popping girls bra straps is hilarious.



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yo fuck all yall niggas and your pm's. pm deez nuts nigga.


this dude is using words like slurp, and talking about he verbally rips me apart on the internet.


so revok used a couple of you shitty flicks, congrats. I'll take being a "mouthy toy" anyday over being a faggot photographer lurking in a thread for a sub culture he does not, cannot, and has not ever been a part of.


you really got me sarcasm, keep up the good work. I'd like to punch you in your fucking face but you're to pussy to fight and you already pm'ed me and told me your aunt works for kim worthy and you copy and paste everything I say like a fucking tattle tale snitch elementry kid.


nigga I know 2 year olds with more heart and class than you.


and for the rest of you, eat a fat dick. I got an early out from work, I'm high as fuck, and I am about to smash out spots in broad daylight with fire extinguishers. catch me in the streets, shake my hand, and say what's up. or act like you wanna fight. bitches.

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***This is a SACE(R.I.P.) dedication by VIZIE MSK/D30 -wheres the SACE by REVOK next to it?



:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


cool thanks bro, none of us could read that, or know who it is... the first 10 times we saw it.


Thanks again for clearing all that up, if it wasn't for you, all of us wouldn't know what we're looking at.


No, really, i swear.

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