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Issac Brock

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Okay so where are all the billboards n freeways from msk at?

This street burner business has gotten old, let's get really impressive now...


Street burners apparently run in detroit due to the lack of funding, billboards usually dont ride more than a week to a month anywhere(altho there are exceptions) since someone had to pay for the ad.

Id like to see detroit msk billboards too but if they dont happen I guess you n i will have to settle with the other hundred or so fliks of msk in retarded spots that have occured thru the years, and of course new street side burners.


detroit is the hot graff vacation spot apparently

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That's what's funny about it, no matter how many spots he caps, dey knowww aires flows


completely disagree. aires does mad pieces, jasp seems content with mad hand styles, throws, and hollows. I say jasp has won this shit so far hands down, just on the couple production walls alone my man shit on. and I would put any amount of money on a 2 on 2 fight, aires sisto vs. me and jasp. lets make this happen, I got a bookie.

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its just the two main ideals at odds here. aires with a piecing and style oriented approach, who still has mad straight, throws, hands and not to mention a multitude of trains for a non-only train writer. then theres jasp who found his style and stuck with it and only bombs. both sides have valid pros and cons within the writing community and in the public eye. aires aint no bitch and he has taken spots back from being dissed, so has jasp in this game called beef. but maybe aires is at a point of not giving any fucks about this, or very few fucks in that he may not be paying attention to some dumb shit that shoulda ended weeks ago. i don't speak for aires by any means but doesn't it seem like hed just laugh at this shit now because hes doing his own thing rather that being obsessed with petty shit?

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what's up with this aires sisto vs. jue jasp matchup? we an make this happen so easily. we can put bets on the fights. have a bbq. mingle. bring your blackbook, never know, one of those msk dudes might show up. you can get your dick riding on. it will be a fun time for all. lets make this happen. sisto, aires, pm me.

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