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Issac Brock

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SOOO much whiney fucking bitching going on these last few pages. i havent been on in a minute and im glad i wasnt.


if your not painting or at least have active spots then shut the fuck up. your obviously too old and feeble to be hittin streets so dont mouth off bc you CANT back it up. get off your fat lazy ass put DOWN the camera and PICK UP a can of paint. i dont give a shit if your usin paper label or montana.... go paint. isnt that what all this is about?


Seems like we should just change the thread name to MSK FAN CLUB.... yall get your membership card yet?


fuck outta here...


BUMP the Radiologist for the truth of all time.

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tell that guy in detroit THERE IS A RIDLE IN OHIO in good crews


It's not even about the crews cuh, Ridle droids wh ra is a well established seasoned vet to this shit. This "ridle" in Detroit just comes off as ignorant. It really doesn't make sense when it's that's obvious. But you know what they say ignorance is bliss or really just retarded in this case. Anyways yall get the drift not trying to be a huge dick here it's just some of these are just so fucking obvious it's painful..but what do I know Im high as fuck and can barely see straight.

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only gonna say this once,

to the people thinking they matter cuz they actively write on shit...

if your shit is whack, you dont have any power in your oppinion. AND the packard isnt "ups"

no matter how often you put up ur whackness. ur shit still sux

have some respect for the people that defined graffiti when shit wasn't the cool thing to do.

props forever to



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"only gonna say this once,

to the people thinking they matter cuz they actively write on shit...

if your shit is whack, you dont have any power in your oppinion. AND the packard isnt "ups"

no matter how often you put up ur whackness. ur shit still sux

have some respect for the people that defined graffiti when shit wasn't the cool thing to do."


see once again, I dont understand how the fuck yall can even say shit like this, and excuse me for jumping the gun player, cause I dont know you, but Im pretty sure you dont and never have hit streets in this city. so you have no say. your opinion on horrible shitty graf holds no weight, no offense. perfect example of what Ive been saying. what I do is nasty, its not good looking, and it aint suppose to be. I love what I do. and my horrible letters might be horrible, but at least they are original, and there is a ton of cats out there, old school and new, that love what I do. I still go to chill spots every week to try and learn new things and push myself. but I am and always will by a grimey ass throw cat. and I am sure you werent referring to me or my few close friends, but we got plenty of spots in this city, not just chill spots, and summers almost over, so that means its time to work in these streets.




once again you are always entitled to your opinion, but this aint fucking art class, and this aint no fake ass hipster la. this is detroit, and if you aint been, or aint presently in these streets, your opinion holds no fucking weight. you're still just a dickriding fan sitting on the sidelines.

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i dont get what all the beef is about. who cares what other people are doing? be it out of towners or just whack painters. as long as they dont go over your shit why get mad... you should just be happy that the detroit scene is active because shit is dead around lansing!! i wish i was in detroit painting shit there are so many people doing their thing its crazy.


bump melo ayem elmer swag and far yall doing it for sure


heres a pic for all the talk its not detroit but its still in the mitten





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With all due respect I think people should just stop being all gay and butthurt about things that, outside of our little niche, dont mean dog dick. High school ended 10 years ago, for me anyway.


It's cool continue to be ignorant to the fact that graffiti is bigger than your small circle of friends. I'm sure if dude was writing revok none of you would have any problem w it. The real ridles only been smashing for over a decade w numerous trips here. But Like I said ignorance is bliss to some people. And addressing the obvious is neither gay or butthurt just the facts, only the facts. Wait, editing because I'm not entirely sure youre talking to me but if you are this is for you if not my bad

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