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Issac Brock

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So why isn't it any more? If your boy is one of the people who's in the middle of fucking that place up why don't you have a little chat with him? (and by fucking it up i mean not burning)


no hate or anything directly to you, this is mostly a general statement to most of the people who are talking on this thread. There seems to be a lot of significance on being territorial in that place. Before someone can be territorial they need to assess their skill, and realize their place on the food chain. Does anyone flick your shit besides yourself? The only people who should have a thing to say about getting gone over are people who burn, and at the moment that isn't very many.


And as much as i hate to admit it, sisto and his boys pretty much have the upper hand seeing as they're the only one's who consistently rock productions. Regardless of the composition of their pieces, they're full color, and there are nice backgrounds. Last year there were quite a few WAH walls also that fit the worthy criteria.


If this little rant pisses anyone off i'd suggest re-reading it, i'm probably talking to you.



Just in case there was a loss in translation. Reefer was the only one I was referring to as my homie for that whole problem. (Whole thing was settled in pm's)


@ Glen: I took no offense but I would like to reply. This is just my humble opinion. (Yeah I spelled it out :lol:) I think when that one incident happened down there some years ago...Pieces were gone over with throwies from certain individuals, and a roller trail split solid pieces that had been there for years. (Old news and no old flames need to be rekindled.)


I don't remember what the intention was, but I thought I read something about it possibly "freeing up the spot?" In theory that shit works and breaks the ice about even daring to roll over a STORI or TEAD piece [WITH ANOTHER PIECE].


However, it worked in the negative... Thoses throwies were gone over with throwies...busted ass throwies and shitty letters. (I contributed to those shitty letters because other shitty letters were there.) It basically became a damn chain reaction of, "fuck it...nobody else taking the time to roll that shit." For me...I just didn't have the roll paint at the time back in the day. Nowadays I can't stand not to do anything down there without rolling it, if I can help it.


As for the chat. All I can do it try.



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man there is a shitload of new flicks out there. if it's nice outside, and it looks nice, I am gonna ride my bike and take some. also this. read the comments below the video.




hahaha shades is a fucking bitch...and wow the child support shits funny as fuck.

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