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Issac Brock

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and he woke me up from a perfectly good fucking nap ^ if he would of just gave up a fucking hit in the first inning like he is suppose to, my roomate wouldn't be walking around the house with a loaded 9mm screaming racial slurs at the umpires on the television. assholes. all of you. oh yeah, rip porab. no he didn't die for real for real, but according to young bing, that nigga got shot. and according to juefacekilla, that nigga died. also I am definately going down to the 555 gallery to steal that fucking wall, because it has my handstyles all over the back of it, and I want it as a shrine to myself in my front yard. anyone know anyone that works there? cause either I am getting my ass beat the fuck down, or someone is getting their jaw smashed on. thanks banksy!


just seen the replay. had no idea it was in the 9th with 2 outs. wow.

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well, if you're speaking to me you fat fuck, you're almost banned because your hipster graf in the yard over that skinny nigga from double a is wack. that is one reason. another reason might be because you're fucking dyslexic. it might be cause you throw up eb next to your shit, which is cool you got put downby that other nigga I can't fucking stand, but see all the time, but that is like me getting put down in cfc...


I could go on and on putting you on blast but it is to got damn easy. lets just say I definately know who you are, but do you know who I am. think about it. we met plenty of times. and what the fuck are you or that skinny ass nigga you roll with gonna do the next time I see you riding your fucking bike when I hop out and grip all your fucking paint? nothing. the senior member came from the last couple hundred pages of solid ass flicks I have posted, many of which I was at the spot with because outside of graf I happen to be boys with a lot of good fucking people. well over 7,000 pictures have been posted in this thread by me, a thread for posting detroit graffiti, and occasionally me having to talk shit to retards like yourself. fuck you, fuck your ladies suckingheroinaddict dick crew, fuck your entire existence, and next time you open your mouth and try to be witty, know who the fuck you're talking to.

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why am I about to be band and this toy ^^^^^^ is a senior member....did you buy in to 12oz





Why do you even come on here?

I thought you learned your lesson a long time ago not to come on 12oz anymore because you got tired of everyone making fun of you....

and according to you we're all stupid and we suck except for esau and justo.

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loaf don't paint, he sits at home and reads home and gardening, and plays with his cats. stunt double loaf is the one who puts in the work. also, there is that nigga ____, I know it's hard to keep up with, and you never know what loaf you're gonna get, but that spot with dems is definately so so fresh. hip hop style, yo. so since this page is completely my fault, here are a few of my fav flicks from the batch of 2500 reposts ago...










































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yeah I forgot all about that shit. great spot for a giant dsd loves riku huh. fuck your stupid ass hip hop fucking wall. now I gotta post 20 more flicks to make up for this shit talkin session. fucked up thing was, till tonight, I didn't have all that much bad to say about you, just an occasional reft/fud loves riku handstyle.

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