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Originally posted by Foto

...if your piece isn't ready, don't broadcast (high visibility).


what is more 'high visibility' than the internet? you can do 4 pieces, post them all, and immediately everyone in the city knows your name. (not hating, just making a point.)

its good you're trying to learn, but i would recomend not blowing up your whole block with your stuff. ever hear the term 'don't shit where you eat'? there are plenty of chill spots to learn at that dont involve self incrimination. ;)

people really need to quit with the bitten straight letter stuff. it's awesome that kids are learning structure, but there are a lot of people that need to work on coming up with their own twist on things, instead of just riding on the coat tails of the lazy train. (not a dis against you, ive said it plenty before). its just fucked when you've got a whole squad of writers running around completely indestinguishable from one another. its imposible to know what's a side name, and what's just another generic knock off, so much of it looks the same. it's like some folks aint even trying.

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Originally posted by seeking

what is more 'high visibility' than the internet? you can do 4 pieces, post them all, and immediately everyone in the city knows your name. (not hating, just making a point.)


Not taken as hating... good point. And since I appreciate your consistent dedication to logic and reason (even if at times it is through sarcasm) even in a forum that sometimes entertains peoples that lack both, I'll explain.

Nothing is more high-visibility... which is why the main point of my post is to talk about the opportunity to practice/learn in chill spots so that you can worry about your technique/style more than getting caught. The pictures (hopefully) helped the case by showing some progress over the period of a month (I'll add one more picture I took in the middle of August).

That is also why most of them are cliche... I think it is important to work on your technique without the burden of style the same as I think it is important to practice without pressure. The last one I tried a little style... but it's not there yet.


its good you're trying to learn, but i would recomend not blowing up your whole block with your stuff. ever hear the term 'don't shit where you eat'? there are plenty of chill spots to learn at that dont involve self incrimination.


A couple things about this... first- if I ever did blow up spots I wouldn't use the name from my alley. Second- maybe I will get up one day, but my passion is teaching. I'm learning to teach. My contribution, if nothing else will be helping to increase the aesthetics of the pieces out there. The net is part of that (I contribute to a couple websites), but also skill and technique is part- I'm learning it's difficult to have any real impact without that skill... so I'm going at it. Maybe I too will fall in love with bombing and go crazy one day- but if I did I would also take the time to create an alias... :crazy:


THANKS for the feedback for real... My real hope is that maybe there will alleys throughout the community that will duplicate what we're trying to do. We have a real toy-problem in SW... this is fine I suppose (they are aspiring) but they have no one stepping up that they can learn from and no where to practice. How will they evolve?


Sorry about the length...

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Originally posted by Foto

Second- maybe I will get up one day, but my passion is teaching. I'm learning to teach. My contribution, if nothing else will be helping to increase the aesthetics of the pieces out there. The net is part of that (I contribute to a couple websites), but also skill and technique is part- I'm learning it's difficult to have any real impact without that skill... so I'm going at it.


you're 'learning' to paint, just so you can teach people to paint? you already contribute on a couple boards, trying to increase the aesthetics?! ooohhhhhh kaaay. :confused: i've never understood SW. that place is like downriver, but with zero skill. isn't shades going to be pissed that you're taking over his domain of 14 year old toy minions? ha. or maybe you actually are shades and after 20 years you're finally trying to learn how to paint. ha. i suppose anything that helps sw kids stop being absolutely terrible is a step in the right direction.

let me know if theres anything that me and undying devotion to criticism can do to help.

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Seeking it might be hard to remember just starting out for you now that you already have your own style and shit but when youre just learning to do good proportions and bars and keeping your shit clean and straight its not easy to just "throw your own twist" on it. its not just like "okay, now im gonna put style in it," and then you do and its like okay! now i have my own style!

obviously exaggerating what you said but you get my point. :cool:

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am i missing something here?

dude, yea, some people might look at a burner and call it "art" but the whole essence of graffiti is based on vandalizing shit. i was writing ignorrant shit on bathroom stalls before i ever heard of cope2 or fatcaps.

i really dont want to offend this guy, but when you get into graffiti for the 'visual asthetics' of it, you just sound like another hippie-art fag that is soon to fall off

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This is horseshit..


The southwest side sucks ass anyways.. (in terms of graffiti).. Every once and a while a tight Iges willl pop up though.. All that other shit though like amo, sik, flik, dik, poop dick.. shit i dont know their names.. They dont paint anywhere else besides down there because no one will put up with that garbage in the hood..


But i must say, I had a good time at zocalos last night with blue margaritas and burritos..

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And the criticism begins (that's what I posted for though)...


First... to Squrrl & seeking-


Just "for the aesthetics" would be a misinterpretation. But that misunderstanding could be my fault. It would be nice for the work in SW to look better. But that's not all I'm interested in.


I've been in to graf for years (sketchbooks, markers, flix, websites, etc.) but I'm just begining to learn some aerosol skills. And I'm learning those so I can teach them because I'm "for the youth" (more than pushing the art to new heights or whatever else). Graf is an interest of mine so it's a place where I can contribute. And we all know... both the youth and the graf in SW needs some contribution.


So now my job is to get better at all the things I enjoy about graf so that I can enjoy my new skills (as I get them of course) AND pass it on. I don't believe this is a new concept... and if it is then I'll be glad to be that for SW if nowhere else.


Thanks for the offer to contribute in the way of criticism... it helps! :crazy:


Second... to nicole mole-

I'm glad you asked... I almost forgot that people are wondering why we went over that piece buried in the depths of abandoned Whereeverland. That piece had a clear message on it (assumingly from the artist)... "Go over this piece" and something about a mess up. NO disrespect intended. Thanks for asking, I forgot about it

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Originally posted by 26SidedCube

Why not paint in or behind the garage where the neighbors aren't going to see you practicing your 'graffin skillz'? Er... does Detroit even have an active V.S. to worry about?


Anyone remember that Tuxedo stuff a while back? I'm guessing this is that guy for some reason.


Big difference.. Tuxedos hot, fotos not..


Im a poet and i dont even know it..


Steam me some corn and I'll give you some porn.


Look at the clock, its time to rock..


etc etc.. You guys get the idea..

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damn when did every thing get so politcal and run down?


it seems like everyone has an opinion and has to shout it out.


including myself now.


dude just paint, take pictures, and run the streets.


i'm out.

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you are not going to be able to learn the 'aesthetics' of graff in a month, or 2 months, or even a year. after 10 years, i still learn new shit every time i paint. i wish you luck, but i think you're seriously underestimating graff. i think you're also overestimating SW. but, again, i wish you well.



remember when you told me bis wasn't up? do me a favor, please stop trying to 'school' me on detroit graff.

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Seeking-I didnt intend any disrespect with that remark nor did i intend to act like I was schooling you at all. I was just speaking for foto in the sense that it IS pretty hard to come up with style, it isnt like he isnt trying, I mean his straight letters arent even perfect yet.


And for the record I didnt say Bis wasnt up, I said bis wasnt THE MOST up. Dont let me give you the idea that I think i know something, cause I know i dont.

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