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Teachers can all die.


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It is completely in the kids rights to not stand if he doesnt want to. And Maybe he wasnt not standing because he wanted to be a pain in the ass. Maybe he was not standing because he knew that it was completely within his rights and it shouldbe one of those things that people dont even notice.


Even if he was just doing it to be a pain in the ass the teacher definitly did not respond in the right way. Maybe if the teacher had just ignored it the kid would have stopped. If he was doing it to annoy the teacher but the teacher didnt get annoyed, what would be the point. If he was doing it just because he was tired and didnt feel like like standing up then it shouldnt be a problem.

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Originally posted by <KEY3>@Feb 22 2005, 08:36 PM

maybe it's just my inner old man....


I'd LOVE to see that kid refuse to stand in front of a bunch

of veterans who would then kick his ass and tell him to

'love it or leave it you damn commie'. I picture abe simpson

and his buddy jasper beating the kid with walking sticks.



i'd LOVE (not really.. just mocking your ignorant ass)

for you to pull your head out of your bum to stop and think ..

1st of all: those veterans were (supposed to be?) fighting for those rights which THIS KID WAS EXERCISING. thank you.

and you've resorted tocalling someone a commie because they don't agree

with the way things are being run for THOUSANDS (see posts by any

"liberals" on this site) of reasons? have you ever seen a communist nation? have you ever been personally effected by one? thank you.

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Regardless of the FACT that the kid's a douche bag and had no reason for doing this other than to be a pain in the ass, the teacher's in the wrong far more than the student is because he brought physical violence into his classroom. Say what you will about the motives, but the teacher's the one that pulled the chair out.


not arguing with you btw


i must have missed those facts. I'm not against america. I don't have a problem with our flag. I just think they'res A HUGE FUCKING IRONY in some of these people arguing over people who WONT STAND for the fucking SYMBOL OF THEIR FREEDOM. helllooo think about it... clicking yet? pretty much.. while you guys are sucking freedoms dick.. we're out here using it to live our lives the way we'd like.

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well doen here in miami......the schoolboard acts like the constitution doesnt exist.....there is NO SELF DEFENSE....yes an AP has said that if 6 guys jump you with bats and knifes and you hit back you both get equal punishemtn.....also the student is supposed to do whatever the teacher tells him or her to do nomatter what it is, now of course kids havefits and get their way but onyl cuz the teacher is a lazy fuck who only knows wat the fuken fuken pythagorean thyreum is but htey could make u do anything...now in my opinion thats total bullshit but then again its us against the system aint it....FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!

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the whole issue is stupid. The kid. The teacher. I would feel inclined to back one of them up if either had a valid reason for choosing what they did. You know the kid sat there with the intention of causing a problem, like most high school kids do, he was trying to push his limits. The teacher, wanted to prove the he was the one in power. Teachers should have more right to do things like that, because kids are getting more and more power in schools. To hear the stories from teachers and other kids, its outrageous that they let things like this go on. Go Mr. Mantel, put that little bastard in his place.

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Originally posted by insane30@Mar 18 2005, 05:00 PM

well doen here in miami......the schoolboard acts like the constitution doesnt exist.....there is NO SELF DEFENSE....yes an AP has said that if 6 guys jump you with bats and knifes and you hit back you both get equal punishemtn.....also the student is supposed to do whatever the teacher tells him or her to do nomatter what it is, now of course kids havefits and get their way but onyl cuz the teacher is a lazy fuck who only knows wat the fuken fuken pythagorean thyreum is but htey could make u do anything...now in my opinion thats total bullshit but then again its us against the system aint it....FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!



sweet spelling, did you graduate?


Yeah, thats how it is here. If you are even in a fight, you get in trouble. I had a friends, whose girlfriend told him she did not want him to fight, he was jumped, did not move a finger, and got the same exact punishment as the other kids.


There are no two ways about it, our "education" system is fucked up to say the least.

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Why not? Do not get me wrong, I do not think that teachers should have all the right to hit children or something of that nature, but if a kid is being unruley, and there is nothing a teacher can do, why not pull a chair, or something like that? Putting kids in ISS or related punishments just do not do anything

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I think sending the kid home would be the rational thing to do. A teacher should not exploit a student to satisfy a self-serving emotional desire.


It's a situation of two people not being able to control their emotions, but I think the teacher has an obligation to act more professional in a situation like this. After all, they're supposed to be teaching the kids something useful. Fighting a tantrum with a tantrum is not a valuable lesson.


I give this teacher an F

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I think a lot of people are missing the big picture here.

This has nothing to do with excersing your rights, or corporate america.


I've noticed that kids nowadays generally don't give a shit about anyone or anything and most of the time not even themselves.

They've got no respect, give no respect, have no character or any integrity and don't do ANYTHING to build any of it. Theres a serious lack of motivation here and among other thngs (some of which i mentioned), are going to be the downfall of the "great nation" that is the united states of america. your own attitude is going to come back and bite you in the ass.


A lot of you guys are willing to lynch the teacher for what he did, and i'm not saying it was right, but its kids like this that are going to be running the world in 40 years.

Me personally... I don't want that snot nose little piece of shit telling my grandkids what to do or how to live.

What happens when you've got a whole nation of people who act like this kid does? Fucking mayhem is what you've got.

And while all this is happening you've got china over there on the other side of the world quietly becoming the next almighty superpower. You think chinese kids act like this to their teachers or parents? hahahaha... yeah right.


So while we're all at the ages to have kids, when and if you do, think about punishing your kids properly, putting your kids to work, building character and integrity, teaching them respect... because there's kids like this 12oz. member running around.


"-- Gates

fuck that..some teach pull my chair i'm swingin..i never stand up for the pledge at school..fuck that shit..last time my teach said i should leave the country if i don't get up for the pledge..fuck that someone touch me i'm swingin"



and whoever turned this into a corporate america debate is an idiot. blame the parents before you blame anybody.

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"Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner. You must be eating some of what’s on that plate. Being here in America doesn’t make you an American. Being born here in America doesn’t make you an American."

"The Ballot or the Bullet," speech, April 3 1964, Cleveland, Ohio (published in Malcolm X Speaks, ch. 3, 1965).

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Originally posted by AW@Feb 23 2005, 10:46 AM

I'm sure most people here are younger than me so you might not remember corporal punishment. I'd get popped at school and have black and blue marks from it.


When I was growing up, you got whipped for doing something wrong.

EVERYONE got whipped for doing something wrong!!!

That taught you that there was painful consequences for your actions.


It wasn't abuse, and you where weary of doing the same thing twice.

Now a days you get Time Out.


Time out is good for little bitty children, but once your old enough to know better, you need to be punished a little more severely.


A lot of kids I've seen these days are real smart asses because their parents or teachers never got to humble them with a good ass whipping.


What the world needs more of is less guns and more old school ass whippings!


Thank you,


My mom used to beat the shit out of me, that set me straight, im down for some discipline and it's not abuse, whoever said it was abuse is a pussy, straight up, if a kid gets out of line, whoop his ass dont let him get away with it, dont send him to his room where he has all the shit he could ask for, pop him one in the eyeball.


that's my rant.

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My mom used to beat the shit out of me, that set me straight, im down for some discipline and it's not abuse, whoever said it was abuse is a pussy, straight up, if a kid gets out of line, whoop his ass dont let him get away with it, dont send him to his room where he has all the shit he could ask for, pop him one in the eyeball.


that's my rant. >>>



i got beat with a 2 by 4 so much as a child, i seriously drew on it with my markers because i saw the damn thing so much. but i still don't think it's a teacher place to act like that, leave the beatings for the parents.

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Guest willy.wonka

i was once threatened to be suspended after a securityguard that just got out of jail on coke charges tried to pull me out of my classroom and into the bathroom to fight with me.


he reasons were that i looked like a punk.

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this is a good topic because i agree with so much of whats being said on both sides. but i get frustrated when people use terms like "liberal" as a way of discrediting the values a person has. i feel the same way about the word "conservatives" or whatever. Thats ignorant to use slurs and turn your ears from someone rather that arguing their points.

bottomline, teachers should be able to yell at your kids and certainly not fuck with them like that. You don't like what the kids doing send him to the office. As for the kid getting suspended for video taping it, I hope he gets a good lawyer and sells that tape to the mainstream media. It's like video taping an abusive nanny, you arent violating her rights.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so these kids decide they want to catch this teacher

being an asshole on tape. So Jay decides to remain seated

during the anthem while the other kid tapes the reaction.



I don't understand what Jay did wrong. Jay wasn't necessarily

doing it to piss everyone off, he was doing it to expose an

abusive rat bastard.



I'm not denying he could've just been doing it to be an ass,

and in that case, he did need to be disciplined. It's just dumb

to hear you guys automatically assuming the worst case.

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In my day if we didn't want to stand for the pledge you didn't have to and it wasn't a big deal. This is a sign of the fascist times and how their brainwashing kids to be future fascists. After a certain age I never stood for the pledge.

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Originally posted by ODS-1@Feb 23 2005, 01:16 AM

The kid wasn't violating anyone's personal space by not standing. But when this dick head teacher pulls a chair out from him, that's pretty much violating his "space". I mean shit, isn't it kind of dangerous to take something out from under someone while they're sitting on it? That kid should show up at that teachers home with a baseball bat.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by ARCEL+Feb 21 2005, 10:59 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ARCEL - Feb 21 2005, 10:59 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-<KEY3>@Feb 21 2005, 07:22 PM

the assholes leading the dicks. [no homo]


If the kid is in his rights not to stand,

then the teacher is also in his rights to pull the chair.

The 'right' to ignore manners and be a prick is NOT

what your founding fathers had in mind when they

wrote the constitution.


the kid refusing to stand was not an attack or sign of animosity against any of the other people in the classroom. it is not the teacher's place to choose the students' on politics or patritiotism. i would say pulling a chair from under someone who is sitting is more than rude. what else do you think the teacher had the right to do? punch him in the face? teachers are held to a higher standard of behavior than their students. (i thought.) if the teacher had pulled that stunt out in the public, like in a sports stadium, it probably would not have gone over.




yeah i agree, the teacher had no right to take it that far. i have students that do that all the time and all i do is remind them that kids their age or a little bit older are over in iraq getting blown up. whatever their political views are they always get up.

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