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Beginning Bible for Graffiti Writers

why write?

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For all you writers that have just started and need to ask questions and want some tips....here you go.


General Tips:

- always keep your mouth shut

- never tell people you dont trust that you write graffiti

- dont 'tag up' your backpacks/shoes/hats and other things people will see

- dont write on your school

- keep on a low profile

- avoid any contact with police


::::If police arrest you for painting:

- never say anything, dont say that you did it or did not do it...just keep your mouth shut

- tell them you will not speak until you have a lawyer present

- never rat out your buddies

- dont fall for their phony tricks "oh we will let you go if you just tell us who does it and blah blah blah", it is just a trick to mess with your head to get information out of you


Painting Tips:

- dont go straight out to the streets and make yourself look like a fool

- start by practicing at a chill wall that no one will see, if not a chill wall...get plywood or posterboard or cardboard and anything just to practice till you get it down

- dont go straight out and buy 20 cans of montana and waste your money on some toy shit, buy dollar cans just to start off



Tips on Sketching Pieces:

- at first stay simple ;

this means -simple letters, simple colors.

- master block letters and letters on your keyboard at first then progress from there


maybe i will add more later.

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fucking good idea for a thread...

i shouldnt even have to say this, but:


- Don't go over people's shit. who the fuck wants to see wack shit over something worthwhile, also, just because it is "old" or whatever doesnt make it okay to go over. the "don't go over it" rule especially applies here.

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Dont shit where you sleep. Meaning, dont bomb your bedroom, or try out paint.


Try to keep the storing of your materials at your house to a minimum. Store em a non-writers house or your girlfriends place.


If you keep blackbooks throw em in with regular books. Also try not to hit up the outside of em to keep them from being exposed for what they are.


All i can think of right now.

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Originally posted by ClueTwo@Jan 31 2005, 10:08 PM

It's unfortunate these kids have to learn this here..Have they nobody to look up to? I guess some of us are more privaleged than anything when it comes to knowing people who have been in the game when we started..


personally, i agree but i hate seeing dumb threads started about simple things people should know, so im just trying to help out these new and upcoming writers, so they have some knowledge if they dont have a mentor

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I actually don't understand what is so "unfortunate". What a backwards way of thinking when looking at the "digital divide" amongst grafitti writers. Some of the old school have been progressing in propagating knowledge, flicks, interviews, etc... online plus access to the proper writing/ artist tools and supplies. when I was a kid, we didn't have the internet for all this. The newer kids will be smarter than us because they have more available to them and has already changed the graf scene.



Originally posted by ClueTwo@Jan 31 2005, 11:08 PM

It's unfortunate these kids have to learn this here..Have they nobody to look up to? I guess some of us are more privaleged than anything when it comes to knowing people who have been in the game when we started..

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i dont know who you are calling shit... key 3 or why write... but personally, i dont think either are.

even if key3 was joking, i can see sense in what he says. if you walk around thinking "im a Graffitti writer, i know whats up" your bound to run into trouble sooner or later. keep it simple. dont make it into more than it is, no matter what it means or represents to YOU personally, essentially your just writing a name on something. it dosnt make you more special than anyone else. Im sure you could learn from this thread, so keep the "witty" coments schtum for now...

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1. Don't go up to people and ask "Dooood....don't you write (insert name here)?" I fucking hate that.


2. Don't bomb railroad property (signal switches, signs, utility boxes, signal towers) or shit near railyards for that matter. It just let's authorities know "Oh, graffiti writers come here."

You do the math.


3. Be like Clark Kent and keep it low pro with a secret identity. To look at some heads you would never think they got up with paint.


4. Do not brag on the internet about all the spots you crushed with accompanying flicks. Like it or not, cops come here and they WILL track you. KUK.....need I say more?


5. When you go out on a mission, dress inconspicuously. Your trucker hat with the KAWS throwie, baggie pants, ECHO shirt and camoflage DALEK jacket not only makes you look like a fucking herb, it makes you stick out. Plain dark clothing does it all. Reflective shit is a big no no too.


6. Always, always have a getaway route planned.


7. Keep your eyes and ears open.

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" Don't go up to people and ask "Dooood....don't you write (insert name here)?" I fucking hate that."


to expand on that, dont call writers by their tags, yelling that shit out to them, it doesnt make you look cool.


when getting writers numbers in your cellphone, dont use their tag to identify them (i have seen this done before) you dont wanna get caught one day, police check your phone, then have a bunch of other guys go down with you because you were dumb.

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Originally posted by Pearlpaint+Feb 1 2005, 10:33 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Pearlpaint - Feb 1 2005, 10:33 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>haha, i like that...


<!--QuoteBegin-<KEY3>@Feb 1 2005, 01:12 PM

want a good tip?


Dont be a grafitti writer, just be a guy who writes his name on things.


It's better that way.




First time I heard this it changed my life. Seriously the greatest graffiti advice I have ever received.

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Study up. Read the articles on Artcrimes, The art of Getting Over, and William "upski" Wimsatt's Bomb The Suburbs. Watch Stylewars at least three times. Then, once you've made an actual effort to find things out on your own, find a local, accomplished writer, and without acting like a ridiculous thug or chump, ask him/ her to show you the ropes and teach you about techniques, local history, etc. But don't get pissed if they say no... you have to understand that you are a toy, and toys are basically intolerable. And for christ's sake, DO NOT GO OVER ANYONE, and DO NOT TRY TO PAINT FREIGHTS. You can thank me in a couple of years.

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Do not bomb other people's houses. It's sickening to see so many writers in my neighborhood hitting garage doors of people's houses. What a bunch of toys! There's just certain places graffiti should live and places where it shouldn't. People's houses, cars, etc... is just dumb!

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Originally posted by vare_one@Feb 7 2005, 10:06 AM

DO NOT THINK ITS OK TO BITE this is one of the most common things i see now adays its INTOLERABLE AND NEVER allowed


Note, children, he said don't think its ok to bite, which means it is perfectly alright to excecute the act of biting, just not to think it is alright.

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