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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


About the permit shit. No. No fucking way would any self respecting writer voluntarily put his name on a legal document regarding graffiti.


About graff not evolving:


Graffiti as we know it is about 30 years old. 26 letters in the alphabet. That can work out to over a year spent on each letter by hundreds of writers that use the letter. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE. The question is how well you can it, how much you can do it and where you do it. You can be the dopest wall painter who does a piece a year and the guy that took your connection and did it 1000 times in better spots and did it better than you will win every time. You think someone is original until you figure out what they have been looking at for however long they were coming up and then you will start to see all those little bits in his pieces.


Bottom line: Graffiti HAS stopped evolving in its style. The lifestyle has evolved quite a bit. Kids have to do consistantly more quality, more quantity and travel to get noticed outside of their local scene.


" Its not the biggest or the most beautifullest, but moooore. " Cap.

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Also fuck anyone that wants to say catogorizing writing like bombing is better and piecing is for suckas or vice versa. It is what it is, so get your head out someone elses ass and do your thing, fuck what someone else is doing.




There are four distinct categories of GRAFFITI writers:


1. The bomber. Focuses on tags and throwups, does alot of them.

2. The wall guy. Focuses on legal walls and cutties, usually takes a few hours to paint.

3. The well rounded writer. Does it all, does alot. Loves all aspects of graffiti.

4. The internet thug. You know who you are. You come on 12oz and talk shit. You dont do or have ever done, shit. (just to clear things up im not talking to anyone in particular)


None of these is cooler than the other. Except #4. You suck.

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in my opinion graffiti is getting less and less interesting because it seems like rather than try to forge one's own path within the realm of letters or artistic ideas, people would much rather tack themselves onto something preconceived by someone else, whether its ultra contrived techy organic stuff, or really loose 70's stuff, or whatever, i don't know.


i'm just saying is graffiti able to move forward or not? it seems like it's not, but who knows


are u referring to anyone specific here?

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


Ok, Moe.


5. Retired writer. Used to do alot and either got caught, got a career, got a girl, moved away, found a more profitable crime, went to prison, found Jesus, Allah, Buddah, Art, just got tired of it, killed themselves, became a junkie..... etc. etc.


Eventually all writers put the cans and markers down, look back and laugh, then try to push the new guys in the right direction. Either that or they just hit their peak and disappear.


By the way, nope, still not retired.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


I see retirement like i see money, when you retire that just means you dont need to work anymore you can sit back manage your money. You can relate that to graf, retirement is just another way of not needing to put work anymore for min wage. You just make bigger moves now and you do it for yourself. Your your own boss. Thats why i give a shit if anyone likes my shit or cares what i say. Some can relate some cant.


There is a handfull of writers that remember the old days of the bay, and a smaller handful that are actually posting on the OZ from those days and attended those writers meetings.


To me im just lucky enough to have been around that long and still feel a need to try to spit some knowledge to the the younger generation.


You guys care to much now days what people think about you. SF thread aint as bad as others but the bay in general is on some negative bullshit.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


the bay graff scene naturally moves along, just think about what used to run in 1998 and compare it to what youve seen in the last 10 pages. all of the people that really run are doing their own thing separate from many other writers, for the most part (e.g. from pandasex to keep)


there will always be haters and up and comers, fake writers and style biters. everyone will always wish for more writer unity no matter what year it is. just be out to write your name and make it so you see what you wanna see. take 5 and roll a swish, enjoy what there is to enjoy instead of hangin on the downsides.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


This is whats up.




You guys are sleeping on this thread




someone is breaking out the shoebox and blessing us with some history, i have been around along time and im seeing new flicks ive never seen before.


Poesia, again, I really appreciate the love. i posted every last single pic i had stored on my comp. Now it's time to run through some peoples crates full of flix with a scanner. more to come.


People need to log of 12oz. every now and then and paint/catch flix. All this negative BS, internet talk is cheap. paint for yourself, and listen when the older cats preach, stop seeking approval from an internet community, better yourselves.

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