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Don't Call it Frisco


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and you shouldnt. what your seeing is embezzlement right in front of your eyes. they over inflate the costs and drop the remainder into secret bank accounts, straight robbing the tax payers. thats why Nuru should buy us all a beer.


...or, couLd just make em "woRk" for their embezzlements...

...by doin blockbusters with rollers, uSing Concrete for the fill, and road tar for the outline... it worked in vegas, took em forever to "almost" get it all...

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and you shouldnt. what your seeing is embezzlement right in front of your eyes. they over inflate the costs and drop the remainder into secret bank accounts, straight robbing the tax payers. thats why Nuru should buy us all a beer.


...or, couLd just make em "woRk" for their embezzlements...

...by doin blockbusters with rollers, uSing Concrete for the fill, and road tar for the outline... it worked in vegas, took em forever to "almost" get it all...

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


fuck gavin newsom, money grubbin' crooked bitchmade mark. once again the government attempts to place a bandaid on a gunshot wound and fails. Its our responsibility to throw it back in the citys face harder than ever. Fill that mop a little higher, bring an extra can and dont go home if you aint completely empty.

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in my opinion graffiti is getting less and less interesting because it seems like rather than try to forge one's own path within the realm of letters or artistic ideas, people would much rather tack themselves onto something preconceived by someone else, whether its ultra contrived techy organic stuff, or really loose 70's stuff, or whatever, i don't know.


i'm just saying is graffiti able to move forward or not? it seems like it's not, but who knows


Yo, copy and paste this into a new thread in Third Rail, it's an interesting question and isn't about SF.

My feeling is that graff is not able to move forward. It's not played out as a thing to do, but it is self-limiting after a certain point. You say "forge one's own path within the realm of letters", but seriously, what style has not been done? What serif or connection or concept could possibly get dropped tomorrow that would knock people's socks off? There's nothing new left to do. Or rather, there's nothing new left to do that isn't some kind of hair-splitting. "Yeah, I rocked this tech piece, with that Rime funk, plus those Montana tint colors for shading, and built up the bar edges with caulk so the piece looks like it's peeling, on a clean train, daytime, with my left hand, blindfolded..." I mean, c'mon...

This may sound like heresy, but I gave up the pursuit of "style writing" years ago and went back to the original dinosaur concept that graffiti was about in the first place: getting your name up all over the place so people were like "Damn, there's that dude again." In short, quantity. And if I feel like rocking out, I'll do quality sometimes, and I try to put a minimum standard of quality even in my repetitive shit, but I just don't feel the urge to tinker with another connection or arrow. I'd rather pump another thousand freights into the system or go on tour and get ups in strange cities.

The "next level" in graff may involve redefining the mission.

Sorry, off topic...but even I can't make a new thread out of somebody else's post.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


I was saying that submitting a production would be stupid, no one who kills it wants to have to go and get a permit to paint on a wall in ocean beach. Real writers don't fuck with legal shit, to me it makes me even more pissed. ^^ I agree with Kamikaze Logic, don't go home until your cans are empty. Bring out the etch bath and kill pac heights.

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Yo, copy and paste this into a new thread in Third Rail, it's an interesting question and isn't about SF.

My feeling is that graff is not able to move forward. It's not played out as a thing to do, but it is self-limiting after a certain point. You say "forge one's own path within the realm of letters", but seriously, what style has not been done? What serif or connection or concept could possibly get dropped tomorrow that would knock people's socks off? There's nothing new left to do. Or rather, there's nothing new left to do that isn't some kind of hair-splitting. "Yeah, I rocked this tech piece, with that Rime funk, plus those Montana tint colors for shading, and built up the bar edges with caulk so the piece looks like it's peeling, on a clean train, daytime, with my left hand, blindfolded..." I mean, c'mon...

This may sound like heresy, but I gave up the pursuit of "style writing" years ago and went back to the original dinosaur concept that graffiti was about in the first place: getting your name up all over the place so people were like "Damn, there's that dude again." In short, quantity. And if I feel like rocking out, I'll do quality sometimes, and I try to put a minimum standard of quality even in my repetitive shit, but I just don't feel the urge to tinker with another connection or arrow. I'd rather pump another thousand freights into the system or go on tour and get ups in strange cities.

The "next level" in graff may involve redefining the mission.

Sorry, off topic...but even I can't make a new thread out of somebody else's post.



You cant have a conversation on here about this or 3rd rail for that matter. Too many wanta be hardcore attitudes nowadays. I remember when the bay had a community of writers and they had meetings just to push issues or support each others shows. You would see real cats putting together meetings just to school the youngsters.


You really want to pose this question do it in the VIP where people are real, and not tripping off street bullshit or acting tough on the internet. For me i got styles that i havnt even brought out yet so im not sold on there is nothing left.


Also fuck anyone that wants to say catogorizing writing like bombing is better and piecing is for suckas or vice versa. It is what it is, so get your head out someone elses ass and do your thing, fuck what someone else is doing.


Im just saying

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