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Originally posted by GrafKix@Feb 6 2006, 12:01 AM

grindcore is the worst music on the face of the planet



i thought grindcore was lame too untill my homie took me to a show where his grindcore band played... the energy and thecrazyness of it got me... i love that shit now... i wouldnt bump it in my car but i love going to the shows and seeing them get nuts

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To Tick and Buster


Dude, your fucken with Crayone. I don't give a fuck what happens in this chat room or any other room. I wrote this letter in my own blogger to let the whole world know that Buter and Twick are the biggest fucken TOYS on the face of this planet on my website. No doubt! So stop trying to make other people believe that I put up this letter in Writers Forum and say ìthis is Crayoneî it was ICP all along.


I have been friends with one of the greatest writers that ever lived, Dream. I have never had problems with Dream, whenever we hooked up it was always cool. Dude, you cropped off his sayings on one of his art to say shit against me? Dude, if anything your dis-respecting Dream in trying to re-use his words for your agenda against me, You're not even in his crew let alone even from Oakland. You disrespected Dream! Respect Dream by doing a dope burner you fucken Toy. And get off his nuts and create something you can be proud of instead of always conjuring up some fake ass past glory by putting someone down. Nigga you create the future, you aint got nothing in your past to be proud of, and stop talking about other folks achievements you wanna be old school! You have to be the oldest toy out there. Aren't you supposed to be getting better as time goes on and not get stuck in 1989?


I've been painting longer than both of you combined. I painted some of the biggest and largest legal and illegal productions first. One of the first gallery shows on the West Coast, I might of painted if not THE first Southern Pacific whole car. Got printed and got on TV on numerous shows. I painted around the world several times and painted with the best of them. I painting the first MUNI bus in San Francisco. I am one of a few writers that put Frisco on the muthafucken map! After getting the skinny cap from RazorKTD, I was the first writer to use that shit and expand on it. I did over 800 productions and big ass burners, 500-600 documented! Dude, how you supposed to compare that to your RINKY-DINK PANEL-DOWN WANNA-BE NEW YORK 3X4 PIECES HUH? Aint that the fucken truth. Straight up. I don't see buter.com or twick.com to compare all the lifes work that I did. You guys are just toys trying to make a name for yourselves. I went through hell and back many times by having haters dissed me at every change they get. I'm a survivor blood! I have battle scars! I'm probably the only writer who's gotten dissed the most because of the battle/Crosscuts and the conceited attitude I had back then. Fame comes at a cost. Remember that. I learned. I changed and choose to be a better person.


It's not a surprise to me that Buter hates my guts because he was taught by my cross town rivals from back in the day from Daly City (TMF), so I can understand that hatred has been handed down to the next generation, but you Twick, your story so shameful. I knew you when you was a toy. Now after you've come back after a long hiatus, on a graffiti level of 1 to 10 of greatness, you're a 3 compared to a 2 when you dropped off the face of this earth in the late eighties. I've been following your career and you did get better, but not much. But I always was supportive and respectful first and foremost, Now you pissed me off. BUT I NEVER STOPPED PAINTING FOO! I Never dropped off.


I know there's a lot of misconceptions about Crayone, cause I kept to myself. Cause I know graffiti can sometimes be a fucken Drama. Whenever I did a legal piece, I put most of my money into buying and racking paints to get up illegally. Half of my pieces are fucken illegals. Where's this information coming from that I'm all legal? That's bullshit. I've also bombed more than a lot of the writers who think they're artistsÖ Niggas always trying to take shit away from me, to take credit from everything I did. I've been doing graffiti for over 23 years straight. Nigga, Respect that!


Why are you trying to incite or have people come to your aid from a dispute about a legal wall? I've read the forum, and half of them are right, it's Fucken stupid and the other half are so funny, I laughed. You said to me in your very words over the phone, that you will sue me and not the company I was working for, you're a fucken liar.




You can fool people some time, but you can't fool the people all the time. By the way, you guys couldn't even follow my outlines and I didn't even use a skinny cap. Dude that character you guys did, was soo weak, and you guys were telling the whole world that I did the wall. You guys are not only manipulative but BIG TIME LIARS and

Bad painters too. You and Buter can't do a character even if your lives depended on it.


You have to call Coro: "Hey, Coro, we need you man, badly! We don't have anyone who can do characters and background like you can, please help us! We want writers to think were bad asses and have skills, boo hoo hoo." If Coro left your crew, I.C.P. will be weak.


You might have up to 8 or 10 big productions in the city (and I give you props for just getting up and that's more than I can say as of the moment but I did my time and I'm giving more and I still get up), but damn, your production concepts are so old!!!! I respect everybody in I.C.P. except for Buter and Twick, the two megalomaniacs /troglodytes who are in way over their heads trying to take crayone out. Are you crazy? What drugs are you taking? Just give me one photo of what burners you guys did to scare me silly.


You know what, I might have been called a bitch, but who's doing bitch moves (suing another writer and lying to other writers to get people on your side from a legal wall dispute?!). Dude, I'm down to battle Buter and I told you that 3 months ago, where's your response?



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Know the Disease...


(Written in June, 2005) I believe that everyone has their own group/individual graffiti history. There isn't any one graffiti history, there's thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands (Zephyr & Dr.Revolt)of individual writers history or herstory. There seems to be no standard procedure for what we do, except to give each some space and respect. I love the wildness of it. The "you cant control this medium". I understand that graffiti's essence is the illegality and I highly respect the bombing aspect, but to dwell in one part of the artform (bombing) is to be part of the ignorance that seems to be a large part of the underground subculture that is thriving at least in the Bay Area and maybe the world.


their seems to be more of a bombing revival. That the old school writers in the Bay Area had failed to teach up and coming youngsters to the finer points of graffiti (Aerosol Art/SprayCan Art or Writing). Most kids don't know how to write large elaborate productions or the burners that requires hundreds or thousands or hours to perfect wildstyle burners (In my opinion, The end game). Some don't have the patenice or they quit after they get caught once or couple of times from trying to be a bad ass. Graffiti has a natural filtering process and it starts when you get to be an adult. You get bogged down with work, life, paying bills, and the whole structure of you being an artist is being thrown out the window because it is not in the best intestest of the Status quo (IE. having ghetto children or marginalized groups of working class children to be involved in the arts). So alot of people quit.


Some think that doing 1979 graffiti is cool, and I'm not gonna hate, I love that shit when it's done right (WITH STYLE). So do it! I love seeing that NY shit rock! But if you don't have the NY style and talk shit like you do, and maybe even rock a little originality along with the 1979 NY based style, Then stop acting like a little bitch! CAUSE YOU AINT SHIT! You act like the shit just because you know a little more about punk-rock graffiti then most people? Dont' make me laugh! THAT AINT SHIT! I WANT TO SEE FUCKEN SKILLS! And you will get my respect! Or this gets me... Having a crew and it's all white folks, or all blacks or all asians. What the fuck is this? Writing is supposed to be the great equalizer! For the people. Not to cause a fucken race riot. Dude, if you notice that your in a crew with a bunch of the same race, GET THE FUCK OUT! Somebody in your crew has ISSUES! Just because you know about a little graffiti history in your area and still rock a decent style, YOU AINT SHIT! Just because you have a hundred people in your crew and have like 10 people that know how to piece and like only have 2 of them that is good enough to battle, YO, YOUR WHOLE CREW AINT SHIT! Just because you rack and tell people that they should rock a stock tip to be fresh, YO, YOU AINT SHIT potna because to have rules and regulations that stagnate the individual art, That shit is some unspeakable acts or degrading you and your crew and it's self destructive. The penalty for that shit is that you should take yourself out of the writing game.


Their seems to be a an ignorance on the part of both parties. The bombers feel they don't get any respect from the piecers and vise versa, but hey, didn't I hear this old song from before? The concept is not new.

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^^^^Are you fuckining serious...Twick will you shut your fucking mouth for once...take your drama off this board... the both of you..everytime you come on here you make the both of you look like fucking idiots...Pick up a phone and handle that shit already....knowone gives a fuck about your crying and whining over some wack wall...

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yea for fucks sake set up a wall already....or just have a boxing match.....settle this shit already, i really wanna see a buter vs crayone wall

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Originally posted by crayone@Feb 6 2006, 11:07 AM

Know the Disease...


(Written in June, 2005) I believe that everyone has their own group/individual graffiti history. There isn't any one graffiti history, there's thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands (Zephyr & Dr.Revolt)of individual writers history or herstory. There seems to be no standard procedure for what we do, except to give each some space and respect. I love the wildness of it. The "you cant control this medium". I understand that graffiti's essence is the illegality and I highly respect the bombing aspect, but to dwell in one part of the artform (bombing) is to be part of the ignorance that seems to be a large part of the underground subculture that is thriving at least in the Bay Area and maybe the world.


their seems to be more of a bombing revival. That the old school writers in the Bay Area had failed to teach up and coming youngsters to the finer points of graffiti (Aerosol Art/SprayCan Art or Writing). Most kids don't know how to write large elaborate productions or the burners that requires hundreds or thousands or hours to perfect wildstyle burners (In my opinion, The end game). Some don't have the patenice or they quit after they get caught once or couple of times from trying to be a bad ass. Graffiti has a natural filtering process and it starts when you get to be an adult. You get bogged down with work, life, paying bills, and the whole structure of you being an artist is being thrown out the window because it is not in the best intestest of the Status quo (IE. having ghetto children or marginalized groups of working class children to be involved in the arts). So alot of people quit.


Some think that doing 1979 graffiti is cool, and I'm not gonna hate, I love that shit when it's done right (WITH STYLE). So do it! I love seeing that NY shit rock! But if you don't have the NY style and talk shit like you do, and maybe even rock a little originality along with the 1979 NY based style, Then stop acting like a little bitch! CAUSE YOU AINT SHIT! You act like the shit just because you know a little more about punk-rock graffiti then most people? Dont' make me laugh! THAT AINT SHIT! I WANT TO SEE FUCKEN SKILLS! And you will get my respect! Or this gets me... Having a crew and it's all white folks, or all blacks or all asians. What the fuck is this? Writing is supposed to be the great equalizer! For the people. Not to cause a fucken race riot. Dude, if you notice that your in a crew with a bunch of the same race, GET THE FUCK OUT! Somebody in your crew has ISSUES! Just because you know about a little graffiti history in your area and still rock a decent style, YOU AINT SHIT! Just because you have a hundred people in your crew and have like 10 people that know how to piece and like only have 2 of them that is good enough to battle, YO, YOUR WHOLE CREW AINT SHIT! Just because you rack and tell people that they should rock a stock tip to be fresh, YO, YOU AINT SHIT potna because to have rules and regulations that stagnate the individual art, That shit is some unspeakable acts or degrading you and your crew and it's self destructive. The penalty for that shit is that you should take yourself out of the writing game.


Their seems to be a an ignorance on the part of both parties. The bombers feel they don't get any respect from the piecers and vise versa, but hey, didn't I hear this old song from before? The concept is not new.

I know plenty of people with careers,kids,and are pretty old that can paint pieces and wild styles with the best of them but just CHOOSE to bomb throw-ups and straightletters because that is what interests them. And get up REGARDLESS OF JAILRECORDS, CAREERS,and allthat the best thing about graff is there are no rules and there shouldn't be molds and grouping fuck that shit this ain't junior-high. Just do what you do man and quit worry'in about what others are doing. AT YOUR AGE NON OF THIS SHIT SHOULD BOTHER YOU ANYWAY. P.S. SORRY EVERYONE FOR QUOTING THIS GUYS SPEACHES

:innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

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Originally posted by CACashRefund@Feb 6 2006, 01:08 PM


this picture shows how stupid these new jack toys are...look at this hurt ass nigga going over like 5 tags, and this other hurt ass no style faggot going over a few more


you see newjacks pullin this shit ttake their markers away STOP GOIN OVER FOLKS

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