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perth city


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geeee kTeR, you have to be the funniest person in this forum, since when has a block letter been deemed ´euro´ its simple and effect. bump to the truck!


im sorry that im the funniest person on the forum, il try to be more serious minded about graffiti, ok here we go


that truck is well presented in that form, the brown compliments the white colour of the truck which in this modern age brown on white is a rather different combination that i feel should be more used by us fellow graffiti vandals, the white with a few spots thrown around is very clever and if you dont mind me saying a little overused in certain circumstances. the fact that he joins his letters up imediatly hits me a bit rather like drinking a sour dark ale beer, sharp and fruity at the same time, all round you can tell the young man has thought out his plan well, he has gone in with all might and force to bring us this wonder of a truck. well done young man, well done

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geeee kTeR, you have to be the funniest person in this forum, since when has a block letter been deemed ´euro´ its simple and effect. bump to the truck!


Its not really the fact that its a blocky that makes it "euro" (i hate that term because Europe is made up of so many different countries with so many different styles) Its the fact that he's used

techniques made famous in Copenhagen e.g outlining your background a shade darker, then adding those dots for more depth, and the fact that the letters are all connected and theres blank space on top and have those black line details.


Although these days they have been done all around the world so i guess the claims redundant. The internet really killed the idea of each country/city having its own style. We kind of have a global style right now.

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The internet really killed the idea of each country/city having its own style. We kind of have a global style right now.


I can't agree with that, admittedly, it 'blurred' many styles but each city still maintains its own flavour. I agree with the term euro being thrown around too much, it really doesnt apply to as much graffiti as its claimed, however a lot of graffiti these days has taken distinct features of euro style which would help explain why the term is misused too much.


anyway, that was a dope post prve, thanks man.

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just another common case of cultural confusion, those last few biz and proms r the only thing that sheds some light that perth still has actually defined a style and held on to it, rather than just switching to some convinient gimiky font style where effort of originality and varition is not needed, nice and quick and easy. sure, it makes the cut cos it appears pretty, but its pretty much like a girl with alot of make up on who appears somewhat attractive, until u see it with it off, then u can see past the gimik.STYLE is the key not convinience. not a good example to set, its funny to see what is up gets copied by new kids because its the only thing they see to adapt from. least few heads keep it how it should be if u cant tell the difference then think a little harder next time.

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