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perth city


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im fuckin taller, and its my dayspot, if i see your fuckin rude head there again cunt your dead, and metallica fuckin suck cock like u do pun ya fuckin wanker why'd u try stealing me jocks u fuckin asshole. u looked like you fuckin live there now u poor shithead, why the fuck where u wearing rollerskates when i kicked ya encino man head in. and further more, wtf are u doing bringin this shit online? you made my fuck em' up when i see em list cunt, and ya get misskeos to type ya posts ya fuckin spastic illiterate plonka. fuck u, peace.

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roten your gonna live up to your fuckin word cunt, your gunna be in coogee tunnels with skwiidjihgs pierced through your face, bleeding from your ears, paintless with no jocks laying in my piss and shit rotting. my rollerskate laces are gonna choke you motherfucker.

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hey pun u aint shootin no one, ya limp wristed spagetti arms can barely hold up a spraycan let alone a pistol fuckin wak cunt, i'll split ya in two and fight the both of ya, no weapons, just me kicking your cum junkie ass all the way to your shit fuckin a-line. did ya ring that number i gave or does your carer still have to read posts to ya, r e t a r d

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yeh fanny farts, fuck up, your fuckin days are numbered in lower digits cunt, a fuckin single cell'd amoeba is smarter than u, actually the fuckin glutenous sludge it feeds on is fuckin smarter, your fuckin brain is a fanny fart and your style is completely fucking toy

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