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K. Never thought i acted too cool for you, I been painting since 98. Just not in this state or on the internet. I am bad at keeping in touch with people, sorry. I don't even talk to my closest homies really. I sit in my house and drink. It's gravy dood I still got respect for real dudes. Bye guys.

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I always hear writers talk of the work try do on the rails. Yet I have the main N/S line in my back yard and stay checkin 12oz metal heads and flicker. I never see y'all tho???


Probably, levs? Haps you are one lucky kid you know that? Raskoe too, he was fixin to cath that ass whoopin his damn self.

BUT.... Naturally y'all punked the fuck out, as usual for y'all Internet talkers

Just like another certain someone who likes to run threir mouth on here then back the fuck back, OVER THE GODDAMN PHONE!

I'm tellin you man, kids are pussies these days


Now for you kids flossin, I normally wouldn't do this but I'll give ya a Lil taste of what I'm workin with....



All AA's



PS ya can't get arrested if ya ain't done shit

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rather see that bitch and your paint stash more than anyone wants to see any of your pieces

you only talk shit to haps and raskoe cause you are looking for attention

people who cant shine hard try to act hard

just the truth


Awwww Lil baby toy toy sad he can't hang with the big boys?! Man, how did you figure me out kid? Ya see, I figured that by picking on a little artfag that's gone, and his now lonely lover/biter supreme would get me^ attention. That's exactly why.


OR.... Nobody knows or gives a fuck about haps, you're a nobody, and your mmore jealous then a motherfucker huh? Gee whiz, "complete nobody" said he doesnt like my pieces :(



Nah but seriously tho, itsfunny to see how jealous y'all can get. Yes, that's Over $2500 worth of shoes. Yes. That is over 1000 cans. Yes, those are 3 extinguishers that I wield better then y'all... Oh wait, y'all don't even got none. Guess that means you better shut the fuck up then. Shut-da-fuck-up-then. yes, those are 34DD tits. And yes, me my crew my homies, we will continue to literally dominate Ohio. If you don't like it you can giiiiiiit out




Ladies and gentleman, thankyou. I am what I am, and I'ma continue to be the very best at what it am. And for those of you that don't like me, confidentially - I don't give a damn

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Desto- Why the fuck are you popping shit w/ the most passive fools? Raskoe don't even live in Ohio... You are obviously up way more than both Haps and Raskoe in ohio, so what type of recognition do you want? If you were truly looking for funk, you would have done something the night we all saw you at the bar. You were all talk then like you are on this thread.

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Desto- Why the fuck are you popping shit w/ the most passive fools? Raskoe don't even live in Ohio... You are obviously up way more than both Haps and Raskoe in ohio, so what type of recognition do you want? If you were truly looking for funk, you would have done something the night we all saw you at the bar. You were all talk then like you are on this thread.

Yo I understand that's your homie, but don't play me^ like I'm soft homie. You seen me drop cats before, you know what I be doin, so how the fuck am I all talk?


Anyone who wants to make the mistake of thinkin I'm all talk be my guest


Next time I won't show you or any of my friends respect. Do remember it was you and Levs that asked me^ not to do nothin cause it was your boy, and I respected that. So don't fuckin play ms out cause your weak homie can't stand on his own two feet

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you are really felling yourself, homeboy... Don't blame Brems or Level for not handling your business...

I have never seen you fight anyone, anywhere... You put on a show for these cats on the internet and nobody is buying it... Please don't make threats to ppl in my circle.

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