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extinguishers are only cool if youve been writing for 5 years. foreal how gay is an extinguisher tag when you realize the toy behind the work has only been writing 3 years max. what a joke. before you ruin a wall with mass amounts of paint, you must ruin them with significantly less amounts to test the waters. then you may....after transcending the 5 year period....do an extinguisher. toyz. other than that, people like augor who havent been writing for 5 years...just quit now. ur so toy its unbelievable.


I'm confused.

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extinguishers are only cool if youve been writing for 5 years. foreal how gay is an extinguisher tag when you realize the toy behind the work has only been writing 3 years max. what a joke. before you ruin a wall with mass amounts of paint, you must ruin them with significantly less amounts to test the waters. then you may....after transcending the 5 year period....do an extinguisher. toyz. other than that, people like augor who havent been writing for 5 years...just quit now. ur so toy its unbelievable.


so people who havent been writing for 5 years should just quit???? and augor is a toy ?????

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Yo, to all you kids doing extinguishers without having put in years of real work in the street, that shit is toy as fuck. If you've been writing less than 5 years no one cares about you anyways.


This is really the stupidest thing I've ever read. I know people who have been painting for less than 5 years who are prominent and sick ass writers. You're a fucking idiot.

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i dont see what the big deal is if kids are smashing shit with extinguishers. i see those dayton fools bringin that shit back. it doesnt matter if uve been writing for 2 weeks or 12 years. if ur pulling about 8 extnguishers a night ur doin something. dont bring extinguishers to the streets keep that shit for the highways. dont put ur self on blast mode like that

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may not have a showbox full but i got a couple external hard drives full? but its not about whos has more flixs or who has a bigger dick. its about whos getting out and putting in work. even if they are extinguishers.. theyre big as fuck and easy to read on the high way unlike a fillin that u can read goin 70 mph. but ohwell its graffiti. we proabally all hate this shit anyways.

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fire extinguishers is not putting in "work" that shit takes two seconds. Anyone doing them who hasn't put in any real work with street fills is a toy looking for cheap quick fame. If you come to my city with that shit and you ain't no OG I'm lining you. Again if you started writing in 2006, fuck you, your still a toy regaurdless.


Y'all toys have fun on here, I'm out.


external hard drives, lol.

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fire extinguishers is not putting in "work" that shit takes two seconds. Anyone doing them who hasn't put in any real work with street fills is a toy looking for cheap quick fame. If you come to my city with that shit and you ain't no OG I'm lining you. Again if you started writing in 2006, fuck you, your still a toy regaurdless.


Y'all toys have fun on here, I'm out.


external hard drives, lol.


yes they only take about 3 seconds to do but when ur doing more than 1 a night ur puttin in work. but i dont see any straighletters or anything on the spots that the extinguishers are done on. u can thank the dayton homies for this whole fire extinguishers epidimic.. they were the ones who smashed the 70 annnd 75 in 1 nights. im not saying no one else can do that but when thats alot easier said than done. i dont see no one else doin an extinguisher. running out of pressure. go and refill it and go back to the spot and finish it in a matter of 20 minutes on one of the busiest highways in dayton. or doin another one. after that.. on the same high way... as cars are passing u when ur right smack dab in the middle of the highway doin an extinguisher in a high patrolled area at 1130? lets see them flix


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