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whatever i dont even remember your crappy sketches

and i honestly dont care i was just trying to annoy you


and i think it might have worked heh heh

:scrambled: :confused: :bawling: :chicken: :krunk: :gaga: :heated: :jestor: :mexican: :stretch:

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

:spent3: :spent3: :spent3: :spent3: :spent3:






hey did u ever do that sketch?

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Straight lines are good. The purple fill is much more even IRL, the lighting and flash kinda fucked it over.


Ok, i can already see progress with you, so i'll guess i'll give a little more suggestions.


Do you actually like the letters in the name REFLEX?

Or did you pick it because it sounded cool?

Either way, i dont really like the name too much(kinda toyish), so i would tell you to just start drawing random words, or just different combinations of letters, until you find letters you really like to draw, and THEN turn those letters into a name you like to write.

And keep in mind your tag doesn't even have to be a real word.

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Thanks for the compliment man. Anyway - I'm going to change my name pretty soon. To be honest, I don't really like 'X's, they throw me a curve ball every time I write it. Currently I'm writing it because it's the name of my longboard team, and I'm not writing it up on anything - just sketching. I'm waiting until I get good with my letters (like really good) before I start painting.


Anyhow, thanks for the tips, I'll keep that in mind when I'm coming up with my name.\



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Agreed, once I got to that link it helped me a lot. Go check it out.


Simples are the way to go. I know everyone wants to do crazy cool wildstyle shit, but what I've found is that you really need to do simples to get your letter structure and proportions right. If you don't get that right from the beginning, then your wilds and burners are going to look like absolute shit.


So work with straight letters, up and down, blocks. Get the proportions 100% right and get them so you can do them without thinking much. Stay away from extensions, arrows, bubbles, clouds, drips, bits, etc.


I hate to use one of my own sketches as an example, because I suck, but here ya go: img0163ch6.jpg See the 'REFLEX' in the middle? Straight lines, straight letters, etc. Do stuff like that. A tip that I was given was to type your name out in Microsoft Word or whatever word processing software you have, resize it to 24pt font, and then draw it off that, in a basic font, like Times New Roman or something like that.



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