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Your letter E could be repurposed as Z on the end for continuity. You've used the letter G twice so using the same basic shape of the E for your letter Z makes sense. The top and bottom of the E can be reused, just sort out the bar that connects them to make the letter Z. 


Also, your cross-bar on your letter G is exactly the same as the bar above it, making it look and feel more like a letter C. Give that cross-bar slightly more emphasis to make it look more like the letter G. 




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Thanks man good points. I see what your saying about the E matching the Z, and also the horizontal bars on the G. Maybe I could of left the top horizontal bar off of the G and made the lower one more fatter.


Before I approach my piece these are some things I need to consider. I know it looks like an arrow overload but that was my goal funny enough. This ultimately shaped my letter completely.


Thanks for the tips.. 

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53 minutes ago, EGGZ said:

Before I approach my piece these are some things I need to consider. I know it looks like an arrow overload but that was my goal funny enough. This ultimately shaped my letter completely.


Well, yes... I'll agree with that it's an arrow overload. BUT - I don't mind them so much within the piece. Maybe clean up the ones that are acting as battle armor on the outside of your piece. Keep them consistent in size/shape and get rid of the kinks. Keep them straight. Something like below:




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On 9/13/2021 at 1:16 PM, nachodik said:

@Joker or anyone else id love a crit on these pieces as well as my tags, I also gots some style questions that I'd love some answers too, how do you properly do 3d where you show highlights in the 3d? can you do a core shadow in ur letters an if so how does one go about doing so, I saw a revok piece that had the highlights of his piece go from the center out, as if his light source was at the same perspective as the person viewing the piece, is there a name for that? also what is the name for the red sheen i did on my two pieces and am I doing it properly? 





I apologize... I had written a reply to this a while ago but apparently didn't hit submit. Sorry about that. 


Basically I said something to the effect of the orange simple-style piece looks great. I have no feedback other than you need to paint that. 


The pink outline piece on the other hand looks like it could use some tightening up. The swooping bars at left and right look forced, if that makes sense. When adding bars like that try to make them feel like they're a bar that has grown out of the letter and is sweeping away from it. Keep it tight to the letter, for now, and as you get better at them you can start to push the boundaries a little. I drew this letter S for you about a month ago to explain what I mean. Again... sorry I did not hit submit earlier. Also - the cross-bar of the T doesn't need to be so thick. If you made it the same weight as the top bar of the E you could essentially run the cross-bar of the T right into the top bar of the E. If you look at your piece now you can see that already happening... you just need to thin out the cross-bar of the T. Also, that descender leg of the E that kicks out to the right - how it goes back up to the vertical bar of the B, I would make that become the bar of the B. Then the bottom straight bar of the B you can extend that to the left and overlap the descender leg of the E. 


Untitled_Artwork 2.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/25/2021 at 7:49 AM, Yuog said:











i used to do the same thing with large chunks of color and no defined separate colors for lines , until i realized i was subconsciously applying  mosaic artwork

into most of my stuff.

that really did help with a lot of the issues i had trying to mesh characters into an area of words

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On 10/28/2021 at 10:10 AM, nachodik said:

@Joker Thnx for the crit all that makes alot of sense, an no sweat bout not replying right away, the only problem is i have moved on to other stuff, altho if u could peep them out that would be nice (also i for sure threw that sketch up, but bubbled) 



Nice! So glad you painted this. 




On 10/28/2021 at 10:10 AM, nachodik said:



I like what you've done with the tops of all your letters having a similar upward flare, but I think you could dial this in a little more by shifting the R to the left, a little closer to the E. If you look at the horizontal bars at the bottom of the E and R... they're both practically the same thing. I think if you shift the R to the left and run the bottom bar of the E into the R you'll have the same piece but it'll flow a little better. 



On 10/28/2021 at 10:10 AM, nachodik said:



Good, simple letters? Check. Bits and highlights? Check. Broken concrete wall? Check. Classic simple-style Graffiti. Well done. 



On 10/28/2021 at 10:10 AM, nachodik said:



Yeah, paint this. Same colors, same fill and 3D. Paint it. I think every writer with a couple of blackbooks to their name has little bits of paper taped to a page to extend the sketch. So funny, I love it. 



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20 hours ago, nachodik said:

@Jokeror anyone else how do my letters look, any crits?



Two notes of feedback on this: 1. The P feels like it's being pushed and falling to the right. It's the like E said "Nah, B... ". I would copy the R and just remove the leg. It's the same build as the P except for the leg but at least it sits upright. 2. The C feels slightly bigger than the rest of the letters. 


Other than those two notes this feels pretty good!


Question for you... when you're doing your marker fades are you doing all the yellow then going in with orange? To get better fades I would color by letter. Marker ink stays wet for a very short amount of time. If you shorten the amount of time you're building your color fades then you have a better chance at applying wet ink to wet ink, which will give you a smoother fade. Darker colors to lighter colors is more difficult but with practice it's possible. 

Edited by Joker
Forgot the #2 in my notes...
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@Schnitzel- thanks! It's a technique I learned from reading up on techniques industrial designers use for their marker drawings. It's not exactly how they do it but it's the way I've taught myself based on what they do. They start with very light colors and then go back in with either same color or the next shade up and build on top of the lighter color underneath, working their way from light to dark. There's some cool videos on Youtube that show process. 


I've also found that Chartpak AD markers are the most wet color markers out there. The ink stays wet longer. But if you use them you have to move fast. Because the ink stays wet longer the color will bleed further. You get used to it after a while by putting color just slightly inward of your outline knowing that the color will bleed just to the line. But I've found that the AD markers blend from one color to the next really well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/4/2022 at 2:43 AM, EGGZ said:




Can  you break down the two Gs in this for me? They look like two Fs. I think the weight of the bars on your Z could be a little heftier to better align with your other letters. Right now that lower bar looks malnourished compared to the others. 

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On 12/12/2021 at 5:31 AM, EGGZ said:





Full marks for taking a leap with this one. The letters are there but I can tell you put some big efforts into trying something different. While it may not be something you continue to explore - these kinds of exercises can lead to moments of discovery that inspire the next piece. Love it. 

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On 1/14/2022 at 8:21 AM, nachodik said:

@Joker or anyone else, id love some crits, dont hold bak



That halftone fade is great. I absolutely love that. Great colors and the playful highlights add to that look/feel. I like the purple 3D as well. Two things stand out for me : 1. Your R and P - those swooping bars make me think of Cameron Diaz' hair "gel" moment in Something About Mary. Those bars are really sticking out/up. I see what you're trying to do, keep some similarities in all letters, but I think if you raise up the little bar at the left of each letter, even just a little bit, it'll make a difference. 


On 1/14/2022 at 8:21 AM, nachodik said:


The fill is a little busy for my tastes but that's just a personal preference. I prefer simple fills on simple pieces (like your halftone fill above) as they just look so damn good. My only feedback on this piece mirrors what I noted above about the bars trying to reach the moon. There's a continuous style you're trying to achieve (or achieved), and for the most part it looks good, but those extensions on each letter are what grab my eye... not the letters themselves (which are pretty good BTW).


On 1/14/2022 at 8:21 AM, nachodik said:



3D on this one is great. Nice job. And the background is pretty good, too. I have one note of feedback, though... can you guess what it is? The letters on this are pretty good, though. The C and Es are really nice. 



On 1/14/2022 at 8:21 AM, nachodik said:



The fill, the colors, highlights, all look pretty good to me. I like how you tucked the last E into the open space underneath the P... perfect. Your connections from the C to the R and R to the P are simple but pretty good. Definitely a starting point, there. I don't mind the lowercase E in the middle but I might have chosen another color to better mix with the bright colors in your fill. Example,... look how bold that green is behind your piece. It compliments the piece really well. I might have used the green for the lowercase E and worked out another color set for the background. No complaints about the tops of your letters ;). 



On 1/14/2022 at 8:21 AM, nachodik said:



This is coming along pretty nicely. The P looks a little short, and I would probably open up the E at the end just a little bit so it doesn't feel cramped compared to the C. 



Final note: One thing I noticed on the first three is that there's room to push the letters together a little more and close up some of that dead space between each letter. For all I know you could have done that on purpose, and that would be fine, but I think the pieces overall would feel stronger if you nestled each letter into each other a little more. 


Hope that helps. 



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50 minutes ago, Joker said:


Can  you break down the two Gs in this for me? They look like two Fs. I think the weight of the bars on your Z could be a little heftier to better align with your other letters. Right now that lower bar looks malnourished compared to the others. 

Thanks for the feedback. I guess I just went a little OTT and my Gs don't flow well. Agree with all your crits. As you can see I'm basically just trying different stuff instead of the same thing over and over.

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50 minutes ago, Joker said:



Full marks for taking a leap with this one. The letters are there but I can tell you put some big efforts into trying something different. While it may not be something you continue to explore - these kinds of exercises can lead to moments of discovery that inspire the next piece. Love it. 

Thanks man. It means alot when other good writers give you credit. I'm just gonna keep pushing and exploring, evolving over time..


I'm also learning can. Obviously something so intricate on paper is way too hard to start with. Would you advise going with a more simpler structure like my yellow piece above?

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@EGGZ- Yeah, I would keep your pieces fairly simple until you start to get comfortable with the tools. Can control takes a lot of practice so be patient with yourself. Oddly enough, tagging often helps with can control when it comes to pieces. Especially big tags. You gain confidence in hitting longer lines, curved lines, etc. when you're tagging. Even if you're just practicing on a sheet of wood or something, it'll help. Learn what your caps can do by testing them out - doing lines up close, lines from 6" away, a quick line, how slow can you go before it causes drips, all that kind of stuff. 

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