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first one i did a couple of months ago.

Tought it was kinda fresh, want some opinions on it. I know it aint simple but still i liked it hehe.


second was this morning and last one is me trying to be simple.

Didnt try to add or do anything special exept to the letters to the right.

and the top two to the left are kinda sloppy.


so just hand it to me! the good and bad, if there is any particular letter that looks ok.




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writing has always been an art form that i really appreciated. im no good now. but im doing what im supposed to be doing, practicing simples. no markers. no colors. no blackbook. but im planing on getting all of them in good time.


this is the first thing that ive actually said to myself " thats not that bad i guess"

critique please.



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whats the hate on sketchbooks/blackbooks? I can understand the keeping to pencil no colour for a while but if anything a book encourages you to draw more, especially when you can look back and see how ure improving. Its like stepping up and saying "fuck ye im serious, i got a book, lets do this" lol. Just me?...

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i didnt mean you were hating on them dude, i seen posts in the past talkin whack. Good to hear youre moving towards getting one tho.


Your sketch: Your lines are a little wobbly and ure 3D is pretty off. Try and keep your stuff as clean as possible for maximum effect. Keep your letters separate for now, no overlaps too. When doing 3D its easier to start by picking one direction and have all your lines coming from there. E.g. up down left or right, that should help out ure inconsistent 3D. Also, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

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theres nothing wrong with having a black book or not.... it dosent matter just get paper and draw.... who cares about fancy shit... save it for when we get better... i just use cheap notebooks for sketches and paepr cardstock for pieces w/ color


for starts just dont even fuck with 3d ..


work on getting quick strokes .. dont press to hard or your lines will look wobely

you need to get them straight..


dont even work on connecting them either just draw thwe letters

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pie in the second pic u attached the pie on the top left is pretty tight

and in the third thing u attached the P in the Pie simples doesnt fit in with the other letters..notice how the i and e have the same structure..and teh widths are consistent throught the letters...in ur P.. the holes not only tiny but really low..also the curvatures of the Ps a lil off....


dope umire..thats a roller right?


yokai the name at the bottom is prtty tight..all the letter seem to maintain the same style/consistency

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Thx, ye personally I liked the top left in second picture aswell.

Gonna try to piece it this week probably.

Damn I gotta say... I's are a bitch to do stuff with!

I know it's because I'm a toy and u should be able to sketch any letter.

Used to write Page and those letters feel a bit easier to make em look good.

But makin I flow in a piece... Goddamn it's hard!

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