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Reminds me of some school house rock shit...Very basic. Are you trying to get into graffiti or become a sign painter? That shit is way too plain. What handstyle do you need help with? I'll write up some shit you can bite and send it to you in a PM. I'm not an active writer anymore...but I do love coming to these forums and seeing all the peoples handstyles I've influenced in the paper chase over the last 10 years....I'm sure most wouldn't admit to it, but I see it. Let me know.

Just trying to get into graffiti. Keeping things simple. I'm not into wild style graff. Straights and throws are really want intrigue me the most.

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One thing I really don't understand that really throws me off is how people will say to keep your bar size consistent, but in their pieces their bars and everything aren't the same size, but people love it and the person has been at it for years. I'm lost :confused: :confused:

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Short answer: Because they know what they are doing.


Most toys start trying to do some "kewl ass rap letters" by making the bars bend and stick out all over the place like a 30 story suicide victim and adding arrows and what nots. In that BUSE piece you have the bars staying pretty consistent widths but you can see they tastefully change towards one side or the other. As a toy you need the training wheels of keeping it simple so you don't waste effort doing shines and arrows and extensions to distract people from whack ass letter structure.

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Well, take this one for example (and no offense to spasone, I'm just confused and trying to learn) :



I get what you're saying and I complain about this kind of style a fair bit (people love it when I do, lol!).


However Bugsex has a point. Spas knows what s/he is doing and can do very clean, orthodox pieces. This style above is the trendy retro style graf that's all the fashion these days, it's kind of ironic and a bit hipsterish (sorry Spas...). This style takes the rawness of 1970s and early 80s graff before it was as refined as it is today and recycles it. You get the uneven bar widths and other "raw" aspects of early graf mixed with modern elements such as the background, drop shadow and clean lines. It's like when fashions get recycled, they're never exactly the same as they were 20 years ago, there's always a modern twist on old ideas.


Whilst I don't like the retro style I also know that a toy wouldn't be able to make it look as good as Spas does. Sometimes it's best not to ask why, sometimes it's just best to accept advice and go with it. Often you'll find that it only makes sense after you've accepted the advice and achieved your goal.

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Here you go.


Not trying to big note myself and act like I'm anyone in particular to emulate. However I reckon this is one of the best ways to practice when you're new to the game.


Write your word in a basic, standard hand style. Don't be extravagant, just to the orthodox word with nothing but the letters. Then sketch it out as a solid word with minimal tweekage. Keep the bars consistent in width or flaring logically (ignore the bits where I've been messy like on the right hand of the O and the second A!). Focusing on consistent width and perspective in your 3D/shadow. Do this over and over again until the finished product is tidy, balanced and crisp. Only then start thinking about shit like connections, arrows and all the other superficial shit.


Get your letters right before you do anything else. The letters are the core of everything, without letters you'll never have anything.



Maoista by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr

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diggin the icecream sandwich faux color blends on the m&a


been doing nongraff abstract stuff for the last few years i forgot its the small simple shit that makes or breaks rapletterz.


got inspired to open a blackbook and ended up drawing a joker/bojangles korean bootleg.

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Hey uhm i used Acrylic pant for fill's on most and acrylic paint markers but i just need tips and crits and i cant tie that top of the i like the dot to my I's ANd it is annoying me 8f44c72bc4fea12b4f844cdbc0f73315.png

It isnt finished so thats why the Dot on the I isnt on any of them but these are jsut maths class sketch's,



^^ lol jsut a simple practice doodle i jsut painted and posted to show you hwo i practice i used

Walid Jumblat's method

Crits please

Oh and the Arrow isnt in my tag:P

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Hey uhm i used Acrylic pant for fill's on most and acrylic paint markers but i just need tips and crits and i cant tie that top of the i like the dot to my I's ANd it is annoying me [img ]http://gyazo.com/8f44c72bc4fea12b4f844cdbc0f73315.png[/img]

It isnt finished so thats why the Dot on the I isnt on any of them but these are jsut maths class sketch's,

[img ]http://gyazo.com/47ad73a4efb5f76d26eff5d34d29a789.png[/img]

[img ]http://gyazo.com/318c4890ff8e4ad7c34b621c8251b009.png[/img]

^^ lol jsut a simple practice doodle i jsut painted and posted to show you hwo i practice i used

Walid Jumblat's method

Crits please

Oh and the Arrow isnt in my tag:P


Alright, so you might wanna drop the arrows for now, or find some better places to put them. The R is okay in the first one, and the O is nice, simple, and clean in the last one. Maybe stick with keyboard letters for now, and also draw a line to have the bottoms of the letters all rest on so they aren't all over the place. Work on the 3D too. That's my two cents. Stay funky man icon-facebook.png

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Haya new here. I am Remko and from the Netherlands. I started drawing when I was very young. Haven't done for a ages, till my 2 daughters (4 and 7) asked me to make a name piece for 1 of their friends.


Just did it with normal markers. Had much fun again with it.. so hopefully will pick it up again. And need to improve my skills and also get me finaly some decent markers.



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