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Ok its been a while since i have posted here, life has just been really busy and all but I've kept sketching and here are some of my latest children... note: i appreciate replies but if you can please instead of saying go simpler give pointers... the term go simpler can be a lot like saying learn calculus faster... because any6one who takes themselves seriously knows all graf is, its visual math... PCE






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I like the second and fourth ones. I think you need to try and focus on getting your letters having the same dimensions. Some of them are thicker than others and it kind of makes them a little unbalanced or squashed looking.

But I'm definitely liking your colour choices and fair play for using characters I'm rubbish at puttin them with pieces.

I know people say go simple and that is best advice but you can do simple with style too!

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freak the nah at the bottom of the page is sweet, i really like the style on it I would definitely persue that style a bit if I were you


I need to try and step up my game a bit but I am never happy with my sketches hence why I am posting in Toy thread, will post up my sketch from today in work when i get home in a couple of hours

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thats cool the letters are becoming more uniform, only thing is make the D wider at the bottom it is sloping in too much. Also, the I doesn't need to be bent so much or the legs of the N as the other letters are more straight, and the kink in those ones make them stand out a bit.

This is what I'm working on at the moment but am kinda stumped for what colours to use for the letters



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Hey all. Been lurking on these boards a while, finally decided to join in and start practicing on the regular.


Went back to simples and started from scratch with a new word few months ago. Here's where I've brought it to. Critz would be appreciated cos I know I'm not there yet


peace and respect to all


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yea man thats definitely better. althoughI think your still gettin slightly smaller as you go through the word


well i coloured mine in and it looked like this:




and I thought yea thats ok, then I thought oh I know I will try something out and it ended up like this:




I know fucked it up completely I can't even describe what I was trying. Oh well crits welcome!

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