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iPhotoForum.com December Monthly Photo Assignment

Mike Panic

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iPhotoForum.com's December Monthly Photo Assignment has begun!!! The photo assignments are designed to give you a reason to shoot, to be creative, to challenge you, to show your own personal style and to have it voted on by your peers.


This month’s theme is Food and you may interpret that however you will.


To get more information on entering this free contest, as well as the rules and deadlines, please visit this thread: http://www.iphotoforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=100016

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Originally posted by Poop Man Bob@Dec 2 2004, 01:21 PM

Yeah, nothing running right now. Like ilovedrunk said, the number of people participating has gotten smaller each version, which always gives me little desire to do another.


But yeah, a different version or format might work a little better.

I love the idea ... for each of the 3 times we did it i dug up the photos and just never posted them, thats on my lazy ass.


However I agree on the new format being needed, some of the stuggles I had were the more specific categories to people from the boards personalities, like the Mam's one. I think more would up to the task if all had a better idea of what each catagory was, not leaving room for people to leave others hanging by not knowing how to represent them.

i think that made sense.

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Yeah, I understand. The board member categories were attempts to through a little 12oz flavor into the whole thing, but, obviously, that'll tend to work better for some than others. I was talking with ilovedrunk last night, and we came to the conclusion that if another is done it'll have to have a smaller number of categories - maybe only 5 or so. Too many people would get a few and then lose the desire to take the rest, which I can understand. I felt the same way, and I was the person doing the threads.

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I started a couple of those as well, but never finished. Reasons:


1) I take photos randomly, it is very hard for me to start actually looking for a subject. This goes along with my lifestyle and randomness.


2) I could never force myself to take a perveract category picture of the unwilling, call me a fag if you want but I don't like that sort of thing.


3) Going with one, some categories were too specific for me.


I think an equally good idea would be the type of thing the original poster in this thread pointed to. In fact, it would be nice if the wonderful admins of this site devoted a small part of the fairly-little-used archives section to a weekly photohunt type deal, where users could just submit their photos to that area and users could view a straight gallery of pictures without viewing comments unless required. I would like that, and it would make viewing easier. Just a thought.

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