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i tired racking £5 tria's but the woman was so nice when she asked me if i needed help i felt well bad and bailed and got some zigs instead from somewhere else, its harsh on little tiny art stores shame the big stores dont sell good shit like that.


Paints a breeze tho.

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Those scribers are good for tags..They'll scribe deep into the glass...If you want to bust sum blockbusters use the rock scribers..



Heres some of mine..



Damn I didnt know it was that hard to figure it out..



where can you buy scribers and is that the real name

of them or just a slang name or what ever..also what

are the thing with the green tips???

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Mad nice stash toptaco!


Kartoonkiller: Those are different ended inserts.

You can unscrew the pen to make it loose or tight.

This way you can switch insterts to whichever you like at the time.

See how one doesn't have the green tip?

The green tip is just a cover for the end,

so it won't cut into shit when not being used.

The green tips are different shapes, because they have different tips.


I don't remember the name brand of the ones I have.

But I'm pretty sure if you asked for scribers at your local hardware store,

that they will know what you are talking about.

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