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Rolling Nowhere---


I heard there is still a shitload of work in New Orleans, all kinds of renovation and construction work. The city's work force is way too small to meet the need. Are you guys looking for work or just passing through?


just passing through. been here for about 3 weeks or so. its almost time to head back west. ill probably come by eureka at some point when im in htown. maybe ill see you around.

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That's the rumor. I suspect that it will go back to being a very small group that actually ever sees one, and only people that can actually be trusted will get it. It's a fucking shame that some people just have NO HONOR whatsoever.


Rapid-T is sure making a lot of enemies. What a fucking IDIOT.

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Guest The Texas Madman

So Let's pick this one apart;


I am a TEXAN. Grew up at 2224 RIDGECREST CIRCLE, WACO, TEXAS. about a MILE from HEART O' TEXAS FAIR GROUNDS. I was PICKED on as a kid...LEARNED TO NEVER BACK DOWN, (Unless in the WRONG!)


Good 'Ol Waco, a town just across the Brazos River from Bellmeade, and the Bellmeade KATY yard where I used to Catch to San Antonio. I never stayed in the Salvation Army there, always had an American of African Descent family that I would stay with while in town. The father was an engineer for the KATY Railroad [Now UP].




To be exact why not give all your HAM Radio info, NO!, how about letting me do it for you;


John C Bernay Jr.

241 6th Street #501a

San Fransico, CA 94103



Callsign: KD5MPM Class: Technician Codes: HAI USA

Name: John C Bernay, Jr

Addr1: 3260 Production Ave

Addr2: Oceanside, CA 92054

Country: USA

Effective: 01 Feb 2005 Expires: 19 Dec 2010

FRN: 0004745949 What's this?

FCC: ULS Listing

Lookups: 1290


Coordinates: 34.471685 -93.103345

State: California

County: San Diego

Grid: EM34kl

Area Code: 760

GMT Offset: -8

Time Zone: Pacific

Has DST?: Y

Birthday: 12 Dec 1492


Johnny Bernays KD5MPM

e-mail:: boxcarhobo_a1@yahoo.ca

Homepage:: boxcarhobo_a1@yahoo.ca



Callsign KD5MPM Class: Technician Codes: HAI USA

Name John C Bernay, Jr

Addr1 241 6th, street #501a

Addr2 SAN FRNCISCO, CA 94103

Country USA

Effective 04 Jul 2007 Expires: 19 Dec 2010

FRN 0004745949 What's this?

FCC ULS Listing

Lookups 1690


Coordinates 34.471685 -93.103345

State California

County San Francisco

Grid EM34kl

Area Code 415

GMT Offset -8

Time Zone Pacific

Has DST? Y

QRZ Updated 2007-07-05 08:00:00

e-mail: d5mpm@netscape.net


Frank is the BIG SHOT up in BRITT.


That's the only TRUE thing you have said in this thread!


DOF-MAN TONY knows me


Actually his Road Name is DOG MAN TONY, I rode with him many times on the High-Line in the 1980's-1990's, and I Know what town he's from in New York State!




Frank has only rode a freight train 1 time in his life riding from Klamath Falls Oregon to Dunsmuir California in 1992.




I rod continously since 1972 with a short break for the birth of both of my sons. I don't ride now for work, ust pleasure, and remenicing of old days! Although I will soon be steady on the road to do My Style of a Hobo Documentary.




You write like you're on CRACK!

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Lets start from scratch here. No I dont ride the rails. I have a a full time job. I Work for a living. I have ridden in the past, never did enjoy as much as I thought. I do like the history of hobos. I have been going to britt now for over 15 years. Why do people think Im in charge. Im not. Im just another person at the jungle. There are very FEW fakes that show up at Britt. There have been old timers and young riders that have come to britt. I've never claimed to be a hobo, nor do I want to be. If you can't handle that, too bad. I've never seen you contribute anything to the convention, so you have no right or experience to complain about it. Many of the locals and "hobos at heart" put their all into the events and exhibits, while I tend to see all the "real hobos" sit around and get drunk and piss all over the place. So, I've seen both sides of the street. Come to Britt and prove me wrong, Please!

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I spent the night down at the jungle with Stretch, Burlington and a couple of railriders named Rick and Carla. The jungle is looking good, the trash is all picked up pretty much. We burned up a large portion of the junk firewood pile last night, maybe about half. The idea is to get rid of as many things that would attract negative attention as is possible. Trash is a major negative attention-getter. It's like throwing down your cans at a lay-up---just dumb behavior.

Both Stretch and Rick are working. Stretch has a temp job at a refrigerated warehouse that ships juice boxes and non-carbonated beverages. Rick is working at a concrete plant filling up ready-mix trucks with concrete and unloading hopper cars full of dry cement.


They made a major food score at a church-sponsored food bank. Each person got a couple of bags full of groceries, so now the jungle has plenty of chow. By the end of the week both guys will get a payday, so things should be prosperous for them pretty soon.


Because they are working, but living in the jungle, they'll be able to raise road money quickly. Stretch is talking about going to Amory in early April, so when he pulls stakes it's probable that Rick and Carla will move into the hooch.


I think it's kind of cool having people living in the jungle who share my ideas about keeping a clean camp. The place actually looks orderly and kind of "well kept."

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Guest The Texas Madman

K-Bar - [ask Frank if you think I'm blowing things out of proportion] ANYTHING you can do to keep elijah666prophet, who is also boxcarro_a1, Off this board will hlp to kep it for REAL HOBO-TRAMPS!

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I have so much to ask you about, to say to you... but i have one quick question for now: I've read about half of this thread, and about half-way through, in 2005, you wrote that Burl has cancer, and maybe only six months to live... I was sad to hear this... SO! What happened? The Burl in the pictures above must be the same dog, right? Was it a mis-diagnosis? Not as serious as previously feared?

Thanks man!

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High on Stress---


Yes, this is the same Burlington Dog. It seems that the veterinarian overestimated the symptoms of cancer, and it turned out to be a sort of pre-cancerous condition similar to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in humans. They had to neuter Burl, though, so unfortunately there won't be any cute little Burlington puppies.


Value Horse---

Actually we are kind of looking for a semi-permenant jungle resident to keep the streamliners at arm's length. Stretch usually winters here, but in the summer, it is too darn hot to be out in the weather.

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sorry if this is an ignorant or stupid question... i've been enjoying this thread, i read the last few pages and found it pretty intriguing and have started reading from the start... anyway... i was just wondering how you guys keep your gear and the like safe while out working or in town or whatnot? i imagine you can't take everything with you to work (or whatever) and im doubtful you have someone to guard/watch your stuff whenever at your convienence, so what do you do to keep your possessions safe?


thanks kabar, best wishes on your travels...

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2008 Hobo Events


April 16 -20 Amory, MS Railroad Days and Hobo Gathering

Contact host: Loco Larry and Ms. Charlotte

(662) 256-9113 (please restrict calls to normal daylight business hours.)



Water Valley, MS Hobo Gathering Cancelled for 2008

The Water Valley Gathering will NOT happen because

Amory RR Festival has been scheduled for that weekend

and Jackson, TN scheduled for the following weekend.

Hobos can come to Water Valley after Amory for some different scenery and to camp before


No activities are scheduled, though. (From sponsor Jack Gurner)



April 25 -26 Casey Jones Village in Jackson, TN

Contact host Lawrence Taylor at Casey Jones Village.

lawrencetaylor@ bellsouth. net



June 6 - 8 Rochelle, IL Railroad Days and Hobo Gathering

Contact Rick Barnes (815) 561-1231



July 18 - 20 Deep Lock Quarry Hobo Gathering

Contact Hummingbird (Pat Rydquist)

patrydquist@ yahoo.com


July 26 Venego, PA

(History of "A-No. 1") Hobo Gathering

The famous hobo, "A-No. 1" worked and and lived in Venago, PA at various times and these folks are working hard to establish an authenic hobo gathering in Venago.

Contact host Kerrick Caldwell kcdco809@yahoo. com




August 5 - 6 "Early Bird" activities to the National Hobo Convention, Britt, Iowa

Contact Mary Jo Hughes for info (641) 843-3840


Aug. 5 - Queen's Garden Party "A Tribute to Slo-Freight Ben."

Due to limited space, invitations will be sent (25,000 tourists show up at Britt.)


Aug 6 - Community Meal in the Jungle from 5:00 Pm to 6:30 PM


Aug 6 - A Gospel Concert at 7:00 pm, St Patrick's Catholic Church


August 7 - 10, 108th National Hobo Convention at Britt, Iowa


For a complete, up-to-date schedule of activities go to website:


http://www.brittiowa.com/hobo/ events.htm



September 6 Bucyrus, OH Hobo Day

Contact: Old Crow croneis@embarqmail. com


September 21 - 23 Port Huron, MI, "Down-by-the-Depot" Hobo Festival

Contact Thomas Edison Museum (810)



September Pleasant Hill, MO Railroad Days and Hobo Gathering

Date to be announced: Host Liberty Justice. (Liberty is trying to establish a permenant jungle in Raytown, which I think is part of Spring Hill now. He has obtained a piece of land and wants to create a sort of combination permenant hobo jungle and acoustic music venue in Raytown. The land has a small building on it, but it needs a lot of brush clearing and cleaning up. Anybody interested, give Liberty a call at (816)356-8049. This is a good opportunity for some people to get in on the ground floor of what could eventually be a great gathering. Liberty has a well-established reputation as a hobo musician and singer and has attended the various gatherings for many years.




Cancellation: Riverhead, Long Island, New York

Dandy Don: Thanks for two memorable great hobo gatherings.

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This is a very good question, and instructive to "aspiring" tramps.


As a general rule, one never leaves one's gear anywhere. Wherever YOU go, your GEAR goes. But, as you pointed out, this can be difficult if one is working a job.


If one has a "road dog," a proven, trusted travelling companion, then generally the two of you take turns. One guards camp, the other goes out to work or fly a sign or whatever. If the jungle is an actual functioning jungle, a semi-permenant camp, then the duty of guarding camp is very much less burdensome. The crumb boss assigns someone to guard camp as a rotating duty. This is not necessarily a duty that is evenly shared, because you may have an injured tramp, a sick tramp or an elderly tramp who can no longer work who stays in camp and guards it while most of the rest of the crew is off working or whatever. It goes without saying that in this situation, everybody "shares out" in the Frisco. If a meal is cooked or a jug is purchased, everybody gets an equal share. The rule is "Share Out and Share Alike." If rations are short, then obviously the crumb boss has to exert some authority. Sick persons, children and pregnant women get whatever extra can be spared.


Nobody is permitted to hog the gunboat. The crumb boss dishes up chow. Individuals don't take however much they want, they recieve their fair share from the crumb boss. Anyone who disagrees is free to leave camp and go live by themselves somewhere else.


But I have seen men give half their share to their girlfriend, or to a woman traveling with a child.


Under normal circumstances, though, tramps miss very few meals in the modern world. The jungle at Eureka is well supplied with chow at present. As the hobo saying goes "We're eatin' good--even the dogs are fat." (In most jungles, dogs get the scraps, but of course Burl is getting fed regular dog food and plenty of it. He gets cared for better than most children.)


In the case of Eureka JCT, Rick works the day shift, Stretch works a night shift. Carla, as Rick's spouse, is supported by him, so she and Burl stay in camp and guard things. If someone were to come into camp in a threatening manner and the men were gone, Carla would grab a piece of 2x4 and run to the hooch, where Burl is on a leash, guarding Stretch's gear. If the intruder doesn't leave camp immediately, Carla can threaten to release Burl (believe me, no sane person would stick around once he recognizes that Burl is there and barking and snarling, ready to eat his ass alive). The intruder can't hurt the dog, because Carla is protecting Burl, and he can't hurt Carla, because Burl is protecting her.


Obviously, if the intruder was a real nut case and was willing to use a gun to steal whatever a few hoboes might have, or to attack a lone individual (whether male or female) that is a different scenario, but for the average jungle intruder---some streamliner looking to steal a sleeping bag or a radio---just having someone in the jungle at all is enough of a deterrent.


BUT, under normal circumstances, your gear goes wherever YOU go. YOU CANNOT REASONABLY TRUST PEOPLE YOU JUST HAPPEN TO MEET ON THE ROAD. Be polite, but don't leave your gear with people you do not know and trust. If you have not known and trusted them for some time, and you give them the opportunity to rip you off, then it's your own fault.


This is the sort of thing people learn by bitter experience. Once you've been ripped off a couple of times, you just do what you need to do without a lot of fuss. If someone says, "Hey, just leave your gear here, it will be okay," your response is "Thanks, but wherever I go, my gear goes too. It's just The Rule."

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KaBar! Thanks for the response! I'm glad to hear that Burl is in good health and eating well!


Thanks for posting the 2008 schedule... do you think you'll make it to Britt this year? If so, I think I'd make a real effort to get up there. I printed the first half of this thread, and spent the last few weeks reading it. I've found it incredibly informative and interesting, and very hard to put down!

If you'll be in Britt in August, I'd like to shake your hand.


One other quick question: What is TU63?? Thanks!

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