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Yellow Feets

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The "excerpt" below was stolen from my old thread. Click the link below to view the old thread...







Alright, here's the "deal". I got serious with "graffiti" since late May of 2003. I've showed interest in it since like... the 7th grade. I liked it but never really tried anything. And I admit, I bit letters during those days. I only bit for school stuff. [Projects mainly] Biting letters from the internet didn't seem like a big deal at the time. I didn't care, I wasn't a graffiti artist. Then, bboying came along. And as you may know, biting is a big deal in bboying. That's when I learned that biting wasn't "ok". Now, I'm a sophmore in highschool. I only know one person who writes in my city. I've known this person for like a year and a half. [Met through bboying] I didn't know he wrote until some time last year. Then, I finally asked him if he could teach me stuff. He agreed and said I should get my can control down. [He said this after he saw my sketch] I don't have any cans or caps yet. I decided to work on paper unitl I get shit down. I'm ordering Krylon cans this thursday. [Hopefully] I'm going to practice in a few spots I found...


So yeah, to sum it all up, I've been writing for about a year. But I didn't consider myself a "writer" until September of last year. That was the first time I actually went out and paint. And no, I did not order those Krylon cans. I got 'em somewhere else instead...



Anyways, I'm not sure if I should start a thread or not. They're are alot of "toy" threads so I thought to myself "Why add to the bunch?" I never liked the idea of "self promoting". It always seemed like a cheap way to get fame. To get noticed. But I'm not really all about that. As long as I get respect from the wrirers I respect, then that's pretty cool. Ummm... In this thread I won't be posting up every sketch I do. Just ones worthy enough or ones that won't make eyes bleed. And I'll throw in random sketches that I like from friends or just shit I find on the net. Yeah yeah, stolen concept from "The Babble". But I won't be "internet-whoring" as much. Okay, I thing I said enough.... for now..





*It says Jose. And it's not finished but I might finish it someday. ;)





More pictures in my next post, there's too much text in this one.

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* This was posted in "The Babble". It's obviously unfinshed. The dude looks pretty fucked up... I know that. I changed the character a bit. I fixed his face. And right now, I'm trying to make his body "slouch" less. I'll post the finished product when I finish it. And trust me, it will be finished. :evil2:








* This was done ehhh.... in 2004. I have no fuckin' idea. It was a while ago though. I actually like this sketch. The only thing I hate is part of the "E" and that "K". And I don't write AMEK anymore. It's a pretty generic name and I don't want people to be mixing me up with some other AMEK.








* I thought this one was alright too. It was suppose to be a 3D but I never got to shading... That's because I was browsing a few threads in BRICKSLAYERS and I saw a few AMEN and AMEND pieces. Once I saw that, I decided to stop writing AMEN/AMEND. I cried for weeks...






By the way, I'm trying to do "three flicks at a time". So let me dig up some old sketches for you people. The next three flix will be in the next post.




By the way, I write AEMOR/AEUDI now. I doubt anyone writes that...:lol:


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you should go back to 2d for a while and then try 3d later on....

Yup. That's what I am doing now. But that JOSE isn't really a 3D. I meant to make it a 2D but with shading... But I guess I was fucking with that perspective shit and it turned out to look like a "3D". Thanks for the advice.



And I just noticed that the images are pretty huge... I'll resize the photos from now on... I think.



I forgot to mention I suck at shadings. That's another huge reason why I am going back to 2Ds.

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* Some old shit from last year. I think December. Not sure. This is in my old blackbook. It's just some random shit. It's never going to be finished because that blackbook is long gone.






* This was way back in September. Back when I was starting out. My friend CER2 was helping me out. Told me about the fundamentals of piecing and like... his graffiti history. Y'know, shit like that. Anyways, this was just some quick shit from him. And when I say quickshit, I mean it was done in like 5 minutes.






* Some more quick shit from CER2. He was teaching me throwups.






OKAY, I think that's enough for now. I know everything seems so plain so expect full colored pieces in the near future.


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How bout a handstyle or a throw up?? I personally like the Amek sketch the best out of those three..I wanna see more.

I didn't see this. I guess i was posting while you were. Yeah, handstyles and throwups will be on their way. It's too bad I suck at both. :)



Expect some eye sores...


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Thanks for the kind words seeking but why do you say my stuff looks like KEMA? To be honest, I don't know who KEMA is really... I've only seen a couple of KEMA sketches in that "My stuff with Onorok" thread in paperchase. His stuff is pretty dope. His lines are really thin. Those sketches of his in that thread had a bit of influence on me. But I'm just wondering why you said my work reminds you of his stuff. Because I don't see any similarities... Well, I 've only seen like 3 sketches from him so i could be wrong...


Seeking, if it doesn't bother you... can you post some of KEMA's shit?




I just noticed something... KEMA is AMEK backwards. Shit, I'm cool...


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I like it but I'd still like to suggest working on simple letters and getting rid of the arrows and do-hickies. Take an art course to learn more about 3d and shading and such. You look like you could turn out to be a pretty good artist, graffiti or otherwise.

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everything on here is old, but you'll get the idea.

i just think that alot of your shapes are reminiscent of very simplified kema stuff. especially the amek sketch. and again, im not saying you're biting him at all, just some similar ideas. especially the real big blocks and extensions that come off of letters.

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Guest Propaganda

Amek, do you have a mentor or straight learning? You picked up quick for a year. Not my style at all but def good show.

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iloveboxcars - I'll take you up on that offer on that "go simplier stuff". My simples are kind of blah. They remind me too much of EWOK. The 5MH one. He was def an influence but I don't want my simples to be looking like other people. And about the arrows... sometimes I just throws arrows in to "balance" my sketch. Take a look at that Jose one. See how the E is so tiny. Well, to balance that, I threw a huge arrow on top of it. Yeah... I think I should stop doing that too. I went a bit overboard on that Jose one... And I'm taking an art course (at my highschool :() next year.



Seeking - Now I know what you are talking about. Thanks for the site too. Is there a new updated site? Because that one said that they weren't updating anymore and that they will launch a new one.



MLTf4ntom - Sure, why not. I'll post it in here.



Slyde - Nah, no mentors at all. My so called mentor/friend who took me painting the first time/"bombing buddy"/bboy friend says my style is wack. Ehhh... I say the same to him too. I always tell him "Your shit is too oldschool NY for me". And then he replies "What do you expect, I rep a NY crew". Plus, I think he "grew up" on New York graffiti. And the CER2 guy is/was HIS mentor. So I can't blame him really. Hey, at least we are honest with eachother. That's why he's cool.






New sketches will be up when I have.... new sketches.


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why the fuck do you have a link to a thread about you in your signature? and a paper chase link at that? what kind of self promotional faggotry is that?


i really hope you weren't trying to insult yellow feet with the ewok comment.

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NOUM, I already know who EWOK is. If you read what I wrote in the post before you, you would've known why. But my "style" (quotation marks on style because I don't really have one, my shit changes and I like that) isn't anything like his. His letters are like a constant loop overlapping/underlapping eachother. It's weird. And I know that EWOK himself is a regualr on 12oz. If he thinks I'm biting or something, he should be the one to call it out.


And about "promotion", Seeking got you. :D



And Kema, "i wouldnt sweat any points brought up earlier in this thread" I'm not too sure what you meant about that comment... And thanks for sharing the sketch, it was dope. I bit it. (I'm kidding)




Oh, and here's a new sketch...


Blah has attached the following image:


*Ya, the M and the O are pretty weak... I'm not too sure what to do about that arrow too... And no, it ain't a 3D. Drop comments and/or advice if you want.




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When Beardo said what he said, he meant that you shouldn't sweat any of the comments about your style looking a little like Kema's, because there was a new Kema sketch in the Babble that would burn any of your stuff.


Not to sound like an asshole, just clearing up what he said...But that kema sketch would burn anything it was compared to. Your stuff is straight. I like that last sketch YellowFeets, definitely your best, I personally think... I really would like to see some color though. Keep up the good work, I'm diggin' it my man. Bump this thread for my homeboy.

Oh yeah, my other faves are the following sketch, and the Jose sketch.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for clearing that up Asert.




Okay, here's a new sketch. Going back to four letters. Heh. Let's see how long I last with this name.




*It says AEMU. Sounds gay, I know. This is sort of similar to that Jose and Aemor thing. But the 3D is a whole lot simplier. Which is probably what I should be doing for a while... I am going to color this one.



New sketches and maybe (a big maybe) I might post painted shit. Drop comments and critism. I'm always criticising other people so you're allowed to do the same.




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That's working for me. I like how it doesn't look like it's been bent up by rough hands like some of the others. I like the simpler shading. With some nice colors on a wall, that style can go far. By the way, there is also alot of progression with each sketch you do, whether others can see it or not. Good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just something to bump this piece of shit. I have a new sketch I am doing right now. So far it doesn't really look like the styles above. But I only got the A done so...


Also, I think I would like to start a passaround. Kind of been on and off about the whole thing...




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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's some semi-recent sketches. Take note that both sketches were darkened in photoshop so they look a bit weird. Like blurry or someshit. My weak scanner couldn't pick up the works os a 3H pencil I guess...



* A while ago.



* About 2 weeks ago. Most recent.



Both were painted but I'm not sure if it's "wise" to throw them up here. The thought of "Net Fame" isn't pleasing. Plus, no digicam.





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