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Originally posted by __ __ __ __@Jul 18 2005, 05:39 PM

actually the big paragraph that i had posted was quoted.... and yes i am aware that here are many mason roups at war with eachother, but were you aware that those same goups have the higher degree mson meet with eachother?..... secrets within secrets are common in these so called "secret societies".... not that they look down apon their own, but rather the most knowlegdable are worthy of knowing all... that is why certain people cannot go higher in degrees than others.. the ADEPTS of the societies test their members and rank them as to how they respond to these tests..... believe it or not, most of the societies are connected....even the "illuminated" are within the VATICAN..... many of the higher priests in the vatican are freemasons.. why do u think pope john paul II rasied the ban on freemasonry (look it up,late 1970s i beleive).... even high officals in the government are freemason, or members of one of the many branches of it.... i recomend u start out with the book "Behold A Pale Horse" by Wiliam Cooper... there is good information within those pages... notice the eye of kucifer on the one dollar bill... put by a mason... this conversation could go many ways, but i reccomend u reading up more

on the connections of many societies,groups,religions whatever... not to underestimate ur intelligence or knowlegde, but rather did not seem like you had all of it out on this board...


peace with you and i hope u can get something out of this rather than take it to offense.



All of it out on this board? I cannot even broadly outline all of the connections/disconnections/collaboration/confabulation/bifurcations/fragmentations

and all this mental masturbation. Therefore it would not be wise to make assumptions by a single post, or even a single book. Which is why I'm saying diversify. There is much interlodge cooperation and always has been. Freemasonry was like the first equal opportunity society. So you will find great thinkers from all walks of life among their ranks.


I am aware of freemasonry in the Vatican. Freemasonry and the Vatican have a long history together. One of the seedier secret societies that has associated itself with the vatican is called P2. That is what John Paul is referring to because P2 was doing dirty business with the mob and the CIA and the likes all within the sanctity of the vatican bank. However I'm sure that ol' John Paul II had less of a problem with the Templar Knights since they have a long history with the catholic church and actually created the first bank in history through the spoils of their crusades. This was the precursor to the modern vatican bank.

Interestingly enough, some of the realest of real satanic groups can be found in the shadows of the catholic church. I'm not talking about this new Anton LeVey's new age humanistic kind of satanism.... Or even the illuminati's vague associations with the glib muse in search of light, I'm talking about real, ancient, scary ass satanism. But I haven't gotten too much into that.


I am aware of "behold a pale horse" and the All Seeing Eye on the pyramid of thirteen rows of stones, the eagle with thirteen arrows, and the thirteen leaves, thirteen stars and stripes.... the novus ordo seclorum or "new order of the ages".... It's quite evident that freemasonry has a long history in the US and all over the world for that matter. Yes there are grand conspiracies and the masons have played prominent roles throughout history and many times behind the scenes. The point I'm trying to make is that at it's core freemasonry is a fraternity. It is a fraternity where ideas can be shared without fear of the stigmas thrust upon radical thinkers by the "profane masses". Lodges can be a repository of knowledge, unadulterated by the ambitions and prejudices of any single nation, people, or monotheistic religion. Already you can see the hysteria the mere mention of freemasonry causes among people. Much of this hype is a witchhunt though. See my signature? See the part about "kooks with odd religions"? Freemasonry can be included there. The signature is making fun of the militias fear of the ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), minorities moving into the country and taking over, and the fear of Freemasonry, of sorcery, or really anything that is not Christian. There is all kinds of disinformation distributed by them. Conspiracy theory is convoluted threads and sticky webs of intrigue. Don't get caught up. Keep your bullshit detector set to "high".


*Oh, and why not take a closer look at some of our Masonic founding fathers? They are actually pretty cool guys. George Washington.... hey he smoked pot, he's okay in my book.lol Ben Franklin not only caught a lightening bolt, but he was a close associate of the pennsylvania abolitionists. Thomas Jefferson, while he wrote about abolition much, couldn't do anything about it because of the political pressures of the time. A founding father who has largely been lost to history, Robert Carter, actually freed all of his slaves and often provided for them because he didn't give a damn about politics. These were some of the most forward looking and influential members of our government. This is the kind of radical freedom that these people wanted to protect for us. Unfortunately the religious right are trying to take away all of that from us and take us back to medeval times.

Just watch, the militias and the religious right are going to be like the amish people of the future because they refuse to move forward in history.

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we see eye to eye ( or so i believe).... *note i do not base my findings off of one book. that would be suicide, however i was mearly introducing a book into the public(12oz oddly enough) and hope to try and spark someone into finding this info, analyzing it, and search for more... i belieive you (villian) and I have just had a nice sharing of words, and appreciate what u had to say, i am still young,(under 20) and yet i find myself knowing more than most my age ( and i am not no bookworm or school-a-holic)... thanks for ur response for i enjoy having talks with people that are on that next level, or dare i say the level we are meant to be on..?



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i think its funny how the whole page was filled up with all this deep psycho-social rederict about the masons and all of a sudden whywrite was like "well, im going to florida..." and everybody was like, "hey yea, florida kicks ass..." which i agree wholeheartedly with, i wish i could afford to go too...

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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Jul 18 2005, 03:44 PM

... i never really understood how people could get into the misfits without glenn danzig though... ehh whatever...


I agree. I loved the old misfits shit. Then samhain was pretty good, but shortly after Glenn started Danzig I think he lost credibility and started to way suck.

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Originally posted by __ __ __ __@Jul 19 2005, 04:01 AM

we see eye to eye ( or so i believe).... *note i do not base my findings off of one book. that would be suicide, however i was mearly introducing a book into the public(12oz oddly enough) and hope to try and spark someone into finding this info, analyzing it, and search for more... i belieive you (villian) and I have just had a nice sharing of words, and appreciate what u had to say, i am still young,(under 20) and yet i find myself knowing more than most my age ( and i am not no bookworm or school-a-holic)... thanks for ur response for i enjoy having talks with people that are on that next level, or dare i say the level we are meant to be on..?





Haha... don't beleive me! I could be wrong. But less wrong than some people, and more wrong than others.

Find out for yourself. Indulge your curiosity. You can only benefit.

Good luck truthseeker


*Edit... I used to live in florida. I enjoyed it. Well except for the time we found a dead body on our porch. And when we found a needle in our yard. And when our apartment got broken into. And all of the tar and dying, angry jellyfish on the beach. And when I got my bike stolen. Other than that it was pretty nice. lol

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GOOCH: I have a potential mural job for us in BK by me... you down? lets talk. Its an awesome bar with an oldschool/vintage feel in RedHook. My boy works there and the owners are chill as hell. I already talked to him, he just wants to see examples/shit Ive done and estimates after that.


Call me, I know your ass is unemployed, no excuses. ;)

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ya ya me too. for a lot of users, if they ring a bell it means that i either enjoy them, or wish they would fall off of the face of the earth. and since i dont recall any god-awful posts by dumy, i am bringing all my street-cred to the table and saying he should be down. :chicken:

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dubs, i probably will not be able to jump on that. i think i am starting this new job on monday and i am in the process of ripping apart my place, putting new floors in, painting and general "this old house" type stuff. chris has some samples of work, so ask him if he wants to work out things and i can always help out if we set shit up at a later date. give me a call tomorrow or something.


anyone need any furniture? i will part with some stuff super cheap or for some cool original art.

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