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Joker ... nice drawing. I like it. As far as your cranks go, you could go the Dura Ace route, or you could put an LX mountain crank (I think that would look cooler) on there. Either way, you'll need a new bottom bracket, as the Pista has a square-tapper bb.


D'lush ... Sorry you guys couldn't make it. It's probably just as well, because they made me work all weekend anyways. Nic sucks and I went to the trick skid comp and were there for the start of the Winter Solcitice alley cat, but that's about it. I heard that the SF cutters got all drunk and crazy and started throwing their bikes around and breaking shit on Saturday. I wish I could have seen that.


nic sucks ... fuck you, man! You know you thought my shit was the bomb. You're just jealous. Hahahahaha. See you tomorrow.


So I think I'm going to race in two upcoming 12 hour races ... solo. We'll see how things go.

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Originally posted by Joker

Giant would probably do a sick one... no doubt. But dude doesn't draw for free.


of course i wouldnt expect it for free. my homie is good friends with him and i guess that giant liked him so much that he did a jean jacket for him. it looked so dope.


alkaline....i believe it. :)

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Originally posted by Devilush

my homie is good friends with him and i guess that giant liked him so much that he did a jean jacket for him. it looked so dope.



Yeah, when he was up here last month he had one of those jackets on. He was telling me he made only a few. Kept one, gave two away and sold the others. It was sick looking for sure. Have you seen those boxes he made? With all the goodies inside? Gawd damn! Dude has pinned the market on selling cool shit... for writers.


Alkaline... I had another friend mention MTB cranks. It could very well be the route to take. I'll look into it. Thanks for the info. Actually... thanks to everyone for their input. I knew there was stuff out there but I just didn't know what to look for.


Went out for a ride today. Concentrating on hills for the first six weeks because it's one of my main handicaps. I took this one low gradient hill, but steady ride today. In the spring I could manage 15-17mph up this hill easily... today, struggling to keep up 12mph. And even slowed to 10 at one section. Sad but it's early. And suprisingly I weigh less than I did in the spring. Now if I can just lay off the seasonal cookies I'm golden.

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yeah cinammon, you are the man...


why o why god am i so fat.... an hour on the trainer tonight wasted... just had three cokes and cheez-its... ugh... i'm joining the gym after the new year and please believe i'm gonna have quads the size of rosie o'donnell come march. wishful thinking keeps us going...

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man i feel the fat pain, its sad. thanksgiving, snow, and nasty weather hit all at once and i was like "what bike?"


joker, you should really get a set of legit track cranks. especially since you actually ride at the velodrome from time to time. even on the road its a nice thing to give your bike a straight chainline and less weight. the dura ace are sick, the campy ones will cost you 50 more. onn a realistic budget i say look into the miche. they should run you bout a hundred bucks. or take a step down and get the sugino track cranks. 80 bucks or so.

im feeling that drawing mang. i'll whip something up myself. won;t be as cool as that, but i'll try. i was thinking of having some jerseys done up anyhow, a little artwork always helps. lets do this.


cinnamon, can you post your training schedule again. or anyone for that matter w/ a set regular scheddule. i'd like to compare and see where im at.


everyone go on a group ride!

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Originally posted by Joker

Yeah, when he was up here last month he had one of those jackets on. He was telling me he made only a few. Kept one, gave two away and sold the others. It was sick looking for sure. Have you seen those boxes he made? With all the goodies inside? Gawd damn! Dude has pinned the market on selling cool shit... for writers.


heck yes he does. i went to the haight (bleh) yesterday and we went into redfive and saw that giant box. aaand a black and white giant shirt with his tat characters for $15. you bet the kids went craaaazy on that shit.

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after christmas, we're planning a bike ride to sonoma country or napa valley if anyone is interested.



i would do a stonecutters shirt for the women. like, little baby tees with my characters on it and maybe under the character it would say "stonecutters" in cursive on the bottom. sooo girly. :o

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seeing as stonecutters tend to be more mature than most of the other twelve ouncers save me and the heshie i thought of a shirt idea....


similar to the infamous twelve oz journals project... but better because it may work...


someone starts a sketch and we all flex into it in our own way seeing as there isnt too many of us to lose the sketches... just lay out the particulars colors etc and make sure that someone scans it or photocopies it every once in a while... i dont know just a little idea... and seeing as bike jerseys tend to have thr3ee thousand logos we could hit it off with individual layouts if that is a possibility... i dont know... just adding my lame noncomputer having idea...


happy holidays... ill be riding on christmas eve for work jigga what...

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well this week i got 10hrs and 35min in... pretty lucky this time of the year. as far as a training schedule for the winter my dad and have talked about. is first just getting out and riding 5 to 6 days a week the next thing i am to work on is not nessasarly get in hard killer miles but just solid base miles and doing them in a slighty harder gear to build up some good leg stregth another key my dad thinks that will help is doing lots of climbing.. today i road for 3 hours with my dad a few others and hour of the ride was one climb.. insainly steep (its a dirt road we did it on the cross bikes) we just cranked climb out and just kept it steady and really trying to stay seated and use the legs. I start racing 7th or 9th of march for the colleigent series which lasts till the second weekend of may with nationals being out in berkley CA, which i doubt i'll be able to make it too. i guess the key, for me, with the winter training starting is just getting in the miles and on a consistent basis with lots of climbing. I should add that i am on winter break from college and don't have to go 13th of jan. so finding time to ride is not a problem for me. yeah i know lucky.. i am also lifting weights 3 days a week (upper body) and legs 2 days a week

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package recieved. If I address the return exactly as you wrote it, will you get it? Just wanted to be sure before I sent it. One other thing, check cool or do you want me to send you a money order or some shit like that?


Thanks for the extras! Thats the shit man.


Hesh, I'll try and post up the training schedule I'm planning on using. A couple months of hitting the trainer wouldn't hurt. I'm in kinda sorry shape right now.


Willy...I like the ideas.

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Winter workouts...


Steve... glad it arrived. And even before the holiday... cool. You can send a check if you want. No worries. And yeah, that return address should get it here just fine. Glad you liked the goodies, too. I hope the size is good for you. I started to worry for a bit that it may be too small.



Dude, I seriously need help. I've been getting some small base miles in, all hills four days a week. And atleast an hour on the trainer two days a week. And I've been working out at the gym doing legs, abdominals and lower back. It all sounds good but my eating habits are horrible so it almost renders the work useless. I gotta get it together.

I figured I'd concentrate on hills for six weeks and then sprints for six weeks. All the while doing the gym and the trainer in between. I'm doing it that way because I've read/ heard that concentrating one thing at a time will make you stronger in that section of your training. If you're all over the place doing sprints and hills and tempo riding... you're not really getting much out of any of it. For hills, like Cinnamon I'm staying seated as much as possible. Even on the deathly steep sections. There's this one section of hill that is maybe 50 yards long and it's so steep that by the time I got over it on yestrday' ride, I thought I was gonna puke. It took me more than five minutes to recover.


Any tips or training ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping to make next year a good one. So I guess I better lay off the holiday goods...

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THE LAW is back!!!!!!!


he has been steady reading bicycletasfor months but unable to log in due to reasons beyond his control....been steady riding all day every day, in spite of the wackness of the cold and wind.





for working riders, how much did you manage to write off for 2002... THE LAW is claiming 1643$ without buying a new bike... for those of you that aren't Independent Contractors, are you claiming your shit on Schedule C or somewhere else?

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its a nice photo.

what up my cuttahs. hope everyonehad a great holiday. welcome back THE LAW. glad here here all is well in your necjk of the woods.

well sometrhing very strange happened to me yesterday, worthy of an explaination. it was like i was just there.......

i am at work, its the end of the day, building a bike to pass some time, to thug like dudes come in to the shop and ask if i have ever heard of a specialized camelean bike. a carbon bike. i say no never heard of such a model, the one says he got it as a gift and just wants to know the year of it, so i am game and go to have a look. in the back of the pick up the have the bike covered by a blanket. in a sketchy manner they look around, and then uncover it. its not a specialized. its a calfee. full carbon frame with TI lugs. mavic ksyrium wheels, full dura ace, time trial bars, plus much more.nothing second best. i immediatly get the impression that this bike is stolen, recently stolen. these guys give me some story about it bein a gift etc and havving for a couple weeks and not likking it,plus the are in a rush. so i down play the quality of the bike and make an offer, i say $200. they are all naw naw $400. and im am all like no, its not worth that to me, forget it. so they say $300. deal. i go to the atm and get the money and buy a bike that is easily worth about $5000 new for $300. and now i am searching endlessly for the original owner to return it to them, the hard part is, theres no serial #, anywhere on the bike. but is is a very distict bike, with a camelean paint job that turns from blue to purple in the light. so i am confident i will find the owner, although it may take some time to do so. its all i want to do. sure i would love the parts etc, but not under these circumstances and not at the cost of this type of karma. this is someones life. i must find them.

its crasey though huh? through the whole thing i was shaking i was so stressed out by it. i cant wait to return it to its owner.

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well i joined the gym today, a step in the right direction since i'm about 15lbs heavier than my ideal riding weight that i was at in september... seems good- spin classes- once you get over the stigma- are cool... leg presses are fun shit and it's cool to see a relatively smaller dude like me crushing the hulk dudes on leg presses. there are actually a whole bunch of cyclists who work out there- i met one today, a cat2 rider who wants to train. i'm down. anything not to be a slob- got 94 ghent-whelgem on tape to watch on the trainer...

already thinking about new bar/stem combos.... hmmm, cinelli, stella azurra...

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I suffered through the cold to get in a four hour ride last night through the inner city. This ride was just hotness. Came across a few new pieces I hadn't seen before, along with a couple stencils already posted in the stencil pic thread. Felt good to get out and ride despite the weather. I'm kinda surprised by how good I felt this morning. Learned a few new escapes as well, so that ride was more than worth it.


Dibs....man thats just awesome. hope you find the guy. thats gotta be worth some serious good karma.


Joker...size of the bag is perfect. I'm sure I'll want a bigger bag in a few months, but right now its spot on. I'll try and get that check in the mail this weekend. Thanks again man. Last night was my first real test run with it. Other than needing to make some adjustments for fit, its bad ass.


Hope everyones getting out and putting some miles in. This is the worst time of year. I'm actually thinking about buying a Playstation 2 just so I can stand riding the trainer.

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