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post high school


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went to a college...did a year.

went to the united states for almost a year.

now im 21 and my 18 year old friend is in ahead of me in university...im not at all happy with the fact that i will be finishing when im about 24 (assuming i dont screw up)


fatbastrd/ i DONT have 99 problems, but school is one of them.

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Guest mikro137

after high school i worked at a drug store , and then for the same district that i took so much from when i was in highschool. this led me to taking a 9 month vacation , having nothing to show from it , except for maybe my car (which runs "OK" :rolleyes: but gets from point a to point b pretty well) a few gitars , and lots and lots of computers/parts. i regret absolutely nothing about it , and hopefully it will jumpstart my carrear in other cities.

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seeing as this thread is all about career and what not, you could describe what a typical day is like in the US army e.g- type of work you do, what recreational time is like, how much recreational time you have, food...internet access etc etc.


that is, if you feel like it.

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after high school, i went to art school for a semester. it was so expensive that i was forced to drop out. i got my first graphic design job at $8 an hour, stayed there for 5 years.


i have been working ever since and just take classes from time to time.

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I went straight to college. Was talked into entering engineering by some jackass high school counselor, really wanted to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon for computer science but was waitlisted at both.


Ended up going into chemistry for a year, then visual communications design. Worked in-dorm tech support at a girls dormitory repairing network problems and rewiring routers, then moved on to phone support. Worked 30 hours a week at the university in a media lab instructing various students and professors on the use of Adobe Premiere and other graphics software. Right now I'm saving up money for school before I go back and working as a cook in a fairly expensive restaurant/bar.


Plan on going back and doing my undergrad in chemistry then hopefully doing graduate work with the Nichol's lab where they invent new psychedelic drugs and alzheimers cures, among other things.

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Originally posted by GnomeToys

I went straight to college. Was talked into entering engineering by some jackass high school counselor, really wanted to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon for computer science but was waitlisted at both.


Ended up going into chemistry for a year, then visual communications design. Worked in-dorm tech support at a girls dormitory repairing network problems and rewiring routers, then moved on to phone support. Worked 30 hours a week at the university in a media lab instructing various students and professors on the use of Adobe Premiere and other graphics software. Right now I'm saving up money for school before I go back and working as a cook in a fairly expensive restaurant/bar.


Plan on going back and doing my undergrad in chemistry then hopefully doing graduate work with the Nichol's lab where they invent new psychedelic drugs and alzheimers cures, among other things.


Props on that!

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let me explain the canadian differnce:


Up here 'college' and 'university' are two very diffent things.

University is for academics and college is for trades.

I know so many people who had great grades but no direction

so they bumbled their way into 60k worth of school debt

and have absolutely no idea what to do with their life.

On the other side, I know people who put like 4-7k into college and got real jobs they could live with.


If you dont know what you want to do with your life,

dont commit a huge amount of money into finding it.

Figure it out first, then invest in your future.

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Originally posted by wakassOATH

man that sucks


cause recently ive accually be scared.. i mean to all you kids out there who accually have decent jobs that you needed to go to college for.. how did you find out you wanted to do that?


i mean i cant imagine getting up for work at a 9-5 everyfucking day to a job that i hate


my dad always told me.. if you find a job that you accually enjoy doing.. you will never work a day in your life


thats what im trying to find.. problem is i dont like anything other than graffiti, bitches, and chillin drinking 40s with the boys .. shit like that.. i mean i enjoy other stuff like traveling .. but nothing really grabs me.. ive never been like "wow i love cars.. ill be a machanic and ill love it"




i dunno.. back to my question.. if you have a decent job that you went to school for..how did you findout what you wanted to do?


have your ged? enjoy harassing people? then a policeman MAY BE the job for you.


now seriously you could probably become a cop if you wanted too.....even if u have a few graffiti and drug charges that doesn't really matter. it's decent pay and if your not making enough you can rob drug dealers.



other highschool education jobs include

-the janitorial arts.

-security guard.

-commercial fisherman(good job if you like fishing and the ocean and dont mind losing a few fingers/limbs)

-guy that tests out new products and prescription drugs.


-rail road worker.

-construction worker.

-hamburger technician.

many others



otherwise i'd say go to college.

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lil bit off topic, but im still in high school and trying to decide what i want to do....does anyone here go to college for something that has to do with computers? or does anyone have a computer related job?, if so can you tell me what its like....

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i droped out on high school wit no credits...never passed freshman year...now i bust my ass for money to pay my bills...and everyday i say to myself..i should of stayed in school...so for all u kids out there who thinks its cool to cut skool and chill..take it from someone who cut more then u done more drugs then you and hated school more then u...stay in school..cuz ull regret it alll ur life

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i went to school/college for information systems and took a lot of programming classes, networking, systems design classes and an extra class for computer hardware. the training gave me the opportunity for good pay, but i don't enjoy the field so i'm on my way out. people who love that stuff do great, if not you'll probably be bored to tears.



on topic after high school


- went to university of colorado got a business degree mktg and IS

- got accepted to the school of engineering telecomm master's program, but declined

- got a mint job as an assistant product manager for a wireless software company that paid ultra dough, then got laid off

- got a different job, now a project manager


- now i'm going back to school for my master's of Fine arts in Interior Design at George Washington, i'm still trying out how to pay for this damn private school



so i've been out of high school for 8 yrs now.... EEP!

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Well I would suggest that if you're planning on going military that you go Air Force. Cause everyone in the Army is jealous of the air force. Even when deployed over seas they got it way easier.


If you don't want to go that route I would suggest trying to get apprenticed somewhere or going to a trade school. Trade schools are employing more people these days than universities for some reason. Besides if you go to a trade school first you will get an okay job that you won't be bored to death with and you can save some extra cash to go to the university if you want.


Don't make like me and go to an expensive ass art fag school and plunge yourself into eternal debt.... no no no.... then wind up in the army or something cause you're life sucks.

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You can fly planes in the navy, too, right?



I’m in a trade school right now. I hate it because there’s so few girls there, and a lot of moroooooooons, but whatever – I gotta get educated so I can work for a few years until I save enough money for that record label I’ve always dreamed about starting! :lol:

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ubejinxed, with all the computer oriented things that you've done, do you have to be super good at math or that doesnt really matter? can you let me know how much math is involved and would it be too hard for someone who kind of slacks in math such as myself..

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i'm in my fifth year of college... if i had not fucked up and dropped out so many times, i'd be in my graduating right about now... as it is i have a little over a year and a half left...




it took me a long time to figure out what the hell i could enjoy doing for the rest of my life... took a bunch of art classes and music classes mostly... finally decided i trusted my musical abilities more than my artistic ones, so i settled on music... spent a little less than a year majoring in jazz guitar and elctronic music, but kinda freaked out, and came to the conclucion that having a diploma and shit that basically just says i can play music really doesn't mean shit as far as getting a steady job...

so i decided if i'm gonna end up hell of in debt and spend all this time at school, i might as well do it for something where i will be able to get a steady job, and one that pays well at that, while still stayinjg involved with music... so now i'm studying sound engineering... when i'm done here the three options i'm looking at are sound and music for video games and movies, or working in/owning a recording studio...


long story short: 5 years, three schools, and way too much money later, i kind of have some vague idea of what i'll do with the rest of my life...


figure out what you wanna do before you start with school, unless you are super, super rich, or are going to community college...



Originally posted by wakassOATH



chillin drinking 40s with the boys

art... go to art school, or get a job at a gallery maybe, there's a bunch of possibilties...


get involved in porno...


work at a brewery...

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Originally posted by Weapon X

You can fly planes in the navy, too, right?


Not as an enlisted man, like the majority of people who join. You have to be an officer, and that requires roughly 4 years of college and navy-related college, and to be a pilot requires even more years on top of that. You're talking about a lot of schooling and sacrifice of years of your life dedicated to the military. So if you know for a fact in your heart that's the road that you want to go, then go for it.

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