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American Soldier Mocks Iraqi Child (with funny ass pic)


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with all due offense, sometimes man, you are a fucking moron.

complaining because 'mercinaries' were 'murdered'?!?! are you fucking high?! they were being payed (incredibly well mind you) to go over there and kill people and teach others how to kill people. they 'deserved' to die just as much as the iraqi's who they would have killed, had they had the chance.

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Aren't mercenaries illegal? I'm pretty sure they are at least in this context. Especially for the likes of us. Most mercenaries aren't representing a country they are just hired guns.


I dunno... I see alot of hate. Talk like it's a violent religion, like all their brains are fried... these perspectives are not helping, especially when they are endorsed by the higher ups.


When I used to listen to Bikini Kill I liked them.

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It all depends on whose ox is being gored


Sure, being a mercenary is technically illegal. And if somebody hires out to fight for another country for money alone, he could be prosecuted if he was caught making the deal or launching the operation from the borders of the United States. If the government of the U.S. disapproved of the side the mercenary soldier picked.


However, IF the mercenary soldier is fighting on the side of that particular conflict that the government of the U.S. favors, then Federal law enforcement officials look the other way, so long as the mercenary in question isn't too blatant and public about what he has in mind. Obviously, having a force of trustworthy American former Special Forces, Delta Force, U.S. Army Airborne and Marine Corps veterans available to go to work "unofficially" on behalf of the interests of the U.S. government is going to appeal to whoever is in power. They don't show up on casualty lists. They are "professional soldiers," who know what is up, not some 19-year-old pud puller who joined the Army to get college money.


When I was in the Marine Corps, we had a great deal of sympathy and a feeling of comraderie with the "Soldier of Fortune" guys. They were usually very good at their jobs, well paid, and most young Marines admired them for their competance. I knew several guys in my platoon who aspired to becoming mercenaries when their Marine Corps enlistment was up. Two were intent on joining the French Foreign Legion, and studied French in the squad bay in their off time. They often spoke to each other in "French" (probably very badly accented pidgin French) in an attempt to learn to converse. They intended on going to France and enlisting once their tour was over.


Two other guys wanted to go to work for some Belgian security company that had contracts in Africa. In the '70s, there were a lot of wars in Africa, and lots of mercenary work there.


Mercenaries don't just kill anybody they want to, any more than regular soldiers do. They went to Iraq to DO A JOB. And the job entailed protecting American interests in a foreign country with a large minority of people willing to murder and terrorize to try to maintain their fascistic dominance of the remainder of the country.


But clearly, driving through Fallujah was a fatal miscalculation. I wonder whether or not they had done it before, successfully? Maybe several times, and figured it was safe? In any case, they were wrong.


And if the killers of those four American security contractors thought they could "humiliate" the U.S. forces in Iraq without paying a serious price, they were wrong. There are still 3,500 Marines encircling Fallujah, and I'm betting that before this is all over, that town will be a smoldering rubble heap. That's what they chose, when they slaughtered those four Americans. Next time, I bet they think twice before they pull some shit like that. And if they don't, we'll be flattening ANOTHER town.

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Originally posted by villain

I dunno... I see alot of hate.


Nah, man, not hate. Just resentment about a lot of things. But most countries don’t put a sword on their flag, or, like Iraq, glorify weapons with huge statues. There are more important things in life, like God (for those who believe), for instance. The nazis had their whermecht (sp) but they were ridding the country of religion for a reason, I think.

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what you're failing to see, which has been pointed out to you on this board before, is that losing that city is not a 'loss' to them. we killed 3,000,000 vietnamese/laotians/cambodians in vietnam, to our what? 55,000? we still lost.

those people are fighting for their freedom. no matter how misguided or ill conceived their plans are, they killed 100 american soldiers. last i heard, we'd reportedly killed about 1,000 (including civillians). all thigns considered, those are winning numbers. we have all the technology and money in the world, they have hand me down weapons, hand me down clothes, and flip flops.

i know it's real 'cool' to brag about how we can 'flatten' their city with our airplanes, tanks, missles and mortars, but really, it's just pathetic that it even has to come to that. this WHOLE THING could have been avoided had we used some sense and listened to what people were trying to tell us.

but we didn't, so now people (on both sides) have to die.

but that is your answer to everything....if we kill them all, there will be no one left to oppose us. and yes, in a col. kurtz sort of way, that is true, but that does not make it right.


we set out to 'free' iraq, but iraqi's overwhelming don't trust us. the fact that we're even still fighting proves that we're not winning. this is a war of trust and faith, and we will NEVER win it with our current tactics.

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Originally posted by Weapon X

Nah, man, not hate. Just resentment about a lot of things. But most countries don’t put a sword on their flag, or, like Iraq, glorify weapons with huge statues. There are more important things in life, like God (for those who believe), for instance. The nazis had their whermecht (sp) but they were ridding the country of religion for a reason, I think.


How many coat of arms do you see all over the place in the west?

You have been reading too much Ken Follet, I think.

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Palestine One


How can you not support a country that gives away billions of dollars every year to every country that asks, despite the fact that they hate us, disrespect our citizens and have nothing but contempt for democracy and freedom?


The Iraqis despise the fact that American women are not cowering servants, and they hate and loathe the fact that American women are serving in our armed forces in Iraq. TOUGH SHIT. They better learn to like it, it's not going away, and neither are we.


They despise the fact that we build secular schools and give away money for Iraqi education everywhere our troops go. They hate the fact that Americans are sending thousands of aid workers and government contractors to Iraq to get the public utilities, public water supply, telecommunications, etc. working again. They deliberately target American contractors trying to restore normal life to Iraq. They don't want normal life to be restored, unless THEY control it, just like under Saddam.


They hate the fact that within weeks after the invasion came to a halt, and Iraq surrendered, Iraqi markets blossomed and every possible electronic device, luxury item, motorcycle, car, etc. came flooding in from all over the world. You can buy things dirt cheap today, with the "insurgency" attacking and killing Americans daily, that Iraqis could NEVER get under Saddam, even in the best of circumstances.


They hate the fact that they know damn well that 90% of their problem was caused by Iraqis who looted and destroyed their own country. American forces STRICTLY attacked LEGITIMATE MILITARY TARGETS ONLY, and American forces did not destroy schools, hospitals and municipal buildings, and went to enormous lengths to avoid hitting mosques and places of national significance (museums, etc.) The vast majority of the destruction of normal public facilities like schools, libraries, etc. was done BY IRAQIS.


This state of affairs will not last forever. Eventually, the government of Iraq will be reestablished, and I SINCERELY HOPE that they have the good sense to join the fight against terrorism. They could profit by Libya's example. Khadaffi finally caught a fucking clue. And I still believe Syria is next on the hit parade, if they don't change their behavior. The situation in the Middle East is going to change. Fundamentalist, fascistic Muslim terrorism will continue for a while. The regular, normal Muslims are going to be faced with a choice, just like the regular, normal Southern citizens were after the Civil War. They could either support freedom and the Union, and get their rights returned; or they could support the Ku Klux Klan and the lost cause of slavery and Southern Rights and be hunted down and killed. The Baathists are equivalent to Nazis. We are going to completely eliminate them as an effective political force. Those people that were Baathists in name only will be "rehabilitated" and permitted to serve the new government.


Note that, so far, the Marines in Fallujah are not requiring the citizens to turn in ALL arms, only "heavy" military arms. They do not insist that the citizens of Fallujah surrender their assault riles, because those same assault rifles will be used to defend democracy, once it takes a foothold, against the Baathist thugs.


They could stop the crushing of Fallujah instantly, just by refusing to attack the Americans patrolling there. Or, they can resist, and we will flatten the place.

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