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12oz lecture series??? any hope of this?


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Musical theory would be really good. If I had a vote that counted, I would say this thread should be sticky also.


I would like to hear some different people talk about using multiple mediums to do artwork as well. I have a friend that did a bad ass water color a long time ago, he used water colors, paint markers, colored pencils and a sharpie, and it came out really good. I am no newb to colors myself, but I'd like to hear some ideas about combining colors on paper. Another thing, I have trouble doing characters with paint markers, I can shade with pencils and can blend with paint markers, but as far as midtones, highlights and shadows, it'd be nice to get a lecture, I'm all ears.


edit: Mamerro should get on here and lecture on drawing robots and also teach us some cool photoshop tips to edit photos. Also image creation from nothing would be nice too. I see some really bad ass stuff that looks like rave flyer type of digital imagery alot and I wonder how they put something like that together from start to finish. Check out www.deaddreamer.com to see what I mean.


Casek, this is a great thread, and it's already gotten a real good response, I can see it sticking around for a while.



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Guest im not witty

i could lecture for hours on the importance and evolution of style in skateboarding. as well as compare skateboarding to modern dance.(ballet, bboying etc) question is, is anyone enough of a nerd to want to hear it.


heres a editorial i wrote that was supposed to be in Big Brother once i revised it, which i never did, and dave carnie decided to forget about getting back in touch with me about it.



So everyone who’s ever had the audacity to ride a

skateboard should know what a dork trick is. I’m

pretty sure that’s the generally accepted term,

although “dorkin around” and “talent-less queer

shit” have probably been used synonymously as

well. But just in case you’ve been living/skating

in a cave for your whole life, a dork trick can

be broadly defined as a trick that makes people

laugh instead of clap.


But alas, there’s not much room in the industry

for dork tricks. They are usually reserved for

comic relief or filler for the credits in videos.

These days most established pro’s are too busy

counting stairs, flossing ice, and pullin’ more

bitches than a lesbian tug of war to bother

skating a parking block for your viewing

pleasure. This is not to say that these pros

don’t know any dork tricks, for I’m positive they

do. They grew up just like you and I, skating

curbs and endless seas of flatland. But that’s

not what gets the kiddies hyped these days, and

it’s definitely not what sells signature shoes.

The youngsters need hammers and wrenches and

triple kinked double set bazillion flips.


I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be

this way. I’ve been riding a skateboard for 15

years and the only two core elements that have

remained a part of skating for that time are

style and fun. So what’s more stylish and fun

than dork tricks?

Seriously, you’ve got maybe a handful or two of

guys who can make a kickflip look like something

special, who can make it more than a kickflip.

The rest are boring parrots as far as I’m

concerned. But even the sketchiest original dork

trick will bring joy into this urethane heart of

mine. It’s all about seeing something new, and

getting excited about skating again. Just as

street skating saved us from the vert doldrums in

the 80’s, I’m convinced dork tricks can save us

from the stuntman mentality of the now.

Now don’t go thinking that we dorks live

and die by the parking block either. It is indeed

a staple of our dork diet, but the real pleasure

in being a one of us lies in searching out spots,

just like any other “real skater.” You have to be

committed. Pool junkies peek over fence after

fence with fingers crossed, whereas we cruise

back alleys and scour behind warehouses for weird

rusted junk to skate, unnatural transition, drop

ins that lead into rocks or a brick wall, or

anything else that looks vaguely rideable.

Nowadays video parts are made up of

single trick after single trick. Blip. Blip.

Blip. Watch an old Powell video and you’ll see

guys with lines longer than today’s skaters’

whole part. But since that’s a thing of the past,

why not take it to the next level? Skate

something that has no approach and no landing.

Bomb a sketchy brick retaining wall that ends in

bushes; grind a rail straight into the shallow

end of a filled swimming pool. Whatever. Climb up

and ride down. Look for something new to skate

everyday. Street skating has always been about

using a location for something other than its

original purpose. When it first began to take

shape, people were shocked to see us ride our

boards on handrails and ledges. Now they expect

it, they see it in tampon commercials, even put

up stoppers and spikes to prevent it. You’re not

shocking anyone anymore. Why not take that

original fire and intensity, that creative drive

and rub it in their fucking faces again? Use your

board to leave a mark, I Was Here. My deck is an

ice pick, scratching away at architecture it was

never intended to touch.

But skating trash and junk? Tree limbs?

Play ground equipment? That’s pointless you say?

If you think anyone but your boys thinks

your “normal skating” is anything more than

pointless, you’re a fucking idiot. Please

continue to throw yourself down flights of stairs

like some discount Evil Knievel. But on the other

hand, if you’re tired of rail, rail, rail, ledge,

rail, ledge, then brush up on your powerslides

and join the dork side of the force.

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I can rant. Alot. Especially if you mention politics.... :D

I'm kinda a jack of all trades. I'm not really good at anything, but I can teach you something about it. Though I am good at art. And that's about it. I too would like to learn about some joker 3d styles whenever whatever.


Lot of interesting stuff on here. I don't want to see this thread die. BUMP (it is my duty to bump!:P )

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

Topics I could possibly talk about:



-I guess I could do some photoshop stuff


-Drinking like a maniac before noon

-Dealing with an insane family


All topics mentioned are ill, but I want to hear !@#$%'s the most.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

Yes, but it's a 20" bmx. It's not some cheap ass bike either, and it's not stupid decked out with dumb parts either, it's a solid trail riding bike that's undefeatable. Lifetime warranty frame.




Primo Wheelset



i had me one of them!!

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Guest BROWNer
Originally posted by villain

I'm going to post a thread on Resource Wars one of these days soon.



i might look for that book

soon..i need a new book..

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They all sound tops to me... get them happening ...


All the art stuff is gold ofcourse .. but I also think the line fat bastard took got slept on alittle.


A Fuck Y'all Guide to LA would be sweet. Infact people living in other remotely interesting cities who know their hometown intimately ( as most writers do ) should get on the lonely planet tip aswell ..


As for me... I can't really think of anything :o

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