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Refreshing Sleep


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I got to bed real early last night probably somewhere around 9 or 9:30, it was great. I had dreams of beautiful women and free stuff. But that is beside the point. I wake up at 10 til 4, and for some reason I was convinced that it was 6, which is when i needed to get up. So I stumble into the bathroom,. relieve myself, and then I notice what time it is. Then it hit me. That glorious feeling knowing that you have two more hours to sleep. So, I went back to bed. Next thing I know, I am awake again, this time I am positive it is time to get up, I even checked the clocked before getting out of bed. Well, I guess I miss read it or something because I showered and dressed before realizing that it was 15 til 5. So once again I experienced that joyous feeling, and went back to sleep fully clothed until it was really time to go...


God, I love that feeling. When I am still tired and groggy and then I realize I can go back to sleep. I ought to add this to my "things i like list'

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The polar opposite is having to wake up at a certain time when you smoked pot RIGHT before bed or in my case, half a vicadin to kill a headache.


I swear, some mornings i wake up and it feels like I am literally chained to the mattress.

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Originally posted by Devilush

nooo i dont think mr. rockstar is pgw. pgw would come up with a much more clever name than that.


i'm stalking about the pictures, smarty pants. and what the fuck is wrong with homeboy's name? i'd insult you, but i'm drawing a blank right now. knaahmsayin.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

^^I think he meant Gnes's cartoon, not the name.


I get refreshing sleep pretty much every night. If I do wake up groggy, which is rare, I can shake it off in about a minute or two.

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Originally posted by destroya

i'm stalking about the pictures, smarty pants. and what the fuck is wrong with homeboy's name? i'd insult you, but i'm drawing a blank right now. knaahmsayin.


calm down homie. i want even implying that message towards you.


go ahead inslut me...i'd win....


no i wouldnt because I DONT KNOW YOU!

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Originally posted by Devilush

chupa...never got the package...whats the deal with the postal service lately???

damnit, that makes me angry, fuckers losing hand developed photos and art. Don't worry, i will send you another package. I can't sent out right now, solely because i don't really have anything to send, but as soon as i have some photos/art/something, i will definitely be sending you one.

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