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converting mp3 to 5.1


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ok, i've been trying to attempt this for awhile, maybe even downmix it...i dunno...i tried BeSweet to convert my mp3's to ac3, with no luck. the program doesn't seem to work for me. it creates a log file (blank) and goes no further.


i've tried "virtuoso" a downmixing proggy for winamp 3, but winamp 3 sucks all my processor power and virtuoso makes it all skippy and shit.


is there any way to do this properly and make it sound good? i know mp3's are stereo files and you can't really convert to 5.1 channels, but there has to be some program, somewhere that can at very least simulate this...matrix surround???? i dunno...maybe phantom surround?? someshit. help a bruffa out...plz. thanks.

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