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Sativa or Indica


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Originally posted by Mr. ABC

weed is so 1968. get over it hippy


I don't think the stuff they were smoking in 1968 could even be called weed with today's potency, 1968 weed is probably as strong as sailor cut cigs. I actually don't even think hippys smoke weed nowadays-they demoted themselves to tofu and yoga???

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Originally posted by geezpot

I don't think the stuff they were smoking in 1968 could even be called weed with today's potency, 1968 weed is probably as strong as sailor cut cigs. I actually don't even think hippys smoke weed nowadays-they demoted themselves to tofu and yoga???


what i meant by my comment was that talking about weed like people actually give a shit is so 1968. the potent strains of weed going around these days are indeed alot stronger than back then, but nobody even cares anyway, and that was the point i was making.


thanks - end transmission

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Originally posted by Mr. ABC

what i meant by my comment was that talking about weed like people actually give a shit is so 1968. the potent strains of weed going around these days are indeed alot stronger than back then, but nobody even cares anyway, and that was the point i was making.


thanks - end transmission


You claim that nobody even cares anyway but you were the first post to respond so I'm unsure how you know that nobody cares unless he didn't realize that you were the weed moderator here at 12oz and spoke for everyone. It would appear that your cunning response was merely an attempt at knocking the weed smokers and trying to make a point that weed is sooooo 1968 when in doubt someone from 2004 is starting a thread discussion about which s/he prefers-sativa or indiga. You shouldn't assume that everyone here doesn't smoke weed, I would think that there probably is a few that casually hit the bong around here.


But anyways lets go back to talking about Cosby sweaters and Tease because those topics are sooooo 2004.

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