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Organ Donor

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The egg came first. The egg has been around since the beginning of time (practically). Dinosaurs hatched out of eggs. The chicken didn’t evolve until much later. This raises an interesting question though … when a dinosaur ate something new and unusual, what did the dinosaur say it tasted like? It certainly didn’t taste like “chicken.”


If a man is talking in a forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?





Stonecutters #1

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  • 4 years later...

lets talk about the New World Order.. sure some of you may say "take it to crossfire"

but as we all know, more people come to Channel 0 and are more open mided to read new threads... there are a hand full of people on this board that know the know about things like this...

MOST of them just dont comment... i can tell SF1 has his share of knowledge about it...

anyone down to start it?.. because i barley started reading about it about 5 months ago, and im sure there is someone else that can start it at well..

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Originally posted by MrJackDaniels+Sep 5 2005, 02:04 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MrJackDaniels - Sep 5 2005, 02:04 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-alkaline@Sep 4 2001, 07:13 PM

The egg came first.


chickens were a cross breed so this dude and the others are correct.

im bored.


i heard something mad the other day, that there is light in space. but the reason its black is because there is nothing for the light to shine off...


i didnt get it...



whoa... that sounds deep.. where did u get this info from? sounds like there can be some truth to that...

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Originally posted by MrJackDaniels+Sep 5 2005, 05:04 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MrJackDaniels - Sep 5 2005, 05:04 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>i heard something mad the other day, that there is light in space. but the reason its black is because there is nothing for the light to shine off...



Yeah that's right, all the colors we see are a reflection of light off of matter. Depending on frequency/angle/absorbtion of the matter it is bouning off of. Different frequencies=different colors. Everything in life is a vibration. Crazy huh?



<!--QuoteBegin-__ __ __ __@Sep 5 2005, 05:10 PM

lets talk about the New World Order.. sure some of you may say "take it to crossfire"

but as we all know, more people come to Channel 0 and are more open mided to read new threads... there are a hand full of people on this board that know the know about things like this...

MOST of them just dont comment... i can tell SF1 has his share of knowledge about it...

anyone down to start it?.. because i barley started reading about it about 5 months ago, and im sure there is someone else that can start it at well..


This is sticky business and I'm not sure where to begin with this. It's easy to get confused so I recommend you stick to what can be proven as true and it's a good idea to fact check everything. There is alot of disinformation out there as well as good information.

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Originally posted by Organ Donor@Sep 4 2001, 01:24 AM

will someone please post some more deeper topics, such as the one that got into time travel and accelerating past the speed of light. ones that get 40 line responses. i have no topic in mind, but those are the most fun to get into.


Funny post coming from someone that actually has accelerated past the speed of light.



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Originally posted by Biggus Dickus+Sep 5 2005, 06:49 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Biggus Dickus - Sep 5 2005, 06:49 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-shameless self promotion@Sep 5 2005, 05:47 PM

^^HAHA. You make this shit up or do you find it??



One of my friends made that one after reading an article about a dab of hot sauce in the anus being a home remedy for impotence.








Anyways, I saw that tease gif, that was good stuff.

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Originally posted by villain@Sep 5 2005, 10:18 PM

Yeah that's right, all the colors we see are a reflection of light off of matter. Depending on frequency/angle/absorbtion of the matter it is bouning off of. Different frequencies=different colors. Everything in life is a vibration. Crazy huh?



this could get us into discussion about vibrational theory, which would be awesom3z

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Let's talk about why they make you learn in highschool and college how to calculate things with pen and paper and use fucking formulas where in the industry you'll be using instruments that will do that shit for you.


Then professors have the balls to be like, no you can't use your book to see formulas, you have to memorize them. FUCK YOU NIGGA lets see you how to recall how to calculate solubilities by the systmatic method.


I mean of course you really be on lock with your shit if you're gonna make money and be worth what youre being paid. But come the fuck on, shouldn't you be trained a little bit more for realistic industrial ways?

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Originally posted by MrJackDaniels+Sep 5 2005, 10:04 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MrJackDaniels - Sep 5 2005, 10:04 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-alkaline@Sep 4 2001, 07:13 PM

The egg came first.


chickens were a cross breed so this dude and the others are correct.

im bored.


i heard something mad the other day, that there is light in space. but the reason its black is because there is nothing for the light to shine off...


i didnt get it...



think about it....would the moon shine if it was'nt reflecting the suns light?

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