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the NEW sketch thread


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Dan... that's one of the best things I've ever seen you do. Hats off.


Mone... you're always an inspiration.


And that NEW looks good except the W looks kind of like a V.


I don't know if the extension helps. You got solid stuff, though.
















And here's the latest two-pager in progress...


You get bonus points and respect if you can name what the piece will be referencing.


It's right there in the "A."



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I'm agnostic. But I grew up a Christian in a conservative, Republican, middle-American

home. My dad's father was a minister. My parents met at a Christian college. I went to

church my entire youth. Got saved. The whole nine yards.


I remember how people in church acted. They were often fundamentalist assholes. They'd

push everything in people's faces and expect them to be a certain way.


I resolved never to be like that. And now, that I'm agnostic, I resolved to respect people

who respect me.


Anyway, dude's letters are on point in my opinion. I don't think he has a shitty attitude.

Just cuz he's throwing Jesus up in there, that's what he does. I posted some evolutionist

shit and atheist shit on here and nobody thought anything. Often, we're just hard-wired to

imagine that just because someone holds a certain belief, they must be an asshole,

because other person we've seen with that belief act like assholes.


There are tons of Christians out there who are not assholes. Just honest, good people.


And that's my two hundred cents. With no sense. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Kill your



I'm so glad we're four comments into this page with no flicks. This is from a religious tract

I've been using with stickers to work out my own tangles with religion. The main word is

"Faith" which is shattered for a reason.



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