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the NEW sketch thread


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I think that Klown outline looks sick. The L and the W are reedonkulous!!


However, it's just my personal opinion but I think you tend to clutter and overkill your stuff. Like that Klown flow is mental and I would prefer to see the fill 100% white and the 3D like in shades of red or maybe even just grey. That way the letters would stand free and punch right out. The focus should be put fully on the shape of the letters rather than having that strength weakened and lost in cluttered fill and background.


Ok, I'm done dribbling shit now.

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i dunno man, i've allows thought umire has a good grasp on peppering his letters with

a good amount of well executed add-ons. i know that i typically stray away from them

cuz a.) thas the school of thought for piecing i come from, less is more, solid letters,

maybe an arrow, hook, whatev for fun but otherwise just composing some decent letters

into a well composed word; b.) because whenever i DO attempt to throw that shit in

it does look cluttered or forced. i often come back to this cats sketches for some ideas

on how to make that shit look right.


i will say at the end of the day, it's mostly a lot of shit we've been seeing over the years,

but this cat is doin it right. all the letters are hard as fuck, but that clown W is off the hook.

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