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Are you a disrespectful person?


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im a convicted felon (juvenile, juvenile keep that in mind) for graffiti.

i stopped doing graffiti once i grew up and really learned that corporate advertising and racist capatilism and segregation is really the will of god via jerry fallwell. i advocate the abuse of women in sweat shops but compeletly disagree with high paid porn hookers becuase im a republican dammnit. and them kids these days, painting murals and eroding the order of modern capatilism need to go to prison for a long time cause i have respect gosh darnit. and god told me so.

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this is how I see it. Life is a personal affair, and you have to respect other people's personalness, or you'll git killt. It's true, I see myself as a great ocean of respect, but at the bottom of the sea there are lobster traps for all those perpetrating mobsters, come into my house and try to eat up my fish, pretty soon I might yank you up and boil you, turn you red. That's how I see it. I go threw the day, as humble as can be, so that I can see the people who try to prey on me, and then I snap, or maybe not. I love women, what can I say?

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well stated rubber band. i would agree entirly. specifically with the new england lobster part. lobsters do taste motherfucking goood like a motherucking well cooked lobster. mmmmm mmmm mmmm i like fresh lobster.......motherfucker what bitch.........ima get high and go kill me a lobster or buy a live one and have the clerk kill it.....its lobster time.....and fuck fast food lobster......best heat your butter on the radiator bitch.....mothercker......bitch..




yeah...i spelled shit wrong.......fuck you.

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I'm totally nice and polite to anyone I just meet, unless they go out of their way to be assholes to me, in which case I just ignore them.

I caused total surprise to the parents of this kid who tried to bully me, because they always thought of me as the quiet, well-mannered one, and he ended up in hospital.


All the disrespect is quietly buried, then comes out in ink and paint once in a while.

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im really a nice person if you catch me sober. allthough underlying social interaction issues in my personality result in drunken disrespect quite frequently. i hate people pretty much. but im really a nice person that is a good person. and stuff. i like kitty cats and women and painting and thugged out g riding homeys and innercity decay. but i also like being so abrasive and rude that it causes trouble and makes people angry and dislike me. because im constantly angered and abraised and disgusted with what society has to offer and im not the best tool in the shed to use unless you want ruckus and disrespect thrown around unless you have given me reason to show you respect.


i like the internet though. its really hard to get punched on the internet.

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i really like my boxcutter though.


its solid steel, ,so not only is it a razor blade? but its a fist pack to match my leather designer label gloves.



yeah i use it to cut tape but its cut flesh to. no i mean it can cut flesh....last time i stabbed some one..it was with a sharpened stick.



yesh....i embody disrespect to stay alive.

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