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Are you a disrespectful person?


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Guest imported_Tesseract

I've heard the same thing, so i guess not.

However, there are two things i repspect, my self and others privacy. I think being discreet and smooth is as respectfull as i can ever be. I wont respect anyone for a reason i dont understand..you can be 80 years old but if you talk shit or act stupid you'll be served by the youth with the quickness.

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i expect respect

i generally give it.


there's definitely some fools out there who get bitch slapped when they deserve it..


it's easier for me to give everyone their just due.


the world is a big fucking place

i get aggravated easily

so i guess i gotta live and let live

otherwise i'd be pissed and angry all the time.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I don't think I've ever been accused of being disrespectful, except online, which doesn't count.


I treat everyone, friend or not, with utmost respect. Even when I'm disrespected, I try my best to keep a level head and continue being respectful in hopes the person will realize I'm not stooping down to that level, and avoid escalation.


In social situations however, I have a tendency to say risky jokes or make fun of someone before an acceptable comfort level has been established. So far, it's been no problem, since soon afterwards the person realizes I'm just trying to be friendly and break the awkward barrier, and it works. Somehow I've managed to keep these jokes under control and haven't gotten anyone pissed.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

I dont think it has to do with what you're saying but more with the tone and visible intention on your behalf...Thats why i say that i dont respect anyone for reasons i dont understand...if you feel offended by something you've learned that is unapropriate and totally ignore my intention or context...we aint got much to say anyway.


I've felt like an ass a million times by people that where behaving in a 'respectfull' way but carried a very disrespectfull attitude at the same time...I'd classify that kind of behaviour as the worse.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

Oh god, yeah... I fucking hate that shit. With the subtle backhanded compliments, obvious disinterest, and fake laughter. I usually very respectfully bow out and leave that type of situation.


And I totally agree with saying risky jokes with a light attitude. The jokes I mean, though, are like the "your mom"-type. Jokes that no matter what the attitude is you say them with, there's a big chance the other guy's not gonna be too happy with it. It's the type of joke me and my close friends are totally comfortable with, because we know not to get offended. Actually, the main humor in the joke is that it's supposed to be offensive. The possible outcomes of saying such a thing to someone you don't know well are A) The guy definitely doesn't dig it, and gets pissed, or B) The guy goes like "Did he just fucking say that? That's fucking awesome, this guy doesn't give a shit" and we become better friends. Thankfully, it's always been the latter.

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Guest imported_Tesseract



Another issue, besides jokes..is honesty. Some people feel like being respectfull means to not offend others opinions...i'd never say "fuck what you think, its all about this..." but i could never say that i'm respectfull to anyone while just agreeing with what they believe...calling it like you see it is the basis of respect.

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I'm respectful as hell when it comes to older people and the like...but as far as most people go I could give a flying fuck less.


Last night alone, I got into a confrontation with some girls at McDonalds and proceeded to tell one to straighten out her wall-eye, the other to lay off the fast food... then I got a cup full of tea thrown in my face and proceeded to squeeze several packs of sweet and sour sauce into girl hair. Bitches get stitches and a side of fries oner.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by SenorSeven

assuming you people actually paint..then NO none of you are respectful... i dont call painting others property respect...and if you say besides painting you are respectful then you arent painting enough.


Not true, my days of putting shit up EVEYWHERE are long gone...i've caught my self a million times leaving a spot just cause i feel it doesnt need a tag on it...i never paint over others too...theres a code of respect...just very personal:dazed:

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Originally posted by Tesseract

Not true, my days of putting shit up EVEYWHERE are long gone...i've caught my self a million times leaving a spot just cause i feel it doesnt need a tag on it...i never paint over others too...theres a code of respect...just very personal:dazed:



Word. If I wanted to kill Mom & Pop store fronts, churches and every other car up and down the street I would... for some reason I can't bring myself to do it, though.

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You are still being disrespectful. I do not care what one does and does not paint. There are many things I wont paint. I prefer trains-= whoever owns that, im disrespecting by walking in painting and having a good time doing it- If i do a throwie on the side of a building - im being disrespectful....You cannot make it sound like you are doing this for good purposes...graffiti is fucking destruction. You cant ignore that like it seems most of you are trying to do-


would i disrespect someone in their own home- no


will i disrespect businesses etc- obvoiusly- i paint.

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I see it in very simple terms.


when a I meet a stranger who I will probably never see again

in my life, do I go out of my way to make their meeting with me positive?

YES - The last thing I'd want is for people who dont really know me to

say 'Oh that guy.. he's a fucker'. That's not what I'm trying to accomplish

with my life.


and generally I'm too low key to be disrespectfull.


please and thank you

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Guest imported_Tesseract

In that sense your range gets huge...i mean, if an architect puts up a buliding that is so ugly that every citizen of the city hates it, he's being disrespectfull in a way....respect is not a matter of being legal



I'd call graffiti rude, but not destructive (as a whole)

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Originally posted by SenorSeven

so painting some things are okay that arent yours and others arent? still its disrespectful to whoevers property YOU ARE painting.


well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


i've done lots of train cars.

i don't think it shows disrespect..

i've done some of them a favore as far as i'm concerned


and for all the streets i've hit etc, maybe it is disrespectful, but i think about shit before i hit it..i don't run around the city tagging people's cars or houses or things like churches.


i try to focus my discontent on PUBLIC property, which, by definition, belongs to me too, and government property..

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Guest BROWNer

no. whenever somebody disrespects me, i do the exact opposite

and get super happy joy-joy on that azz; works great.

online..maybe, but not without some serious

provoking like straight up and total idiocy.

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<span style='color:black'>I grew up being taught that respect is something you earn not something that is automaticly given to you just because. That doesnt mean if some one asks me for the time I say something like "Get your own damn watch. Fuckin dickhead." Show me you are doing something that is worthy of respect and you will get all of it.</span>

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Just last night this fawker who I've chewed out a million times for acting like an eediot child goes and does it again. Only this time I didn't chew him up. I assumed ( i hate assuming) that the people he was with would know enough not to let this fucker drive drunk ( or sober perhaps even, supposedly he WAS sober when this happened!) and well they didn't know what the fuck was going on i guess and this garbage pail head runs a red light and gets plastered on the side of his car going like eighty and spun the fuck around a godzillion times and flippin hit like six other cars, including a cop car, with his car alone loaded with five people. He managed to put 3/5 in the hospital and i have no idea what happened to all the other cars he hit. What a fucking mess.

Now I feel bad cause I didn't say nothing to him. I usually always bitch him out but I figured that the people he was with could handle it. I had even thought about slashing his tires before but it's all too fucking late now.

So maybe I should've been more of a dick, perhaps losing more respect for myself, preventing this incident which has lost him much, much respect, and perhaps some of my own dignity.

They say in the military that your not doing your job if your soldiers like you.

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Hell to the muthafuckin YEAHHH...


While I'm at it....Fuck you, don't take it personnal...


Quote on life " Life is HARD, it's supposed to be, and when you realize that it is, it is NOT."


Quote on my attitude...



Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot..
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theres are so many levels of respect you can or could give i mean would you give a bum the same respect as a successfull business man? i guess it would depend what kind of business man or what kind of bum is that person. i somewhat try to give everyone an equal amount of respect but sometimes i run into cocky people who soemtimes demand so much respect, like get on your knees and shit, it makes me feel like i dont want to give any in return. respect to me is a gut feeling also sometimes a matter of courtesy and what youre trying to achieve with it.



i think overall if you want respect you gotta give it..

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