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have you ever been in love with an ex but you hate the fact that you love her/him? like half of you loves her/him and the other half HATES that person? i'm in the situation with my ex. we loved each other from what i understood and i'm still kinda in love with her but i hate it because she's a bitch to me most of the time...


sorry i needed somehwere to bitch, say what you want i don't care.:dazed:

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i over heard seinfeld in the next room...so i mosied on over....it was an episode where everyone was talking about jerry and the lil fat dude being gay because some one was evesdropping on them....it was funny as fuck....everyone kept making the whole thing between them sound really fucken bad but at the end of every sentence they would say "but theres nothing wrong with that.." man i was rolling...hahahahahha


just thought that might cheer you up...if not...referr to that robot guys thread...i gave soem nifty advice in there;)

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Originally posted by Kr430n5_666

why do you all whine about the same shit over an over again?


;;';especially with a group of online personas....


deal with your problems on your own or seek your childish advice from people who actually exist in the real world.


shot down.

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Originally posted by Kr430n5_666

why do you all whine about the same shit over an over again?


;;';especially with a group of online personas....


deal with your problems on your own or seek your childish advice from people who actually exist in the real world.



of course bitching about silly things other people are doing makes you so much better:rolleyes:

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So i went to this bar that i frequent every wednesday but wasn't trashed when i got there. I started talkin to the bar tender and she started telling me about some craszy shit that i have done there before. It turns out that one night some mexicans gave me about 4 shots of tequilla in exchange for eating a live crab. Another night i got so shitty i fell outta my stool then jumped up and started telling every one that the show was over. There is this guy that is there every time i am there but doesnt work there and every time he comes to talk to me he looks like he is about to punch me in the neck. Then there are these 2 mexican guys that are there all the time and she said that i had an hour long conversation with them about this: Done esta el bano? I don't remember any of this but I can believe that all of this happend so it probably did.


The end

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Originally posted by suicidebombr

half of you loves her/him and the other half HATES that person




um.....Ed Gein (the person they based phyco and buffalo bill from silence of the lambs from) was like that with his mother...she made shure he did not venture outside the fammily circle so he went nuts....when she died...he dug up her remains and made a suite out of her skin....then he would put her skin on..then her clothse and sit in the mirror and "talk" to her for hours.




he ended up digging up ten bodies and making sking lampshades, soup bowls out of skulls, nick nacks from parts, sex partners, and meals.



he killed two women, ate them and repeated the following...but mainly fucked em.....


all of it was stashed in his farm.....




so you got some ed gein vibes going on....you goblin.

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Originally posted by suicidebombr

have you ever been in love with an ex but you hate the fact that you love her/him? like half of you loves her/him and the other half HATES that person? i'm in the situation with my ex. we loved each other from what i understood and i'm still kinda in love with her but i hate it because she's a bitch to me most of the time...


sorry i needed somehwere to bitch, say what you want i don't care.:dazed:


I'm in that situation too. I hate it, cuz now he acts all stooopid, and....yea;)

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hey 14year old and ignorant people cant feal the correct emotions.......they think its like on tv.....




now go watch 7th hevan little girl...i think joey gets to hold cindys hand this eppisode! GEE WHIZE, IM SO EXITED I COULD SPROUT A BREST!








oop....speek of the devil....oop...make that devils...

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so, here's my deal.

i moved to colorado from the great state of texas. so i live up here for a year and a half. then we broke up.

now im stuck here living in the same house with her, and the worst part is, i think she's already seeing somebody else, but she wont let on to it. and sometimes she comes home drunk as fuck, gettin all over me. then we end up in bed, going at it, then she suddenly stops and says 'i can't do this.' fuck that, going to bed with blue balls.

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On the way to Texas eh bruno, are you sure it was colorado? I heard a very very similar story from somebody way out west in Washington, and he was making his way back to Texas. The similarity is uncanny. Just checking, if it is you that I'm thinking of we know each other indirectly and have millions of things to talk about, not in a scary, stalker type of way...


And for suicide, nobody said they have to be your exes, I've had girlfriends I felt that way about. Come to think of it, I have a love hate relationship with just about everybody. But it is a bitch when you break up, and you still love her, I'd say find something new. She'll either get jealous and beg you to come back, or if she doesn't you have something new...


And for the guy that showed the pictures of good old Eddie G, thanks a million. I'm never gonna be able to enjoy this porn now...


That will be all....

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Originally posted by crave

i don't think it's always that black and white. there is definitely a gray area between the two.


yea thats true without a doubt, but i think hate is one of the most purest forms of love. atleast with me it seems that way.


people i love and care about the most, i give them so much shit, i piss them off, talk shit to them, make them cry and hurt, and then once they do i feel bad about it, but i also enjoy it. like i hate you so much sometimes i just love you to death to.


haha shits the truth though...

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today was ok but kina sucked. some dude called my boy a nigger. so i beat his ass after school. i saw my ex and she was acting like a bitch and i exploded and started calling her random names (bitch, whore, cock sucker, and name associated with sex) so now i guess she's known as a slut. it's very funny now, but she went to her boyfriends best friend and he's supposed to "beat my ass soon". which is funny.:lol:


*edit - i guess that hating half of me is winning.:lick:

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