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† RIP .. fr8orade.homestead.com .. RIP † pt.2


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I'm shutting the site down after not updating it for over a year and a half. Sorry .. I just can't afford the bandwidth and server space if I'm not going to do anything with it.


Soooo .. here are some of my favorites. I'm sure I or others have posted these previously, but oh well.























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i guess its just in vein with self promotion. i mean, if you hadnt done a post everytime you updated with these exact same flicks, itd be one thing. granted its not your fault when someone "steals" from your website, but this shits been posted several times before; at least once by yourself.

why not bump your old threads rather than making TWO new ones?


you take pictures; not make pictures. excuse me if i dont mourn your dead site's passing.

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Originally posted by blood & guts

you take pictures; not make pictures. excuse me if i dont mourn your dead site's passing.


There's a difference between "not mourning" and coming into the thread merely to talk shit. And when did I say I made pictures? That doesn't even make sense. But I suppose bolding your statement adds that extra inflection, thus making it seem as though you're actually saying something with substance.


The graffiti artist crying self-promotion? Hmm. Besides, I posted one freight of mine, and the site won't even be there in 3 days. I'm promoting the site's demise, if anything.


Andd... you continue to harp on the fact that I made two threads - I did so because of the number of pictures I posted. It's a pain trying to load a page with 80 50k pictures.


If you have anything more to say to me, call me. This is stupid.

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