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help me record music onto my cpu...please!


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you'll plug that 3/4 jack cable thing into your mini disc and into your input on your soundcard...not the mic in, just the line in...it'll tell you on the back of the soundcard...


soundforge should help you take care of the space at the beginning...you'll have some recording that way. soundforge will also help you clean up whatever your recoding to your hard drive, so then you can use nero burning or whatever to record back to a cd-rom as an mp3 or a .wav whatever...i hope i made some sense

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true...soundforge, for what you want to do, is pretty simple to operate. all the buttons and shit are obvious...it will record to a .wav file format, mp3, wma, aif, etc, etc...you can set it to record almost any way, but cd tracks are in .wav format. stick with that, and you'll be alright, but you may want to save as an mp3 after you make your cd and delete the .wav version...saves space...

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ok, you need either a: cd architect (plugin for soundforge, or b: maybe nero burning will do that to chopped up tracks??? check it out, they have tons of plugins out for nero....kazaa...get the whole thing, easily...

anyway, you can chop tracks in soundforge. just takes time and patience. figuring out where songs end, or where you want them to end, and then physically finding them on the display of the wav in soundforge...all that's left is cut and paste onto a new track for every piece of the large wav that you want to be a seperate track....save them as track 1, track 2, etc...and put them, together, into a subfolder of the large wav file...then, if you've found cd architect, or another method of laying out how your music will be heard on the cd, then you save it like that and burn...

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ok, thanks again casek. i actually was looking around other places while waiting and found out you can use nero to split the wav. track by placing the wav in the to-burn window then selecting it in the window then going to edit then to indexes, limits and splits! seems much easier than going thru it on soundforge and saving them as separates. but you still have to find the time of the track break so who knows... well anyways thanks again. if i have any other simple question about some of this shit can i just e-mail or im you?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, I chose to continue this thread instead of making a new one.





My question:


I want to record music from games and other programs as either .wav

or .mp3. How do I record whatever my soundcard is receiving at any

particular time? Someone suggested putting a cord from the line out

to the line in, but I think it'd give me retarded feedback. Any help?

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you could



a)mic up your speakers....(line from mic input on your comp....record with soundforge) my homie did this...made some dope video game beats


B) record directly from your comp to your comp with no mic...this is easily done...with soundforge you can choose your recording source...i can't remember exactly how to do it, but you can...i used to record police scanners from the net (lapd) i streamed it in winamp and recorded with soundforge...

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Originally posted by nomadawhat

ok, i am back for some more help...


anyone know how to break up the one .wav file i have recorded into separate tracks, but still have it play continuously?


Yes. Look for a program called Acoustica Audio Mixer on Kazaa. Its fairly easy to use. You just load your song in and can cut and paste parts or place markers where you want the new tracks on your cd to start.

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